March 2024 Horoscopes

Feb. 29, 2024, 2:24 p.m.

The future isn’t just something that we fight for. The future is something that we nurture into being.

The astrology of March is kinder than the astrology of February.

We are coming out of the Saturnian seasons of the year, those long stretches of the gray months when it’s harder to get out of bed and harder to get out of the house. We are rewarded with an exalted Venus which is usually when our bodies start to pick back up. However, the Venus in Pisces transit this year meets Saturn and then Mars later.

Venus will be fully besieged in April. For about a week and a half after Venus ingresses to Pisces, it only has one malefic to deal with. Still, an exalted planet will usually fight for its right to do things on its own terms. Venus is about pleasure. That springtime sign of new life is complicated this year but it’s still there.

The New Moon this month is in Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

Our last eclipse season was on October 14th of 2023. That was a turning point. Think back to yourself in October. What were you doing back then? What kinds of things were you thinking about? Was there anything that you let go of?

October was when the Sun went to sleep. That’s fall. At the same time, the world woke up suddenly and spontaneously to the horror of multiple genocides unfolding very fast in front of our eyes. Now, it’s spring and the killings have not stopped or been stopped. The Sun wakes up and we get a Lunar Eclipse where we had a Solar one before. The Sun is a sudden and sharp illumination. The Moon returns the Sun’s light with its own body. This eclipse in Libra on March 25th should give us some kind of response to the last eclipse in Libra from last October.

Why do I say that the astrology of March is kinder than the astrology of February? Because most planets are hanging out in Pisces and, from there, they can see Jupiter sextiled in Taurus. Even though Venus dims under Saturn’s rays, it fights for visibility and also receives help from Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter are the nice planets in astrology. What does it mean for astrology to be kinder? It doesn’t mean that we suddenly lose all of our challenges or that we miraculously figure things out. It just means that we drop our defenses just enough that we can see all of the possibilities available to us.

What we are able to see in the future depends a great deal on whether we think other people care about us or not. There is incredible suffering all around us. Yet, if we understand that there is also care, we can figure out using our minds and bodies many things to do. What do you do in the face of sheer horror? You get creative. You figure it out. You listen to what is being asked and you do what you can. When we notice what kindness the world offers, we believe that we are capable of more because we know that we will receive the resources we need to be able to dare to do what we want to do.

The future isn’t just something that we fight for. The future is something that we nurture into being.

My assignment to you this March is to look around your life and to know all of the sources of kindness that exist. Kindness can come from anywhere. You might share a mango with your Uber driver. You might call to check in on a friend. You might forgive yourself for something. Kindness is abundant in this cruel world and your life is full of it. Believe it when you see it. Describe it back to yourself so that you believe it.


You’re the ritual maker this March. Create some rituals for you and your people.

A ritual can be about anything you want and take shape however you want. You might do a water ritual and use all kinds of pebbles. You might do a friendship ritual and go roller skating. You might do a justice ritual and use your garden. You might do an anger ritual and use the outside of your elected local representative’s front yard.

You’re the ritual maker this March. You get to decide what kind of ritual this March holds for you. You get to decide how you’re going to move the energy of March. You’re not going to do this ritual alone. You’ll be doing it with people and how you move those relationships will be part of the ritual.

As all rituals require research and preparation, you’ll learn how to do it before you do it. Asking people who have done the types of rituals that you want to do how they did it is part of the process. When you ask people for guidance, you can also invite them to be part of what you do.

Questions for Pisces for March 2024:
What kind of ritual maker are you?
What kinds of rituals does the world need right now?
Who knows how to do the rituals that you want to do?


I want you to forgive yourself of all of the past sins, both real and imagined, that hang onto you like dread.

What is this dread? Dread that you won’t do it right or that you’ll not be the right person? Is it dread about what could go wrong or what happens when the wrong person is in charge? When no one is in charge? Is your dread about the instinct that there is something deeply wrong with our world and that this means, to survive it, you’ve had to make some wrong choices?

We have all made the wrong choices. People tend to make wrong choices when they don’t have access to the right ones.

Give yourself some kindness in March. Forgive yourself for your dread. That feeling that everyone knows about all of the worst parts of you and that they are talking about you behind your back is a gross exaggeration. You’re not the worst person in the world even when you are embarrassed about something. You are just a person. You are allowed to be here just as you are.

Questions for Aries for March 2024:
What is your dread attached to?
What does your dread believe?
Is there anything that your dread believes that you don’t believe?


