Libra Scorpio Relationships

June 24, 2024, 9 a.m.

Both Libra and Scorpio have a task—their task is to hide the luminaries. Libra hides the Sun because Libra is where the Sun is in fall. Scorpio hides the Moon because Scorpio is where the Moon goes into fall.

We see this with the seasonality of the two signs. Libra is the fall equinox and Scorpio is when leaves start rotting. People start to go inside more during Libra and Scorpio season. We literally hide more. We wear disguises on Halloween and play tricks on each other. The fall is a mischievous energy.

But there’s a stark difference between Libra and Scorpio. Just because both signs like to store or hide things doesn’t mean that they hide the same types of things.

The Sun is about visibility, about expression and personality. Libra hides its own self expression through aesthetics, through glamor, and through cosplaying. The Moon is the planet of physicality and emotional memory. Scorpio hides its own history. It refuses to tell you where it comes from and it obfuscates its feelings.

Even though Libra and Scorpio are signs that astrologers will typically describe as having a troubled relationship on account of them not being able to witness each other (Libra and Scorpio are adjacent and adjacent signs can’t aspect each other), I think that Libras and Scorpio have a mutual understanding because they both hide a luminary. However, I also think that they confuse each other.

Libra is an intellectual. Libra tends to theorize about desire. They tend to take their rawest wantings and place those desires inside of the language of ethics. This is why Libra is such an intellectual. Libra develops a wild crush on someone? They write a poem about the theory of limerence. Libra wants justice? They create a philosophy around justice itself. Libra is endlessly creative because it is a cardinal sign. It tends to invent theories about ethics.

Scorpio is emotionally psychic. The one thing that Scorpio tends to obsess over is the deep mystery of trust. How do you know whether you can trust someone or not? Scorpio likes to study human behavior because it’s concerned about how long intimacy can last. It studies people based on their history and on the history of their influences. Scorpio doesn’t like to give away its own history because it doesn’t want to be studied.

Inside the zodiac sign Libra is a promise—relationships can change you. Inside Scorpio is another promise—relationships will reveal to me the truth of who you are.

Libra is studying ethics. It believes in the social power of relationships. Relationships change people. There is impact in social movement and power in social influence. Scorpio is analyzing people. We hold truths inside of us that we don’t know until we are scrutinized by those we encounter. Life is an unfolding of what has always been.

Do you see why Libra and Scorpio might confuse each other? Libras like to start new relationships and instigate social happenings. Sometimes, Libra even likes to stir up the group. Scorpio doesn’t try to start anything. Scorpio likes to wait. Scorpio waits for a crush to notice them or for an enemy to fall. It believes that the truth is inevitable while Libra believes the world to be a stage.

In a relationship, Libra cares a lot about romance. Romance doesn’t need to be about flowers and chocolates. Romance is about practicing the theory of limerence. Libra is an artist and cares about the art of flirtation. Libras want to feel desired, to feel like someone is working to get into their good graces. In a group, Libra is extremely open and friendly.

In contrast, Scorpio cares about devotion. Scorpio cares about actual material connection. Do you want to marry or are you not so interested? How do you share resources? Scorpio, because it’s the sign of shared water, is quite interested in contractual relationships such as marriage or communal living. In a collective house, Scorpio is the one who asks questions about food, access, and boundaries. Libra would be the one to give the collective house a name and aesthetic while Scorpio is the one to actually manage needs.

I think that both signs have valuable things to teach each other. Libra is a social organizer. It’s the air sign that exalts Saturn. Libra teaches Scorpio that people don’t stay the same, that they can and will change because of friendship or love. Scorpio teaches Libra patience is required if one wants to witness the truth of any relationship. People always tell on themselves in time.

There’s something in the dynamic of Libra and Scorpio that attracts the two signs to one another, despite their many differences. Libra is a sign that doesn’t like to ask for attention but wants to be paid attention to. Scorpio is the studier of human nature. Scorpio actually looks for and seeks out the quiet. It doesn’t shine on Libra like a burning sun, proclaiming what is cool and brilliant about Libra for everyone to hear. It flows towards Libra like an underground river, telling Libra in privacy what is so great about them. Scorpio gives Libra intimate encouragement.

Libra appreciates Scorpio’s deep devotion. They love the consistency. They are surprised by Scorpio’s patience. The one thing that Scorpio asks for in return? Loyalty.

Libras are not built for unquestioned loyalty. I don’t mean this in a negative way. Libras believe in the multiplicity of relationships. They expect a bit of distance and freedom in all relationships. If Libra goes to hang out with a friend that their partner doesn’t know, they don’t always invite their partner along or disclose too much information. Scorpio might wonder. Libra expects distance. The friendship is another relationship and has nothing to do with their partner. The two relationships live in two social worlds.

Scorpio is where Mars finds its home. In conflict, Scorpios can expect people to choose a side. Libra doesn’t. Its aim is to move further from the conflict so that it can come to more objective realizations. I don’t think that this question of loyalty versus objectivity is too distressing for a Libra and Scorpio relationship however.

I’ve tried to look up celebrity Libra and Scorpio couples. One thing I notice is that it’s hard to tell from the outside what was actually happening in Libra and Scorpio relationships. These are private signs that don’t like to show everything. We don’t know why Matt Damon and Winoma Ryder broke up. We don’t know what happened between Avril Lavigne and the guy from Nickelback. We don’t know what the hell the thing between Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson was about. When Libra and Scorpio come together, they keep their dynamics mum. Neither of them like to spill. This means that, even when things don’t work out, Libra and Scorpio are likely to remain friends.

Both signs collaborate on the issue of privacy even during a breakup. It’s hard for a celebrity to keep things to themselves. We don’t know that much about Libra and Scorpio celebrity couples or their break ups because they work together for their privacy.

Between Libra and Scorpio, there is collaboration. Both signs are just too interested in how relationships work for there not to be. Libra and Scorpio are interested in different questions, however, and neither of them do what the other expects. That can be a good thing. It also throws people off.

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