The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Gemini

Jan. 3, 2024, 11:06 a.m.

Jupiter in Gemini is never going to agree with you. It’s not that it can’t understand your position. It just doesn’t want to agree.

Jupiter is the planet of faith and belief. Jupiter in Gemini rejects faith. Basically, Jupiter in Gemini is interested in one thing and one thing only—it likes ideas. It will kill any dogma that tries to suffocate an idea. It’s able to do this quite effectively as Jupiter in Gemini understands the weapon of mockery—the human mind.

When in doubt, Jupiter in Gemini will do something that is both simple and complicated at once. Jupiter in Gemini will try its best to just keep things interesting. If you talk with one, you might find yourself playing catch up. A person with Jupiter in Gemini’s mind just moves so fast. Who can keep up? They bounce from idea to idea and they don’t even look like they’re rushing.

I think that Arthur Conan Doyle is a good example of a Jupiter in Gemini. His Jupiter is rather prominent as it sits close to his ascendant also in Gemini. Arthur Conan Doyle is most famous for his stories about Sherlock Holmes. In these stories, Holmes is a detective who uses his extreme powers of rationality to solve what are presented to the audience as moral dilemmas.

In some ways, Sherlock Holmes is a fantasy—who needs morality when reality is just a puzzle that you can figure out by finding the right facts? It turns out that reality isn’t so clear cut. Not all problems can be solved with a clear gaze and trained memory. There is also some element of truth to fantasy, however. The truth of Sherlock Holmes? If you look very closely at the world, you will see that things are not always presented to you as they are.

Jupiter in Gemini is a debilitated Jupiter, a Jupiter with the mark of suffering. Is it really so bad to have Jupiter in Gemini? There’s something that Jupiter in Gemini excels at and this is the holding on of information despite popular opinion. That’s what happens when Jupiter becomes debilitated. It becomes oppositional.

Simply put, Jupiter in Gemini doesn’t think the way other people want it to.

Muhammad Ali is another person with Jupiter in Gemini. Ali was a boxer but became most famous for his poetry. Jupiter in Gemini has a way with words. Ali is also famous for his opposition to patriotism, to war, to hegemony, and to empire. Famous portraits of Ali show him posed with his hands raised in self defense. These are portraits of opposition.

Jupiter in Gemini thinks for itself and it also opposes ideologies. A person with Jupiter in Gemini isn’t going to be a person you can ever talk into something. You may be able to talk them into opposing something but, more often than not, they will be able to outwit you.

I want to talk about another person who, just like Arthur Conan Doyle, has both Jupiter and Sun in Gemini. I think that most people don’t have a problem relating to Doyle or to Ali. These guys are cool. They showed us new ways to think and to behave. There’s a third person who is very famous and influential in today’s world, however, who happens to have Jupiter in Gemini. That person is Xi Jinping.

Xi Jinping is usually described as reclusive in western media. Nothing could be further from the truth. You turn on the TV in China and he seems like he’s everywhere. He’s always visiting places and chatting with people. In fact, there’s been notable moments where Xi Jinping has even shown his often morbid sense of humor to his public. When asked if he was going to send cops to beat up protesters in 2022, he joked “Who do you think I am? Justin Trudeau?” When Chinese people were concerned about food shortages in 2022, Xi Jinping was reported to have joked that he didn’t care whether people starved or not. Then, he lowered food prices without saying a thing.

So, a smartass. What a joke. Funny. Haha. Yeah.

When Xi Jinping was young, both of his parents were purged during the Cultural Revolution. XJP denounced his own parents because of this and laid low in the countryside. When he started his career, many of the princlings of his generation competed for positions in Beijing. XJP didn’t do that. He chose to work in rural cities instead. Over seventeen long years, XJP developed a reputation for being humble and invisible. Then, because of that reputation, he was suddenly appointed president. He hasn’t left the job since despite having served three terms, something that is also unprecedented and unexpected. Instead, he’s spent his time getting rid of policies intended to prevent another cult of personality and perhaps his rivals as well.

If you walk around China today, you see slogans from XJP everywhere. He wants you to not smoke too much, to clean off your plate, to use communal chopsticks, and to take care of the old. All these slogans rhyme and are paired with cute cartoon characters. Jupiter in Gemini—it’s a verbose Jupiter.

What do you notice about Jupiter in Gemini through this example?

First of all, no one can outwit a Jupiter in Gemini. They think in the long term. Just as no one can outthink Arthur Doyle Conan or Muhammad Ali, no one has been able to outthink Xi Jinping. It’s almost like they give off a feeling of being too smart for the world. Too smart for school and too smart for the world. This energy of being too smart means that Jupiter in Gemini also has this unpredictability. You don’t know what their mind is going to jump to next so you can’t predict their behavior. You don’t know what they will do next.

Jupiter in Gemini jumps around from idea to idea. They’re talking about the material of cellulose and then they’re spinning about quantum physics. Jupiter in Gemini is like an electric brain connected to all of the thinking matter of the world. It has no rules. Only unexpected ideas.

Xi Jinping keeps flying bombers around US military bases in Taiwan. Then, he suddenly decides to go hang out with Biden in San Francisco after months of saying that he doesn’t know if he’s coming or not and also claims that some of his best friends are from Iowa. Then, he threatens Taiwan unexpectedly in his 2024 happy new year message.

No one knows what Jupiter in Gemini will do next.

I think that this has something to do with the philosophy of Jupiter in Gemini. It usually does the unexpected thing and is impossible to predict. That’s the nature of new ideas but it’s also the nature of opposition.

Being against something isn’t a true ideology. You can say that you are an anti-imperialist but then mimic everything that empire has done. You can be anti-capitalism and, without an alternative, confuse alienation with a distrust of people. You can be against violence but for violence that fights other violence. If you identify too much with what you are against instead of what you are for, then you run the risk of focusing all of your energy on tricking your opponent instead of positive struggle.

People tend to mimic their rivals. When we are very opposed to something, we tend to become more like that thing we are very opposed to.

The universe has assigned Jupiter in Gemini a specific task. That task is to use doubt to cultivate faith. Jupiter in Gemini has a philosophical superpower. It doesn’t believe without necessity. It looks a little harder and a little further than everyone else. Can a person still believe in things when they see every single detail? Can they still believe in goodness when they see what is corrupt?

That’s the task that the universe assigns Jupiter in Gemini. It’s taken from Jupiter in Gemini the gift and folly of naivete. This isn’t a naive Jupiter. It knows too much and is curious about too much. But the universe also tests Jupiter in Gemini with cynicism. The same conditions where cynicism is allowed to thrive are also the conditions where hope can live. Being a dual and mirrored sign, Jupiter in Gemini straddles both and thinks.

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