The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continuing this Sun-Moon combo series with AQUARIUS :)
If you’re an Aquarius, look up your Moon sign in your natal chart and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.
Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon: Maverick

Not only do you give the impression that you don’t care what other people think of you, you often purposefully go towards the most extreme expression just to stir up controversy. You love to play the bad guy, more so than the good guy. Part of this is because you may believe that you are more intelligent than most people and, in being so, are not subject to the same moral alignment as everyone else. You are at your best when your personal morality is grounded in something more concrete and when you go out of your way to make the case for your ideas to others. Though the opinions of others may seem superficial, it does bother you when others talk behind your back. A more patient explaining would ease your affairs.
Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon: Dependable

Your friends can always rely on you to be there for them with a steady and reliable hand. When you aren’t able to commit to something, you let others know so that they understand when you do decide to undertake a task for them, you are giving it all that you have. You are careful about what you choose to invest your time in, knowing that the work you choose must give you space of movement as well as a steady income. Though others see you as grounded, your head is often lost up in the clouds. You are able to maintain your status as a dreamer because the practicalities of your life do not change much and because a strong set of values drives your every movement.
Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon: Bad Boy

You have the uncanny talent of taking ideas that are so out there that most ordinary people would not entertain the thought of it, and making them seem clearly logical through concise and clear explanation. You have a tendency to go against the mainstream, but your own popularity can come from the desire in others to identify with deviancy. You’re not the person anyone ever wants to take home to meet their mother, but you’re the partner in crime people choose when they want to play at being a little bad. You are loyal to no one and clearly intelligent, which gives you a sometimes irritating charm that inevitably draws those attracted to avant garde ideas to you.
Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon: Workaholic

Others knows you as the person who is able to overcome an extraordinary amount of pain and come out more optimistic than before. There is an atmosphere you carry around you that makes it seem like you are perpetually on the recovery from a catastrophic heartbreak. You often give the impression that you are neither willing nor able to express the full extent of your pain, that you are repressing something, which leaves the depths of your emotion up to the imagination. When not careful, you can be too much of a workaholic, as if believing that you can translate a body of pain into a body of work. Though you work much more than other people, you can often feel that things are unraveling and risk the possibility of never getting anything done because you put your entire heart into the things that you do.
Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon: Infamous

Your performances are never authentic, but ring of irony. You are unpretentious even when you are not. People often see a tongue in cheekiness that makes it seem that you never truly mean anything that you say. When you talk of serious topics, you do so in a playful way and when you are expected to play, you often ruminate over more painful topics. You are unafraid to be different—that much is clear. When you specialize in, more than anything else, it the uncanny ability to just be you in a way that no one else can quite imitate. You appear to be special without reinforcing any special detail about yourself and attract an immense amount of attention while appearing to dodge the paparazzi. While highly visible, no one can quite pin you down.
Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon: Enigma

You like to stay out of highly public situations, which makes it difficult to figure you out. You do believe in self expression, but only in a tightly defined and specific way. Those who you allow to chat with you know that there is a humbleness of spirit within you. You stand out when you make strange observations that are made more strange when you pick apart the details of what you have seen. You have the ability to talk in depth about the most ordinary details until they seem to come from out of this world. Even when every other person around you disagrees with you, you hold fast and true to your own opinions because you have spent such a long period of time dissecting and creating them. However, you often end up going with the crowd despite grumbling the entire way because you understand that you work best with others even if you are pegged with playing the complainer in the group.
Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon: Counter Culture

You face and answer to public opinion quite openly and must always be engaging with other people to feel intellectually stimulated. You do not see the value of having an opinion which does not engage others, nor the value of an opinion that falls too much in line with what others are already thinking. You have the ability to raise issues to the public eye and gather support for an stance solely on the basis of it being an unorthodox position. By supporting you, others feel that they are part of a grassroots and radical movement. There is the risk of losing an idea of who you are, identifying almost entirely with the image that others perceive you to be. This can sometimes make self expression, which you feel to be of utmost importance, difficult as you can tend to react too readily to a variety of images of yourself from a variety of sources.
Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon: Taboo

You specialize in bringing up the things that no one ever wants to talk about, not for lack of interest but for fear of reprisal. If given the choice between making erotica and pornography, you will always choose the latter because it is more startling and direct to the imagination. You do not like to imply what can be said outright. However, you are fantastic at creating secrets which intrigue others to look more closely at your ideas. You like to be the person in the room that no one will quite understand, because there is simply no information available about you. However, you still enjoy spearheading conversation over delicate topics that you push to an extreme, due to your own inner curiosity as to what would happen if you say all the wrong things.
Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Wild Child

You’re rebellious by nature and give the impression of being a child that no parent was ever able to house train. Even when involved in projects that are designed for your own benefit, you have the habit of running away when faced with expectations or responsibilities. It is far more important to you to be free and independent than loyal to any idea or person. You enjoy provoking reactions from others by bringing up strange topics but do not stay around to enjoy the consequences. It is far more important for you to say your piece and leave other in confusion. In terms of acquaintances, you seem connected to everyone and anyone, taking immense pride in having those who others find difficult to get in touch with on your list of contacts. With your friends, you are often getting yourself and others in trouble but will cease contact if you see someone rat you out to authorities.
Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon: Human Resources

In a group, you are the natural leader who has a knack for organizing people in projects that call for group work. People defer to your authority not only because they feel that you are always able to offer a fair and balanced opinion of matters, but because you are often the person willing to put the most amount of work into a situation. You have no issue with being the one who makes the hard decisions, who can take the blame should things go wrong. You feel that you are able to handle much more than the average person because you have overcome your share of hurdles. You know how to use other people to the best of their abilities, which makes you a tough but efficient employer. Even in situations where you’re meant to be equal with all others, you can sometimes take on a managerial position.
Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon: Intellectual

You believe in revolution, pure and simple. You understand that the time will and must change, wanting to push others to move towards that change. You live in the future and your ideas are socially conscious. It is next to impossible to win an argument against you not only because of your intellectual powers but because you have the innate capacity to recruit allies to your side. It is, however, easier to tease you for your intellectual jargon, which can make your otherwise revolutionary ideas too opaque to be understood. In actuality, you want to engage with people on a equal basis, not talk down to them. Nonetheless, others take you quite seriously and and you give the impression that you take yourself seriously as well.
Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon: Hidden in plain sight

You are the last person that anyone thinks about. You prefer to hide behind those with a stronger presence than yourself and it can be easy for others to underestimate the amount of weight you hold in a group dynamic. In actuality, you often have the last word in a discussion, even if you do not participate in its beginning stages. You appreciate natural rhythms and, in all situations, you are there for the long haul. You are always willing to wait your turn for things and this does not impede your actions because it means that you do things only when the time is just right. This makes you appear much luckier than you are. Though it may feel like you do nothing for most of your time, you are able to accomplish much because you bide your time.