The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Taurus

May 21, 2024, 11:53 a.m.

Jupiter in astrology is about your sense of humor. This is the second article in a series about Jupiter in the twelve signs. In this series, we’re taking a look at Jupiter as an attitude towards life. Your sense of humor, your attitude towards life, is a bit like your life philosophy.

A misconception that a lot of people have about the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius is that they are slow. The fixed signs are not necessarily slow. The fixed signs are fixed. That means that they can function at any speed but they will involve themselves in activities that they turn into habits. Fixed signs like to do the same things over and over again. They like to practice. They like to cultivate a practice.

Before Jupiter in Taurus, we talked about Jupiter in Aries. That was a Jupiter that starts with a bang and erupts like a volleyball. It goes straight up. Jupiter in Taurus doesn’t really move like this. Jupiter in Taurus isn’t phased by a slow start. Jupiter in Taurus has staying power.

You know who had Jupiter in Taurus? Both Richard Pyor and Bruce Lee.

According to Nina Simone, Pryor shook so hard the first couple times he performed that she had to hold him and rock him back and forth. He started doing comedy in the 1960’s but he spent that first decade trying to figure out what he was doing. He didn’t find mainstream success until ten years later. Pyor left a legacy after his death with contemporary comedians describing him as the pinnacle of comedy as an art form.

Bruce Lee started practicing martial arts as a child and he harbored a dream of becoming the first Asian American to star in a Hollywood movie from his college days. His genre was always action. He even dropped out of school because he knew what he wanted. Lee eventually became one of the most influential martial artists in the world but his breakthrough didn’t come until just a few years before his death.

Now we know something about Jupiter in Taurus. We know that it is stubborn. We also get a sense of its sheer confidence. It’s not stubborn because it’s not willing to change (Jupiter in Taurus is for a good enough reason). It’s stubborn because it believes in itself. We’re talking about Jupiter here.

The other thing is, stand up comedy is a really niche thing. It’s usually a live event and stand up comedians don’t perform to the public at large but to a specific one. The idea of taking martial arts into Hollywood is also very niche.

Jupiter in Taurus creates an intellectual home for itself. It looks for that home and then it sits there. While it sits there, it develops its skill and its outlook. Jupiter in Taurus isn’t a Jupiter that’s in perpetual motion. It’s the opposite. It’s a Jupiter in stillness. It’s like if you were to sit somewhere on a rock for hours and hours. You would begin to see things that those who only pass by can’t see.

Jupiter in Taurus sits somewhere and it’s not doing nothing. It is doing something but much of what it’s doing is happening under the surface. Jupiter in Taurus is like a fungi network under the soil. It doesn’t move around quickly but it’s working. What it does is that it creates fertility.

Richard Pryor and Bruce Lee were genre inventors. Since their time, social realism in stand up and martial arts in movies have gone on to grow into a plethora of forms.

In Jupiter in Aries, we saw inventors who preferred their own company and who also liked their inventions to carry the inventor’s name. Tesla’s inventions had the style of Tesla himself and Rihanna’s beauty and fashion line carries Rihanna’s own style. Jupiter in Taurus also has style but it doesn’t use personality to generate idiosyncrasy. Jupiter in Taurus burrows into a niche but it also turns the niche into a home. Other people can live there. If Jupiter in Aries is like an eruption, then Jupiter in Taurus is like a rainforest. It just keeps growing.

Jupiter in Taurus is interested in form. Look at Bruce Lee. He had a form. In his movies, he followed Hollywood conventions of the time. He also followed the Wing Chun school of martial arts. This type of martial arts takes a lot of training and the training mostly involves you standing in front of a wooden mannequin striking it the same exact way over and over again. That’s the tiger style in martial arts. You use the hand and you perfect the close range strike. The arms are more precise than the legs so you have to fine tune your muscles. Bruce Lee trained himself to strike by practicing the same motion over and over and over again. He meditated in that motion. Lee famously said that he fears the person who has practiced one kick ten thousand times over the person who has practiced ten thousand kicks one time each.

Jupiter in Taurus is willing to go in a direction when it’s sure of something. That’s because Jupiter in Taurus expresses itself through repetition. It practices. It does the same thing again and again.

Jupiter in Taurus is that person who has practiced one kick ten thousand times.

Growth is never certain unless you practice. Growth becomes certain when you practice. Jupiter in Taurus knows this well. If you have Jupiter in Taurus, then you’re good at something. You make sure that you are good at something by dedicating yourself to that thing completely.

But is Jupiter in Taurus any less interested in the new than Jupiter in Aries? I don’t think so. Jupiter is an inventor and, in any sign, Jupiter will try to make something new. Jupiter in Taurus takes on an existing form but it recreates the thing. Stand up and entertainment in America has racist roots and Pyor came in to flip the script. Bruce Lee created the modern form of kung fu movies out of the existing form of wuxia films. Jupiter in Taurus reuses something already existing.

What’s funny is that Bruce Lee had a son, Brandon Lee, on his Jupiter return. That means that Brandon Lee had the same Jupiter in Taurus as his dad. Brandon Lee continued to do kung fu in movies. Like his father, Brandon Lee also died young after a lifetime of making martial arts movies. I’m not even making this up. Jupiter in Taurus’s staying power is that strong. It practices and practices. It achieves excellence. It’s practice isn’t limited to one person of one generation but continues on.

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