A Strange Astrological Study: Charles Robert Jenkins And Travis King

Dec. 13, 2023, 12:09 p.m.

I don’t usually do a lot of chart case studies of public figures. However, when I saw the charts of Charles Robert Jenkins and Travis King I couldn’t help but write something up.

You will see something eerie when you look at these two men, their stories, and their charts. This is one of those moments when astrology freaks me out.

Here’s my rule about real people’s chart information: we only use information that is publicly available. I have no issue with looking at the charts of celebrities as long as we keep in mind that we don’t really know these people. A lot of their lives are private. I will keep to my own rule here. I will not be speculating on either of these people’s family lives or internal lives. I will only be discussing their public lives and, with that, what the stories behind these figures might mean for those who hear about them. While people have private lives that should be respected, public figures have public impact that should be discussed.

Charles Robert Jenkins was a soldier in Korea, about to be sent to Vietnam. He didn’t want to go for obvious reasons. That was why he tied his white shirt to his gun and walked across the DMZ zone on January 5th, 2:30 AM, 1965. He lived in North Korea for 39 and a half years before returning to the United States where he was court-martialed. During that time, he was tortured, casted into propaganda, married a Japanese hostage, and raised two daughters. Jenkins was born on February 18 1940 in Rich Square, North Carolina at an unknown time.

Travis King was also a soldier in Korea. After getting into an altercation at a bar, he was about to be sent back to the United States for a trial. On July 18 2023, King escaped from Incheon Airport, hid with a bus of tourists, and then ran across the DMZ zone laughing at 3:27 PM. He told the DPRK that he was disillusioned with American society after facing unequal treatment. He was returned to the United States a couple months later where he was court-martialed. King was born on February 15 2000 in Racine, Wisconsin at an unknown time.

Here is Jenkins’s natal chart:

And here is King’s:

What do you notice?

Obviously, we don’t know their exact time of birth. Both Jenkins and King could either be a late Gemini Moon or an early Cancer Moon. Their birthdays, February 15th and February 18th, are close to each other so they are both Aquarius Suns.

There are other weird similarities as well, ones that have nothing to do with two people sharing a birthday week. Jenkins has Jupiter and Saturn in the same sign—Aries. He has Mars in early Taurus. King has both Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus but Mars in early Aries. They both defected to North Korea around the time of their second Jupiter returns.

Now, look at their Mercuries. 13º Pisces and 14º Pisces. Jenkins and King have their Mercuries conjoined. By the way, this is why I chose to present their natal charts with Gemini Moon instead of Cancer Moon even though both are possible for both of them.

Take a look at Jenkins’s chart with the chart of the moment of his escape into the DPRK on the outside:

Here is King’s chart with the moment of his escape on the outside:

Jenkins ran across the DMZ zone close to the winter solstice and King ran around the summer solstice. But what’s Saturn doing? Saturn had just entered Pisces both in 1965 and in 2023.

Valens, when writing about Mercury, talks about versatility. Both Jenkins and King literally switched sides. When Valens writes about Pisces, he writes about the north wind. Both Jenkins and King switched sides by running towards the north.

This isn’t the end of it. Here is where things get really eerie. After looking at the western astrology, I also looked at what was going on in Chinese astrology.

Take a look at Jenkins’s bazi chart. I removed the hour pillar since we don’t know his birth time and set the luck pillars to the exact moment when he started to move into North Korea:

Now, take a look at King’s bazi chart. I removed the hour for him too and set the luck pillars to when he defected to North Korea as well:

What is happening? This is very weird right?

These are two American soldiers who both ran to North Korea around six decades apart in age. They are both Metal Dragon year pillars, both Earth Tiger month pillars, both Rabbit day branch, and both of them defected when in a Metal Dragon ten year luck pillar.

What does this mean? This means that, when Jenkins and King defected, three out of four of their pillars were exactly the same. Within the one pillar that is different, the branch is the same. The branch shows the behaviors of the person.

Guess what Rabbit is known for in terms of behavior? Rabbits can change direction without losing speed. Rabbit day branches are known for their versatility in thought and action. Both Jenkins and King switched sides.

Tiger is the other springtime earthly branch and is a sign of power. Both Jenkins and King were soldiers in the land of the tiger—Korea. Metal Dragon has to do with the taiji symbol. Metal Dragon tends to appear when big changes are prominent. Together, Tiger and Rabbit and Dragon also form a seasonal combination of wood. Wood springs up and leaps forward which is what both Jenkins and King did at the DMZ zone.

There are additional uncanny similarities. Both Jenkins and King have Earth Snake as their conception pillar. Jenkins went to North Korea on an Earth Goat day and King went on an Earth Goat month. They were both at the end of their Metal Dragon luck pillars and were both about to enter a Metal Snake luck pillar. But even without these further strange resemblances, the two charts just on their own are way too similar for two people with such similar stories.

What context did Jenkins and King act in? Jenkins had been serving under Lyndon B Johnson, a moderate democrat who was seen to be a preserver of traditions and pragmatist. King was serving under Joe Biden, a moderate democrat who is seen to be a preserver of normalcy and pragmatist. In both 1965 and 2023, civil dissent was and is on the rise with protestors trying to stop America’s militarism. After Johnson, Nixon was elected partly because the democrats refused to heed leftist demands.

It’s just too strange. Students were outside challenging administrators and fighting for racial justice in the 60s. The Ivy League was fighting back. The democrats were clueless and could only view things in a partisan manner. There’s just too many similarities between then and now.

And these two men with such similar stories and charts. Not that many Americans run into North Korea. It’s just not really a thing that happens a lot. It’s very strange that two of the people who have done this have such similar charts.

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