The Differences Between Sun And Moon In The Same Sign

Jan. 26, 2019, 3:16 p.m.

There are big differences as to how the Sun and Moon behave when they’re in the same sign! A solar Gemini can be very different from a lunar one. Interacting with the two can feel totally different.

I’m avoiding the rising sign in this article because your rising can change when you move. The rising also sets up all your house placements, so it’s a kind of unfair comparison with planetary placements.

Without further ado, here are some of my observations of how Sun and Moon in the signs differ:

Sun in Aries vs Moon in Aries

The thing is, Sun in Aries is not hyperactive at all. This can sometimes be the most hidden Sun sign but definitely not a hidden Moon sign. While a solar Aries can definitely enjoy telling people what’s what, they lacks the raw, bright energy of a lunar Aries. They’re a lot more stoic but also a lot more obedient and willing to be used. Moon in Aries will rebel just for the sake of it, while Aries Sun can be sent to do something. Solar Aries lives way more in their head, while Aries Moon is always getting up and moving around.

The biggest difference between the two that I’ve found is that Sun in Aries likes to be alone a lot more, while Moon in Aries is a lot more social. Aries Moon needs to go out and find new experiences, while Aries Sun like making larger life decisions but sitting in one place indoors a lot more. Sun in Aries is also almost always early to everything, while Moon in Aries can be late a lot. Both operate according to their own time table, but Moon is more reactive.

Compare: Sun in Aries to a trained soldier and Moon in Aries to an outlaw in the wild west

Sun in Taurus vs Moon in Taurus

There’s a real sensuality to a Taurus Moon. When you’re around you, there’s no way you won’t notice their social grace. In relationships, they’re extremely tactful. And they, of all people, know how to really, truly enjoy things. You know when you’re dining with a Taurus Moon because they somehow know where the best food in the city is. There’s a luxurious feeling to them. They like to have the best quality, will spend money for it, and may not eat something if they don’t think it’s good.

Taurus Suns, on the other hand, are blunt. They’re physically graceful but can actually lack a lot of social tact. They’re less about sitting back and enjoying what needs to be enjoyed than creating material things. When you eat with them, you’re likely not eating luxury but budget. They’re not tasting food, they’re shoveling in their mouths. This is a meat and potatoes placement. They’re not extravagant spenders like lunar Taurus, but very constrained with money.

Compare: Taurus Sun with a manufacturer and Taurus Moon with a courtesan

Sun in Gemini vs Moon in Gemini

The biggest difference is that Gemini Moons are more willing to say “I don’t know” than Gemini Suns. Moon in Gemini is kind of an otaku. They’re the ones staying up all night looking up every conspiracy theory in the last decade. Lunar Gemini feel incredibly light, easy, and breezy to talk to. However, they don’t actually like to be around people as much. They have a perpetually bored demeanor and are always off somewhere thinking of weird things.

Gemini Suns are more likely to be social. Their curiosity leads to them actually leaving the house and getting off the internet. Also, their energy is a lot more intense. They’re constantly telling other people facts that they know and, when they’re around people, they may flit from one person to another. They do want to be “right” in a situation and is less about asking questions than about providing answers.

Compare: Gemini Sun to Wikipedia and Gemini Moon to a Youtube wormhole

Sun in Cancer vs Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer is strong. Lunar Cancers fulfill a lot of the stereotypes of Cancer, of being secretly moody and never ever leaving the house. Lunar Cancers can also be kind of dirty. Just because this placement likes being in their own space doesn't mean that it’s a nice space. They enjoy their own scent and their space may not be comfortable for anyone except themselves. They actually really don’t like meeting new people because they don’t trust them.

Cancer Sun is more of an outward presenting Cancer, so they are capable of going into a space and making it comfortable for the people they love. Cancer Suns are the ones making a group really stick together and appear to express very authentic, raw feelings. They can be a leader that unites people towards a cause while Cancer Moon likes to scuttle away. Both signs can be really schemey but you’ll know when Cancer Sun is upset with you, while you may not know it for Cancer Moon.