Big groups of people are either magical or challenging. Most of the time, they are both. We find our best friends when we join a group, whether that group be an informal friend group or an organization. We very easily fall for people in groups. Why is it easier to fall for people in groups? When you have the same frame of reference and can chat about the same things?

March is about big groups. You can move with them, through them, and even against them. A big group feels less like a pack of dogs and more like a flock of geese. A pack of dogs is looking for something while a flock of geese are going somewhere. This is the season of all the geese migrating, by the way. Did you know that geese can go long stretches of distance simply because they move all together? They switch out positions so that no one goose gets too tired to carry the journey.

Find your group where you can move with the momentum of a flock of geese. Flocks can move so far. Maybe that’s why we fear big groups just a little. We know that they can take us really far. We are more willing to make big moves for a big group than for only one individual. Big groups are just as romantic as one on one dynamics. They carry us away.

Questions for Taurus for March 2024:
What groups are you a part of?
Do you know where those groups are taking you?
What happens when you get tired in the group?


March is a good time to let other people see your kindness. You never really owe it to the world to expose your kindness. Why would you? There might be people who try to take advantage of that kindness. You are perfectly right to hold your goodness in the depths of your heart, treating it as a stolen treasure.

But you can also decide to show that world how kind you are for your own reasons if you want to. You have the right to do this no matter how many people might tell you how naive it is to show all of your soft insides.

In March, trust that your own toolkit for self defense will come in handy when you need it and only when you need it. This means that you are free to show everyone how lovely, how giving, and how openhearted you really are. You are willing to give so much and your heart is big enough to be with so many people. Understand this as a certainty, not necessarily a principle.

Questions for Gemini for March 2024:
What is your strongest memory about a time when you were certain about your kindness?
What does resurfacing this memory make you understand about yourself?
What are you powerful enough to do?


I wonder what sharing really does for you. What does it mean when you decide to express and share a sentiment? What does it mean when you refuse to and try to hold it inside your heart instead? What value do you place on sharing and on illumination? What about on examination? Is it that things become more important when you share them or are things you keep as secret even more important to you?

You’re a Moon person so you know that not everything needs to be as clear as day. Things that are shared tend to get picked apart. They can look like glory too. You tend to share different stories in different tones of voice when you believe that the people you are sharing with like you versus when you are not sure. Share things for a reason, not just because every idea needs to be shared.

I think that the emphasis on sharing to the point of oversharing can be a western value. If we keep secrets, it’s not because we are cowards but because we know something about how collectives work. In March, I want you to feel into the idea of sharing for the purpose of cohesion and also the idea of keeping mum for the sake of honesty. There are secrets that you can keep and secrets that you can spill.

Questions for Cancer for March 2024:
What value do you place on sharing?
What value do you place on secretiveness?
What stories are yours to share and which are not?


In March, pay a debt forward. In the course of your life you have received a great number of things from your friends, from your parents, and from the earth itself. If you haven’t received anything then you would not even be alive right now. You are here because you receive.

March is a good time to pay forward just one debt. Paying something forward means that you don’t need to return a blessing back to the person it came from. Doing something like this would just cut out relationships dry. It means that you give something to someone who has never given you anything for the simple reason that you have gotten something from someone else before.

Think about what could feel good to pay forward and where you see the most needs. You can pay something forward even when you are still in need because even when you lack one thing you will always have an abundance of something else.

Questions for Leo for March 2023:
What are you most grateful for?
What do you have that you can give?
Where in the world do you feel called to give to?


If you’re fixed in your perspective where you are, then go somewhere else. Go climb a mountain. Get to a peak. Go back to your hometown or out of town to see a friend who you haven’t seen for a while. Talk with people you miss whose minds you’ve become new to once more.

If you’re sick of your perspective, then change it. Change your mind. Find your dogma, the thing that you believe to be true no matter what, and change it. Maybe you believe that pigs are smarter than fish. Maybe you believe that there are no aliens or that globalization will never end. Are these things really true? Do you really believe them? Why do you believe these things and what happens if you challenge your own thinking?

Walk your own journey. Something will come to change your mind. March is about jolting realizations and also about doubt. Doubt is a healthy thing because it’s your mind struggling against itself. When that happens, you know that something is bound to make way. A little friction isn’t a death sentence. It’s just uncomfortable.

Questions for Virgo for March 2024:
Where do your beliefs take you?
Where does your doubt take you?
What is your dogma that you are curious about changing?


