The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Cancer

Jan. 18, 2024, 10:48 a.m.

When you meet a Jupiter in Cancer, you’ll usually know it. It’s that person wearing neon colors and several trinkets. They have wild hair and they do unexpected things.

Jupiter exalts in Cancer. Why might that be? This is the planet of belief in the sign of the stomach.

Jupiter in Cancer believes in their own gut intuition almost all of the time. That, in and of itself, is a terrifying thing.

When you believe in your own gut intuition, you tend to live a strange life. So many of us adjust ourselves according to so many social pressures and external rules about how to live. Jupiter in Cancer doesn’t believe that anything is true unless it comes directly from their own gut.

This is the world’s greatest supporter. Jupiter in Cancer is the most devout lover you will ever come across. It’s the most brilliant teacher. When it believes in you, it believes in you. And Jupiter in Cancer is willing to believe in almost anything.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, can shake a Jupiter in Cancer’s adoration and belief in someone they chose to put their faith into. As a teacher, Jupiter in Cancer isn’t willing to compromise on the potential that they see in their students. This is because they don’t evaluate a person’s potential according to their credentials or even the work that they’ve done. Jupiter in Cancer relies on its own gut to make the call. It believes in people because it cares. It understands that anyone can become brilliant when they receive enough nurture.

And that’s why Jupiter in Cancer’s prophecies tend to come true. They believe in someone or something and they pour their hearts into that person or thing, feeding it everyday. How could a person not succeed when they are in the company of a Jupiter in Cancer?

When I think of Jupiter in Cancer, I always think of BTS’s fanbase ARMY. ARMY, formed in 2013 a month after BTS’s debut, has Jupiter in Cancer. From the beginning, ARMY believes in BTS. But ARMY’s belief in BTS doesn’t mean that it leans back to passively wait and see what will happen because it believes.

ARMY believes in BTS’s success. As a result, ARMY created a multilayered plan to get BTS into the US Billboard rankings. It split regions up according to radio plays needed, relentlessly called radio stations to request BTS songs in coordination with the rest of the fanbase, and then planned to reward stations with overwhelming streams when they did play BTS songs.

This was a project of nurture. Fan nurture. It’s not out of the blue. Every step of this nurturing process was thought out by someone. This plan took patience and consistency. It was highly organized.

To properly nurture an idea, a vision, or a person you need to show up every single day. You need to love the thing that you are nurturing with your entire body. You need to let that thing take from you when that becomes necessary. You pay attention to every single aspect of the thing that you nurture. You give it encouragement and you find understanding in your heart for every single flaw.

This is how Cancer moves. Cancer shows up every single day and finds understanding for every single aspect of the things that they love. Jupiter in Cancer is an ideologue with similar characteristics.

By nurturing even just one thing with all of your heart and with all of your effort, Jupiter in Cancer is capable of creating a whole new world.

People without Jupiter in Cancer might find this aspect of Jupiter in Cancer to be extraordinary. They might find this fanatical or even fearsome. This ability to find utmost devotion to one thing forever and ever? It is scary.

Jupiter is the planet of any kind of belief. It rules over all ideologies. Within every ideology, there is some emotion. Some ideologies contain sublime surrender. Others, a nourishing wellness. Some ideologies rely on grit and self sacrifice as emotion, the feeling of a job well done. If you are intimate with any religious person then they may tell you about the emotion. Sometimes, people find the emotions that power their ideology to be invisible because they live in it, breathing it like a fish in water.

The emotion of an ideology is what carries someone into and through that ideology. It’s the most stirring thing about an ideology. You feel it so you believe it. A lot of people think that we believe things that we think. This isn’t true and Jupiter in Cancer knows that this isn’t true. Jupiter in Cancer knows that we believe what we feel.

Now, why can Jupiter in Cancer be scary? Here are some people who had Jupiter in Cancer: Mussolini, Truman, and Steve Jobs.

I don’t know too much about Mussolini. I know that he was a fascist and I know that fascists of the twentieth century used visions of creating new worlds in their ideologies. I know what Truman and Steve Jobs did.

Truman created a new world—a post nuclear world. He didn’t have to use the atomic bomb in Hiroshima or Nagasaki but he chose to. The bombs weren’t dropped to end the war and had no strategic impact. Japan was already about to surrender. Truman did what he did because he knew that, to monopolize warfare and power in the new age, you had to leave an emotional impact. As Paul Virilio puts it, the bombs were not an act of war but an experiment.

Jupiter is the king of the gods. Jupiter has to do with power. When Jupiter exalts, it seeks big power. Truman certainly did.

Steve Jobs seized power too within his industry but also in the wider world. Apple isn’t just a company that manufactures hardware. It’s an organization with an ideological view that organizes the most important currency of the twenty-first century—information. Was Steve Jobs nurturing? Not so much to people. He nurtures one device. The iPhone. But it wasn’t just the iPhone. When people talk about Steve Jobs, they talk about him as though he believed in something. Jupiter in Cancer.

Power isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Seeking power doesn’t always have such a negative impact on the world. I just used extreme examples just now to illustrate my point better. Not every Jupiter in Cancer is some dictator. ARMY, BTS’s fanbase, is a power seeking entity. Fanbases almost always are. We feel a sense of power and success when our beloved idols win awards or claim accomplishments. ARMY wins when BTS wins. ARMY, as a Jupiter in Cancer, puts consistent and patient effort into winning. It likes to win and it’s disappointed when BTS does not win.

ARMY sometimes gets involved in political projects because of this. It will hit back at HYBE for working with Scooter Braun who is someone most people dislike. ARMY raised a million dollars in 2020 for racial justice in just a day. It disrupted Trump’s rallies. These things tend to get people’s attention. ARMY is a group of people who seek not just empowerment through pop culture but also political involvement.

Within the fandom itself, there is at least a little authoritarianism around what can and what cannot be talked about. For non BTS stans, people sometimes joke that the fanbase will come after them if they don’t like what they say about BTS. Some of these fears are exaggerated. Still, I’m going to say now that ARMY has certain inside jokes/party lines about the members.

Anyway, back to the focus of this article. Jupiter in Cancer. It’s strong. It’s powerful. It usually wins and it likes to win.

Is Jupiter in Cancer a fanatic? It depends. We are all fanatics about something. At the end of the day, Jupiter in Cancer is just a big, loud, and excitable fan. It holds joy and it holds emotional release. This is what makes Jupiter in Cancer so tremendously powerful.

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