Taurus Libra Relationships

June 12, 2024, 11:40 a.m.

Taurus and Libra have a quiet understanding. Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the same planet—Venus.

As a planet, Venus is a realm crosser. Venus disappears chronically and, when it reappears, it appears in the morning sky. This is why we call Venus the morning star. In stories about Venus, Venus always goes into the underworld or suffers a fall. Venus is attached by a rope to the land of the hidden.

This is why Venus rules ethics and also pleasure. Ethics is about making choices. Venus likes to sit at the crossroads, offering us choices. Pleasure is something that you surrender to the way a bright star might surrender to its own disappearance. Venus is the sorter. It sits and sorts through all kinds of resources and relationships, putting one type of grain with the same and another with its kind.

Taurus and Libra, being Venusian signs, care about the same things. They’re both sorters. Taurus likes to sit with its things and sort through them. Libras like to sort through people and analyze the dynamics that make up a community. Both Taurus and Libra care about leisure because both of them sort through time, trying to figure out what one moment is good for and what another is bad for.

Both Taurus and Libra think deeply. Taurus understands the material flows that make up the world, what our world of images disguise. Libra understands multiple perspectives. They see the points of convergence.

Those are the similarities between the two signs. Taurus and Libra are similar because they are both ruled by Venus. There are also differences between them.

As a sign, Taurus is earth and fixed. In Taurus, Venus is not only at home but also with its friends. Venus has triplicity in Taurus. Libra, on the other hand, is cardinal air. Venus is at home in Libra but it’s more singular in its expression.

Taurus and Libra don’t see each other. They don’t share modality. Earth is cold and wet. Air is warm and fluid.

Even though Taurus and Libra care about the same things, both signs will do things that confuse the other one. Taurus mainly cares about what is real. That’s why Taurus is so skeptical. They don’t like fake ingredients, fake relationships, or fake people. They care about what is real. Libra, on the other hand, is the cosplayer of the zodiac. They like to analyze the world as a theater of opinion. Libra entertain artifice because they know that very few things still exist when most people stop believing in them.

In a relationship, Taurus will expect more dogmatism from Libra than Libra is willing to offer. A Taurus holds firm in their ideals. They don’t change their minds just because someone has a different opinion. A Libra might look at Taurus and feel that their stubbornness comes from a place of anger. A Libra doesn’t always trust anger because anger likes to make itself known. Libras don’t like it when one perspective tramples on all the rest.

This is one point of difference between Taurus and Libra—stubbornness versus changing one’s mind. The other point of tension has to do with what each sign wants to honor.

Taurus is where the Moon exalts. The real why Taurus cares so much about realness is because Taurus understands that we are our bodies. We exist because we eat and live. A Taurus can take a look at an organizational structure and tell you if that structure will withstand the test of time because they can see where the resources are going. They know who is being fed and who isn’t.

Libra is where Saturn exalts. In astrology, the Moon and Saturn are so different that Saturn is called the Moon’s nemesis. Libras care about building consensus and fairness. The reason why Saturn exalts in Libra is clear. A Libra will actually deny themselves to make sure that everyone has their share.

Taurus and Libra are the sorters of the zodiac. Taurus know where the stuff is. Libra tries to share. Why would this be a point of tension?

Because Taurus operates from a place that honors the Moon. The Moon is about needing. Taurus has an appetite. Taurus inspires us to desire what we desire. They use statements like “I want” and “I need.” When they see something yummy or good, they will take it. Taurus season is a very lush season and they operate with that sense of abundance in mind. During the spring, we finally get to eat things that we have been craving all winter.

Libra is also a distributor of resources but Libra is the fall. Libra honors Saturn which is the planet of self denial. A Libra is more likely to think in terms of “we want” and “we need” with a focus on “you want” or “you need.” Libras ensure their own well being by looking at what those around them have. This is why Libras can get socially anxious when people around them need things that they can’t get.

Do you see the tension point now?

A Libra sees a Taurus claiming all that they want. They find this inspiring and also terrifying. Libra exalts Saturn for god’s sake. What if we run out of things? Won’t that be a catastrophe? Those are the kinds of things that Saturn worries about. But Taurus, that lush spring sign, isn’t worried about running out of anything. If we run out, we’ll just get more. The concept of more freaks Saturn out even more. More is overwhelming because, with more, you have to figure out how to manage things all over again.

Some say that, while Libra and Taurus are both Venusian, Libra is in charge of ethics while Taurus is in charge of pleasure. I think that both ethics and pleasure are about distribution but during different seasons. During the abundant spring, distribution is pleasure. During the fall harvest, we make choices about what to store for winter.

Would you rather eat with someone who takes whatever they want or with someone who makes you follow a rigid system of food distribution? Your answer may depend on how much food is available and if it will remain available.

Taurus and Libra are two signs who inspire each other. Taurus inspires Libra to ask for more. Libra inspires Taurus to value what it likes using discipline. The reason why Taurus Libra relationships work well is because, even though Taurus likes to take, it also loves to give. A Taurus takes the things it likes and it also expects you to have some too. It knows that pleasure is sweetest when it’s shared.

Taking is a type of giving. When we take our pleasure from other people with permission, we also give them permission to ask. Taking is a very courageous type of sharing. It’s one of the hardest. For many of us, giving is easier than taking because taking means that your desires are known. But, for a relationship to flow, someone has to take. Taurus is willing to take. That’s why its dynamics are built on sharing.

Libra, on the other hand, is an incredibly disciplined sign. Libra will save things for later. Even when giving pleasure, a Libra gives just the right amount. It will hold back to increase desire. Libra teases and dangles. It never gives everything all at once. A Libra can show Taurus just how fun a little denial can make things. Libra can show Taurus how to calibrate themselves to make desire even stronger.

Taurus and Libra have a mutual understanding. They both care about desire, about having and about wanting. They’re sorters or distributors. Those are less sexy words for the planet of desire and feeding. Both Taurus and Libra are Venus ruled signs. They know what you want and they know what they want. In a dynamic with each other, Taurus and Libra have fun with give and take.

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