The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Leo

June 7, 2024, 9:32 a.m.

Jupiter is pretty strong when it’s in Leo. What does that mean? Jupiter is the planet of belief and Leo is the domain of the Sun.

I think that Jupiter in Leo has an innate vetting process when it comes to their beliefs. To Jupiter in Leo, a belief isn’t really worth taking seriously until it leads you into real world action. Jupiter in Leo likes to stand up for its principles. By taking a stand, Jupiter in Leo uses courage to vet their own ideas.

An idea matters less when it sedates you into compliance. An idea matters more when it inspires decisive courage.

When you look at people who have Jupiter in Leo, you’ll notice that they take a loud stand when the time calls for it. This standing up for what you think and who you are takes courage. Heroic actions invite praise. Leo is a strong and shiny sign. When Jupiter lives inside of it, Jupiter becomes admirable. People with Jupiter in Leo are admirable.

What else does taking a stand require from those who do? When you take a stand, you have to be incredibly stubborn.

Jupiter in Leo stands up for what it believes and it doesn’t like to change its mind. This isn’t about inviting conversation or debate. It’s about making a statement that is at once loud and very clear. The way that Jupiter in Leo arrives at its conclusion isn’t through nuanced dialogue but through the sincerity of heart. They feel something so they stand up and they say something. When Jupiter in Leo speaks, they speak directly from their heart.

I think that this is a really admirable trait. Jupiter in Leo isn’t getting lost in the discourse. It’s not spinning around letting everyone and anyone’s opinions interrupt their own self inquiry. Jupiter in Leo people aren’t obfuscating their meaning through artful rhetoric. They feel something and they believe something so they declare what they are thinking in their own words.

There’s almost something delightfully childlike about Jupiter in Leo people and their life philosophies. A child wants to be a good person so they do things and say things that they feel are good. Same with Jupiter in Leo.

Jupiter in Leo people aren’t afraid to be didactic. They are easily read. They make their motives known and this act takes so much courage that a more jaded personality might call it naivete. When a Jupiter in Leo does something, they tell you why they are doing it. They trust those who hear them with their own motivations.

Let’s look at an example. If you ask a Jupiter in Virgo what they think about something, they might tell a tricky story with a convoluted plot. A Jupiter in Scorpio will try to teach using research instead of blatant statements. Jupiter in Leo? Ask a Jupiter in Leo what they think and they will tell you straight up. They will say “I believe such and such.” Jupiter in Leo doesn’t leave you guessing.

This is a very strong expression of Jupiter, of intent and purpose and life direction. It’s a very transparent expression almost as though Jupiter were lit up by the light of the Sun while in Leo, the sign of the Sun’s home. Purpose is clarified here. You can’t hide from it.

Emma Watson has Jupiter in Leo. I know that Emma Watson has been criticized for her simplicity of ideals and for her privileged stances. I also think that Emma Watson is honest about who she is. She is a privileged white woman with celebrity status who believes sincerely in a feminist cause. She doesn’t try to claim other people’s theories and she doesn’t try to speak like someone she isn’t. Once Watson said, “If you truly pour your heart into what you believe in, even if it makes you vulnerable, amazing things can and will happen.”

My grandpa also had Jupiter in Leo. All throughout his life, he went to prison or had to go into hiding for saying what more socially savvy people around him thought to be politically stupid things during very repressive times. He never schemed, never planned, and made statements with such crass vulnerability that most could only call him hard headed or arrogant. Throughout his life, he got in a lot of trouble.

Maybe Jupiter in Leo does have a little arrogance. You need it to do some of the things that Jupiter in Leo does. They make a stand during impossible times. They are willing to lose big for what they say and what they think. They’re not schemers. They’re really just trying to be noble.

You might call a Jupiter in Leo naive or even corny. Some members of my family call my grandpa corny. Okay. Well, Jupiter in Leo is dependable in their beliefs. They will come through for the right thing no matter the stakes. That’s admirable.

I also think that Jupiter in Leo has a good fate. When you are someone who just says exactly what you think even in times with severe political repression, you’re often not the target because people understand that you don’t really scheme. Cynical people look at those who pour their hearts into their beliefs and they think that they can use the more naive. However, this isn’t always true. Just because you are naive about politicking doesn’t mean that you are dumb. I think that cynical people often overlook the phenomenon of courage. Someone might know repression, understand it inside and out, and still choose to say something. That person can’t be talked out of their beliefs and they can’t be used for power games.

Jupiter in Leo has a child’s temperament. They have a child’s sincerity. People see someone childlike and assume that they can be instructed. Not so. Children are the most unruly people. Someone with a childlike heart can never be manipulated.

What protects Jupiter in Leo? Jupiter in Leo is protected by likeability. People like those who make their own hearts known. Jupiter has triplicity in Leo. Jupiter in Leo people tend to be very popular. People like them because they feel seen by them, because this stubborn person with stupid courage is actually really dependable.

You can’t play games with a Jupiter in Leo. You can’t tell them what to think or what to say. They’re just too sincere. This sincerity is also their self protection.

What is a Jupiter in Leo’s philosophy? Basically, if you believe in something then you should stand for it. You should stand by your own words using your actions. You should make your stance known. If you don’t stand up for something, then who will say that you really believe in the things you profess to believe in?

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