Gemini Virgo Relationships

Jan. 11, 2024, 5:52 p.m.

What happens when the wittiest sign in the zodiac meets the most strategic sign?

There’s a saying that I came across earlier today on a Daoist astrology website. The saying was that the cleverest people are usually the most absurd. I think that we know this about Geminis. Geminis are visibly absurd. But did you know that Virgos are also quite absurd?

I like to think of Virgo as the mad professor type, the type you want to impress and the type that you are afraid to show your mistakes to. Virgos are just so smart. They’re geniuses. You see them doing their thing and they’re literally ignoring reality to focus on what their mind is doing.

Most people would take a look at a busy Virgo and feel at least a little bit stressed out. They regard Virgo as a serious person with strict standards. People are intimidated by Virgos. Why not? Virgos want to get the best out of you. They ask for the best and if they think that you’ve fallen short, they’ll let you know in plain language. That can feel scary to a lot of people.

Not for Gemini. Do you know what Gemini sees when they see a Virgo hard at work?

They see a big child. Gemini looks at a hardass Virgo and sees a big child.

Why? Because Gemini recognizes another soul that truly just likes to put its mind to use.

Gemini sees Virgo solving problems and dissecting issues and, instead of seeing a person who suffers because they struggle, they see the pure enjoyment that Virgo gets from struggling around some problem. Gemini understands that Virgo isn’t getting worked up about some detail because they’re anxious or angry. When Virgo casts doubt around your hopes and dreams, they don’t do this because they’re mad at you or because they don’t like you. They understand that Virgo just likes to think.

They just like to think about things. They like to sketch out dilemmas, to orchestrate plans, and to design or improve systems. Virgo enjoys this. Gemini sees this and it encourages Virgo.

Both signs are ruled by Mercury. Virgo is also where Mercury exalts. There’s a speed at which Virgo does things that Gemini, because Gemini doesn’t move in a straight line but sideways, doesn’t necessarily feel the need to partake in. You might be thinking—don’t both signs talk fast? They do but Virgo executes fast too. This is why Virgo’s ideas tend to move faster than Gemini’s.

But because both signs are Mercurial in nature, Gemini will understand a Virgo. It understands where Virgo is coming from and that it needs to move its brain. It’s also along for the ride.

There are a few famous couples who are Gemini and Virgo suns. Zendaya and Tom Holland are a Gemini and Virgo duo. So was Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter for those who are feeling a bit old and not hip to who the younger celebrities are. I’m a millennial so I feel like I know more about Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.

In both partnerships, who takes the lead? It’s usually the Virgo. Tim Burton casted Helena Bonham Carter into his roles. Zendaya is the leader of her own craft (sorry, I know nothing about Tom Holland).

In speaking about her relationship with Burton, Carter says that “I really do have to be righter than right before Tim lets me do a part” and said that she experienced inverted favoritism “or maybe just sadism.” Burton admits, “Maybe because I'm with her I was a little harder on her than I would be with somebody else.” He was the director and she was the actress. He was very, very hard on her. I believe that in the Zendaya and Tom Holland ship, Zendaya is the Virgo and also happens to be the one often in a producer role.

I think that Virgo can demand quite a bit from a Gemini. Virgo doesn’t always demand so much from every sign. Do you know why it asks for so much from Gemini? Because Gemini is talented.

Gemini is like this dazzling, dazzling bright light. It’s capable of so much but it’s not devoted. It wants too much of everything. Just a little taste will do. You know what Geminis really like? It likes to be told when it is doing a good job. It likes to be told that it is talented, to be affirmed. You know what Gemini fears above all else? It fears that it has only tricked other people into believing a persona. If it is praised too easily, then Gemini doubts the praise.

Guess what? Virgo doesn’t praise easily. Not at all.

It’s exactly Virgo’s exalting standards that make Geminis so drawn to them. It’s Virgo’s rigor that renders their praise believable even to the most skeptical and self doubting person. Geminis love to impress and they love a person who is hard to impress.

They’re drawn to each other, Gemini and Virgo. Geminis are expressive. Virgo works through a medium, not by way of their own personality. Geminis love to impress. Virgos tell you how to do it.

If you remember the iconoclastic Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter couple from the early 2000s, you might also remember that they eventually parted ways.

First of all, they didn’t actually marry so their divorce wasn’t a contractual split. Carter is the one who speaks about the divorce. Geminis will share what they are thinking about. She keeps saying that they split because they changed as people.

A relationship that ends can still be a successful relationship. Success in relationships just depends on how you measure success. If you measure success based on how much a relationship makes you think or how much change one provokes in you as mutable signs are wont to do, then the partnership between Gemini and Virgo will definitely be successful.

Both Gemini and Virgo are mutable. They’re both signs that like change, signs that enjoy wearing a different personality everyday. Not marrying probably made the relationship successful. They both learned and worked together. They thought together. You can tell. They thought about marriage and decided that it wasn’t right for them. This is two people on the same page.

Gemini and Virgo can come together. They can also part ways while remaining on the same page. This happens when two people both decide that they are ready to depart. I know that this doesn’t seem possible but it’s possible. Virgo has a strong independent streak. It resists certain types of attachments. Geminis are interested in more than one thing at once.

But I think that Geminis and Virgos can also stay together. They can stay together as long as there is enough room for mutual change. They can also break up and come back together. This is one of the pairings that is capable of breaking up and then coming back not to the same relationship but a new one with the same two people. After some time has gone by, both Gemini and Virgo will have changed enough that their partnership has become new again.

I realize that this is a bit uncertain. Relationships should be. They shouldn’t decide everything for you. Gemini and Virgo have reasons to attract each other. They can do great things together. They can break up and come back together again and again, each time finding themselves with a new relational dynamic. They generate new ideas together. They look for the best in each other. They may irritate each other tremendously.

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