Compare: Cancer Sun with comfort food and Cancer Moon to depression food

Sun in Leo vs Moon in Leo

Leo Suns are a lot more flamboyant than Leo Moons. When interacting with Leo Moons, you may have a very warm feeling. They engage you by giving you all their attention. They feel strong and genuine. When interacting with Leo Suns, you see all their glam and glitter. They love to play more than Leo Moons.

Both signs are strong but Leo Moon is less likely to strive to be a leader than Leo Sun. When a Leo Sun walks in a room, you know it because they’re saying hi to everyone and all the attention is on them. They’re more likely to command others to do things for them. Leo Moon is chilling with their friends somewhere, easy smiles and laughing. Leo Moon laughs at your jokes while Leo Sun has you laughing at theirs. Leo Moon is less obviously ambitious than Leo Sun, and is more about emotional strength.

Compare: Leo Sun with a little kid playing a game and Leo Moon with a fireplace

Sun in Virgo vs Moon in Virgo

Virgo Sun is off somewhere proving their point through endless dissertations and Facebook arguments. You can see their thinking process quite clearly, and this is why Virgo Suns can be quite messy even though they’re particular about the things that they care about. When they want to invest in a skill, they learn EVERYTHING and practice, practice, practice until they get it right.

You won’t know a Virgo Moon when you see one, unless they share their emotional insights with you. Yes, they are sitting there analyzing and scrutinizing everything that you do but you’ll only know it when they think you really messed up and either cut you off or make their mind known. They’re less about learning skills and more about careful scrutiny of their surroundings.

Compare: Virgo Sun to a concert pianist and Virgo Moon to a chess master

Sun in Libra vs Moon in Libra

Sun in Libra actually doesn’t give the impression that they want to be liked at all. In fact, Sun in Libra is usually very invested in certain social issues about which they’re able to think in circles around everyone else. They have a definitely social stance. They believe in justice and advocating for the marginalized.

Lunar Libras are more about the charm. They’re the ones that smile just right and smooth over social conflicts. They’re a little more prone to comparing themselves with the people that they know but cultivate an air of not caring. They can feel a lot cooler than Libra Suns, and a lot more socially slick. Libra Suns want to be socially aligned with groups of people while Libra Moon is more invested in one on one relationships that may have a romantic focus.

Compare: Sun in Libra with a social justice warrior and Moon in Libra with a heartbreaker

Sun in Scorpio vs Moon in Scorpio

This is the one that probably has the most difference. So, Moon in Scorpio is just scarier. You don’t know when you meet a Moon in Scorpio because they will never admit to it. They can look really bland and blend in, because they hide all their scary shit. They’re the ones who keep secrets from themselves, not just all their family members and friends. In fact, the closer you get to a Scorpio Moon, the more their love hurts. These fuckers never give up and need a lot of time and space when they feel wronged, which is a lot.

Sun is Scorpio is intense and dominant. They show whatever it is they’re laser focused on and can’t stop talking about it, while Scorpio Moons will never talk about it. You know what you see a Scorpio Sun because they’re openly interested in deep or edgy things, like the occult or talking about sex. Scorpio Sun will cultivate a tight group of people that they try to trust, while Scorpio Moon doesn’t. What can end up happening is that Moon in Scorpio may seem to be more social than Scorpio Sun, but doesn’t actually trust any of the people they’re acquainted with. Scorpio Sun is more likely to rally everyone in a community to protest a misuse of taxes while Scorpio Moon is more likely to give their eight year old child the silent treatment.

Compare: Scorpio Sun to a Halloween costume and Scorpio Moon to a puppeteer

Sun in Sagittarius vs Moon in Sagittarius

A little like the Gemini situation, Moon in Sagittarius just feels a lot more chill than Sagittarius Suns. They may genuinely not care about anything because they’re leaning back and seeing the bigger perspective around an issue. They may also be naturally funnier or sillier, while Sagittarius Sun is more interested in applying their experimentation to serious issues.

