Leo Libra Relationships

March 27, 2024, 6:16 p.m.

Leo and Libra are a power couple. Leo sextiles Libra, promoting a friendly relationship between the two signs. The relationship between Leo and Libra is a good one to explore all of the nuances it takes to explore an aspect in depth.

Sextiles are considered to be wonderful in astrology. Sextiles contain the nature of Venus which is supportive and nurturing. Signs that are sextiled to one another promote each other. Leo is fire and Libra is air. You need air to make a big fire. Without air, fire would choke.

Both Leos and Libras are raw charisma embodied. Leo has that generous host thing going on. They greet each and every person and they take their coats. They’re friendly, a little too friendly even, and they show all of their teeth when they grin at you. Libras have that cartoonish zaniness going on. A Libra can turn it on without imposing on the room. Their charm is lighter but just as effective.

Leos and Libras throw a good party. In fact, you might need both Leo and Libra to throw a really good party—someone who carries the energy and another to watch it.

I think that there’s something about the energy created when Leo and Libra come together that just invites people in. Leo and Libra couples are rarely alone. They have friends and their friends come out to congregate around them. Leo and Libra couples make great dinner party hosts. They make great organizers. They can get people to come out for something. They are able to take prominence and push ideas within their communities. Isn’t that a hallmark of success with any two-person dynamic? That you are never alone with each other but attract even more people? The best dynamics exist within collectives.

But not all sextiles are the same because not all signs are the same. The sextile between Libra and Leo is different from all other sextiles.

Leo is the domicile of the Sun. That’s what Leo is most known for. Leo shines, gleaming brightly, because it is the Sun’s domicile. Saturn suffers in Leo because Leo is too bright for the dim rays of Saturn. Libra is known for its Venusian qualities. However, Libra also has some other things going on. Libra is where the Sun sinks into fall. It is the sign that exalts Saturn. Since Libra is the fall, Saturn feels quite comforted by Libra’s subtle light.

Leo and Libra sextile one another but have you ever seen a sextile between signs that are more different from one another?

Leo is just so self assuredly themselves. They are not given to doubt over who they are or who they could accidentally become. Even if a Leo might have a crisis of opinion now and then, Leos still have a strong pillar of knowing in their hearts about who they must inevitably be. Leos know themselves.

In contrast, Libras are forever questioning themselves and the concept of identity in general. Libras make the question of “I am” into a question. They understand that identity is socially mediated and that every name we call ourselves is just a symptom of where we are all headed together. Libras know themselves too but they also know what being themselves means to every single person they come across.

In a relationship, Leos might tell Libras exactly who they are. Leos tend to do this through the use of glowing compliments. Leos like to tell you exactly what they appreciate the most in you and this usually makes you want to be the person they want to see you as even more.

Don’t fret! Libras can deal with this from a Leo. Libras are not the chronic people pleasers that we stereotype them as. In fact, Leo’s confidence can make Libra more expressive. Libras possess the skill of doubt and they are able to metabolize other people’s opinions about them by throwing a mirror to Leo’s face. Libras understand that compliments are about desire and not identity. I think that, because Libra is the sign that puts the Sun in fall, Libra has the unique power of understanding Leo in ways that other signs can’t.

Even though Leos love to give compliment after compliment, they actually don’t really like to receive them.

There’s a specific type of intimate self deprecation that very close friends might do around one another. One friend might poke fun at another friend for having a mango allergy or for choosing a strange and convoluted commute. This type of semi-mocking humor isn’t about making fun of each other but about intimate witnessing. Leos like this a lot more than any generalizing compliment. This is because compliments are more distant and have more to do with distributing affection. Leos want to be witnessed in full and not merely regarded as passive receivers of attention.

This intimate type of self aware affection is exactly what Libras excel at. They know that Leo is like a big cat and big cats don’t like to be photographed and shown around for all of their glory. Big cats want to be stroked down the spine. They want very specific types of touch and they want all of their folds explored. When a Libra loves you, they want to know you fully. A Libra’s attention isn’t ever superficial. It’s always questioning and usually yearning.

Leos can very quickly tell the difference between a superficial compliment and real, serious love. Libras only give the latter. They watch the world very closely. Libra is the scale. Sometimes, the gaze of a Libra can even be exacting. That’s why they notice every single thing that happens around them.

That’s how Leo experiences Libra but what about the other way around? What do Libras, these subtle and casual creatures, want from the big cat of the zodiac?

When Leo gives love, they do it in a big way. They are generous and bombastic. It’s not that Leos walk around shoving people in the limelight so much as that a Leo’s gaze feels like the Sun itself. A Leo looks at you and you feel revealed. That’s the power of the Sun.

Libras are given to hiding but they don’t actually want to be invisible all the time. Libras like attention too! They just so rarely ask for it. Libras want attention but they don’t want to have to ask for it. Turns out, Libra doesn’t have to ask for attention to be given adoration by Leo. Leos love publicly because it’s in their nature. They can’t help it. They ask Libra all kinds of questions and Libra loves this even if it does make them blush a bit. Leos ask Libra the same question multiple times and get different answers each time, tickled about what this could mean. Libra loves this relentless attention. They get to give all the answers they want to give to the same question.

And if it all gets too much for Libra? Libra will shut it down quickly. This is the exaltation of Saturn that we are talking about. “I’m not sure about that,” Libras often say. “That’s not me.” Libras value their privacy and their boundaries are impeccably set. Even their charisma, in many ways, is a boundary setting strategy. A Libra can say no with such a sweet smile that you think they are saying yes if you’re not really paying attention. Leo is one of the signs that do pay attention.

Leo is like a big beam of light—sunlight. Libra is like a mirror. What do you get when you put them together? You get a beautiful scattering of color.

Both Leos and Libras embody charisma. The difference between them is that Leo charms to draw people to themselves. Libra charms to distract people from themselves and divert attention to where they want attention to go. Charisma is the art of controlling attention. Both Leo and Libra have the skill down to a T. They don’t use it for manipulation. This is about inspiration. Leos and Libras can inspire people and ideas.

How do I say that Leo and Libra make a good power couple? Because inspiration is a spectacular form of influence. Leos and Libras have many friends because they make other people feel more attractive when they are around them. If you are ever around a Leo and Libra couple, you’ll probably find yourself smiling a lot, lit up from the inside, and drawn to things that you never before put a thought in about. A Leo and Libra couple have the ability to turn a spark into a wildfire, a single idea into a discourse.

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