Astro Advice Column: Queer Astrology Resourcing

Nov. 21, 2023, 12:54 p.m.

Welcome to my Astro Advice Column! If you subscribe to my Astro-Kats or Star Kids Club groups you are able to ask me questions about astrology for this advice column.

I am a white non-binary trans them from the midwest researching and imaging lifeways that practice shrinking and overgrowing dominant society. Recently my attention is drawn to alchemy and everything shared with me so far about alchemy resonates deeply with being trans, being a being transmuting gender norms if you will. I’m so eager to learn more and hear more from other queer beings interested in alchemy! With all that said, from your study, practice, life, and experience what do you see as the connections between alchemy and astrology and being queer in todays world? And if at all possible where may you gesture a fledgling queer astro/alchemist go for teachings and wisdom? Thank you for your time, attention, and energy✨🌱♥️

—all air

Hi all air! It makes me really happy that astrology and alchemy has been giving you things for your imagination. So much of queer life is lived in doubt and none of that doubt needs to be cynical. Doubt can be so, so imaginative.

I don’t know much about alchemy! It’s not something I practice or have looked much into. I think it’s cool when I hear about people practicing it but I don’t know the world of alchemy super well and don’t have confidence giving recommendations on it.

Queer astrology, however, is something I know about. Queer people have been practicing astrology for a very long time. There’s horoscope columns and astro advice columns from diy queer literature even from fifty years ago.

The best thing about queer astrology? It’s non-canonical. We don’t reference a specific set of books or techniques. It’s a bunch of very different people practicing all kinds of things. We don’t need a canon to take each other seriously. I think that is why people get so fascinated with astrology. It’s about reading the stars but it’s mostly about making our own experiences credible to other people. Queer astrology takes on the project of ideological faith and exchanges it for trust.

I do have references that I find compelling. I take seriously the work of other astrologers—Demetra George, Sam Reynolds, Chris Brennan, Oscar Moises Diaz, Diana Rose Harper to just name a few from the top of my head. I think that it’s important to take other astrologers seriously while bringing in your own vocabulary. Let me give you an example.

I’ve been playing go/wei qi/baduk for a while now sporadically. This isn’t a game that I’m good at. I’m at an elementary level which is also when the game is most fun. When you’re not that good at a game, that’s when you see improvements the fastest and that’s also the level that is most enjoyable.

Go is a complicated but also simple game. You have to try and surround your opponent. However, all of the pieces on the boards are alive. If a piece gets surrounded by all sides then that piece suffocates.

There’s a lot of lessons that the game teaches a player. I’ve learned that I am a passive style player. This means that I don’t tend to make aggressive moves. Instead, I ensure that my pieces are not easy to kill. Letting someone else take a more aggressive position also exposes their vulnerability while focusing on how your pieces are connected to yourself allows you to surround loose sections.

There’s a lot of lessons the game teaches a player—narrative cohesion, self connection, and strength. The game has also taught me about losing. When you play this game, you have to lose a hundred times before winning a single game. This is if you are playing seriously.

Of course, all of these lessons go into astrology. Self connection surely does but so does some narrative cohesion. Strength has something to do with spiritual practice but only when it is paired when a willingness to lose.

I’m not saying that you need to go out and play go. I’m saying that you are already playing go. Maybe you are a seasoned dungeons and dragons player. Maybe you have a close animal companion who you take lessons from. Maybe you have wise friends or a garden.

Queers have been practicing astrology for a long time because astrology gives us the tools to realize our imagination. You have a hundred tools. Use them all when you practice your magic. Don’t spare a single one. Take all of them seriously. You need them all when it comes to queer survival.

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