Drinking with a Sagittarius Moon feels different than a Sagittarius Sun, because Lunar Sags really let loose. Sagittarius Sun is actually really into thinking and philosophizing about the meanings of life, while Sag Moons really just want to party. Sag Suns are here to spread the news, to propagate information, and create new institutions, which makes them more invested in being intellectual. Sag Moons are here to make fun of everything.

Compare: Sun in Sagittarius to a preacher and Moon in Sagittarius to a party animal

Sun in Capricorn vs Moon in Capricorn

It’s far easier to make fun of a Capricorn Sun because, when they take everything really, really seriously, it shows on their face and could be just about whether their books are organized right. It’s harder to tease a Capricorn Moon because, when they get serious, it’s usually about a heavy emotional topic, like mass genocide or the forced sterilization of women of color. Lunar Capricorns can be a little more of a bummer to be around because they’re bringing up huge and heartbreaking problems but they’re also more likely to take your emotional distress seriously. Cap Sun is way more likely to ask why you aren’t over it yet, give advice, or say something insensitive.

The biggest difference between a solar Capricorn and a lunar one is that, while Capricorn Moon tries to control their surroundings to create comfort for themselves, Capricorn Sun is trying to leave their comfort zone all the time. Capricorn Moons swallow their resentments when they feel that a situation is unfair and starve themselves of validation. When they have an emotional problem, they need to see it reflected on a larger scale in the world. Capricorn Suns plan for emotionally difficult conversations and let you know when something you did does not meet their expectations, even if it’s just about you leaving one dish in the sink.

Compare: Capricorn Sun with your boss and Capricorn Moon with your emotionally constipated friend who never stops working

Sun in Aquarius vs Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius is more of a nerd. You might not hear from them for a while because they’re off somewhere doing their nerd shit, like cosplaying secretly in their home or working on their 400,000 word Spock/Kirk fanfiction. This sign really feels like a freak on the inside, so they don’t like to show themselves that much to the world. They’re also a lot more likely to be self deprecating or make fun of themselves while around other people.

Sun in Aquarius is an individual. They’re out there making a point out of their eccentricity and showing it off more to the world, because they’re proud of it. They’re gathering other people who are a little different and making the group seem so cool that they’re setting trends everyone tries to copy. While Sun in Aquarius can be a lot more arrogant, they’re the ones flying their freak flag high and making us feel like its okay to be different. They’re more likely to make their weirdness a fashion statement, while Moon in Aquarius is in their bedroom peeing in plastic bottles while surfing 4chan. Aquarius Suns eventually get co-opted by the mainstream, which is a huge source of crisis for them, while Aquarius Moons is a type of weird that always stays marginal.

Compare: Aquarius Sun with the avant-garde movement and Aquarius Moon with actual social ostracization

Sun in Pisces vs Moon in Pisces

Sun in Pisces is very paranoid while Moon in Pisces is very gullible. Pisces Sun is out here living in a whole other dimension and they’re building their reality like a piece of fiction. Pisces Moon is good at creating intangibly expressive moods when they feel like it and injecting reality with a sense of the poetic, but usually doesn’t believe in as many delusions as Pisces Sun.

Do something nice for Pisces Sun and they’ll automatically find a reason for why you did it. Do something mean to them and they’ll become convinced that you were always out to get them in the first place. Do the same to Pisces Moon and they probably will never even notice it. It’s not that they don’t notice it, it’s just that they find it hard to be emotionally stirred up. Pisces Sun, on the other hand, find it easy to be emotionally stirred up. Pisces Moon is more likely to actually be really helpful, because they’re sitting back and intuiting what a person really needs even if they don’t know it, while Pisces Sun can talk for hours about something and never jump into action. Solar Pisces is far more dramatic, while lunar Pisces feels more sedated.

Compare: Sun in Pisces with a hurricane and Moon in Pisces with canni-BLISS

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