You’re getting a lot of work right now and that keeps your days busy. You’re also more willing to give than ever.

Everything that you give you share. Giving is not a net loss. You don’t really lose when you give because you always gain something back. You get to see your parents live better. You get to share a new chair with your partner. Giving can make what you have grow larger and larger because it is shared. Everytime you share, you grow.

So, basically you work and you share. You share in your work and you work because you want to share and are asked to share. These two things take care of each other and they make the structure of your life. You don’t do things for yourself but, because you do things for other people, you always get to do them for your own reasons. In March, work a lot but never forget that the reason why you do it is because you have people you give yourself to.

Questions for Libra for March 2024:
What kinds of giving feel like sharing?
What kinds of giving make you feel like you are being robbed?
What kinds of giving feel like taking?


March is about love. It is about love that isn’t just about feeling because feeling can be fleeting. It is about love that isn’t just about endurance because endurance without satisfaction sounds like a sentence.

What happens when you decide that someone or something is safe for you?

When you decide that someone will be safe for you, they might still do some sketchy things sometimes. That’s for sure. But you have made a decision that their intentions are good, that you will engage in your relationship with that person with the intention to affirm the goodness that you see in them. You never choose whether someone is safe while misinformed about their intentions but you also make your decision about your own safety for your own sake and not anyone else's. You always have the ability to change your own decisions.

When you decide that something is safe for you, you are choosing to try something even when you mess up a few times. You might mess up a few times but you’ll still keep choosing that thing because you have decided that it matters to you. So, that’s love or just the beginning of it. It is something that you build by making choices that are clear to you.

Question for Scorpio for March 2024:
What happens when you decide that someone or something is safe?
When do you decide that someone or something is safe?
What relationships help you grow your philosophy around safety?


You might be thinking about and trying to make up your mind about where you are living this month. There’s comfort in being home but where is home for you? My recommendation as an astrologer who knows nothing about your lease situation or life? Some kind of change is more possible after May than before.

For now, clean the home that you live in. Dust off all the surfaces. Sweep the entire floor including under the bed and rug. Smell everything inside your home. Take stock of what objects you keep in it and do some sorting of those objects if needed. Clean your kitchen and your fridge.

The home is just where your belly gets filled. It can be anywhere. You really do need a kitchen, though. Make sure that your home is a place where you can get your nutritional needs met, that it is a place for eating and not just feeding. These are the places where you will be making larger choices about place and belonging from—that of food. Humans always gravitate towards the foods that we miss the most. That is also you. You are a human.

Questions for Sagittarius for March 2024:
What would make it easier for you to cook at home?
What are the foods that you miss?
What are the homes that you miss?


March is the month of intimacy for you. Not the combative kind we kind of expect from mirrored dynamics whether those be best friendships or romantic partnerships or face to face enemies. I’m talking about the side by side kind. I’m talking about the intimacy of knowing when your neighbor gets home, the intimacy of dinners with the neighborhood pals, and the intimacy of knowing what your siblings know about your entire life.

Take a moment in March, at some point during it, to just enjoy the intimacy in your life that you don’t have to worry about. Who makes you relax at the end of a long day? Whose banter can you always rely on to remind you of who you are and what you like?

These might be your fandom friends, your intellectual comrades. These are just the people you share minds with. You like the same things and you like to read the same things. Chat at length with those people. Talk until your mouths run dry. Have some good conversation this March.

Questions for Capricorn for March 2024:
Who do you like to take walks with?
Who do you like to banter with?
Who likes to think about the same things that you do?


In our family histories and in our political stories, you’ll notice that there are a huge number of gaps. Sometimes these gaps are hidden inside of recently coined names. Sometimes they exist in certain years. Sometimes they exist in the relationships between different concepts that we have been told were separate.

What is a taboo? A taboo is something that no one talks about. Usually, people refuse to speak on certain things because they don’t want to cause trouble. They don’t want to instigate violence during times of peace. When we force secrets to spill in the wrong way, we can unknowingly cause a lot of devastation.

And, still, we might be curious about a gap as soon as we learn to see it. We want to talk about it and ask whether anyone else sees it too. We have questions about it. There’s crass ways to ask about secrets and there’s better ways.

March is a good time for asking questions about family secrets. When you ask questions, make sure that you use your sense of humor. Most people are most willing to answer a hard question when they are in on a joke.

Questions for Aquarius for March 2024:
What names are designed to hide?
What years remain mysteries?
What concepts are defined in order to obfuscate the relationships that they have to other defined concepts?

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