Virgo Scorpio Relationships

July 11, 2024, 8:54 a.m.

Virgo and Scorpio have a very special type of connection. Scorpio is like a puzzle and Virgo is the best puzzle solver in the world. Virgo is like a complex book and Scorpio is very good at reading the world and those around them.

I’ll tell you why I think Virgo and Scorpio have such a unique connection in a bit. First, let’s just outline the two signs.

Virgo is the sign that is most capable of holding complex realities. Virgo exiles Jupiter and honors Mercury. Virgo likes to figure people out. It likes to think. A Virgo is capable of talking you into an idea and then walking you right back out using one sentence. Virgo doesn’t always like to do things but it likes to construct solutions to existing problems. It likes to analyze things. Virgo can figure almost anything out.

Scorpio does like to do things. It also waits for people to show who they are based on action and not talk. Scorpio is just as complex as Virgo except they are more patient. A Scorpio investigates reality but it also just waits people out. Time will always tell you who someone really is. A Scorpio will wait for the consequence of an action instead of studying all of the ways someone can go. That’s why Scorpio is a bit spiritual.

Both Virgo and Scorpio are complex thinkers. They’re like the goth kids sitting in the corner watching everyone else and trying to figure people out. Scorpio knows things—information that not everyone knows. Virgo possesses wit. They can metabolize Scorpio’s information. The relationship between Virgo and Scorpio is a bit of an unholy alliance. They just know too much.

Why do I say that these two signs have a very special relationship? Why do I say that they are like the goth kids sitting in a corner checking everyone else out?

Both Virgo and Scorpio are the only earth and water signs that exile Venus. Venus usually loves to be in earth or water. Venus loves Taurus and Pisces. Venus has triplicity or social support in the earth and water signs. However, Venus is in detriment in Scorpio and in fall in Virgo.

In astrology, Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure. When Venus is exiled, it looks for pleasure in denial. It seeks beauty in the macabre. Venus in exile isn’t trying to be everyone’s best friend. It’s selective about who it lets in and it understands that niceness isn’t always kindness.

Neither Virgo or Scorpio are the type to fall head first into their infatuations like nothing could ever go wrong. That’s more of Pisces’s thing. Virgo and Scorpio are fucking skeptical about their alliances. They check people out. They google people they meet. They’re curious about you enough to investigate you to see what you’re all about.

Neither Virgo or Scorpio are trying to be everyone’s best friend. Both of them have an aversion to classic prettiness. They are looking for a deeper sense of beauty in reality. Both Virgo and Scorpio like grossness. They don’t mind getting their hands dirty. In the kitchen, they will kill a chicken. They’re the type of people to study food as it rots. Scorpio likes fermentation and Virgo likes compost. Neither Virgo or Scorpio think that food needs to be pretty. They both have a melancholic air about them as though they like to read deep poetry in their spare time and think about the meaning of life.

Regardless of Venus’s condition in either sign, both Virgo and Scorpio still give Venus triplicity. This means that, when Virgo and Scorpio come together, they will chase the macabre together.

They’re the two goth kids. That’s just what I picture when I imagine the two signs together. I don’t know why but I feel like goth kids always come in twos. They’re not actually alone. People go goth because they’re trying to look for intimacy.

Real intimacy amplifies your personality traits because real intimacy gives you permission to be yourself. When a Virgo and a Scorpio come together, they become more of themselves. Virgo gets more and more interested in niche topics. They finally have someone who is interested in hearing all about their research. They exhibit more of that weird professor quality that Virgos have. Scorpio allows Virgo to get stranger because Scorpio will always celebrate Virgo for their strangeness.

In Virgo’s company, Scorpio gets much busier. A Scorpio’s personality is best exhibited through taking action. Scorpio gets more competitive when they’re around a Virgo. They want to do more because Virgo knows all sorts of different practices and tasks. A Scorpio is already quite competitive but a Virgo friend challenges them to be at their own best. A Virgo sees and understands a Scorpio’s potential.

Sometimes, a sextile can give a set of signs so much encouragement that they become extreme versions of themselves. Virgo and Scorpio are sextiled. They will push each other to be themselves.

A Virgo and Scorpio partnership isn’t the most outwardly expressive. This isn’t a couple that likes to throw big parties so that they can invite all of their friends into their home. Neither Virgo or Scorpio like having people in their homes. This pair of goth kids sitting in the corner seem quiet on the outside but they’re quite expressive to one another.

Goth kids look intimidating on the outside. They’re all dressed in black and they don’t really talk to you when you try to talk to them. But goth kids are very nice when they know you’re not out to get them. With their friends, goth kids become the biggest nerds around.

Virgo and Scorpio aren’t interested in being the most popular people in the room. They’re far more interested in intimacy.

Scorpio becomes much funnier when they have a Virgo to joke around with. Virgo gets Scorpio’s weird humor weirder references. They get it. They get Scorpio’s brand of humor even when no one else does. Virgo becomes much sexier when with a Scorpio. Scorpio notices when people pay attention to the details and Virgo always pays attention to the details. When Virgo begins a silly game, Scorpio is down to play.

They have fun together, Virgo and Scorpio. Both these signs can be so serious from the outside. They become these complete goofballs when they find each other. Virgo and Scorpio give one another permission to be themselves. They become loose and fun when they receive that permission.

The most famous celebrity couple I can find is Keanu Reeves and Parker Posey. I can’t find any information about their relationship, not even confirmation that they were actually dating. Neither Keanu Reeves or Parker Posey spilled anything to the paparazzi. They just had a quiet fling or maybe even longer partnership. Virgo and Scorpio are quiet on the outside.

But I like to imagine that they were funny when they were together. If you look at photos of them together, Keanu the Virgo is just always looking hard at Parker the Scorpio. Parker Posey is an immaculate and intense actor. Keanu Reeves is also disciplined in his craft. Both of them are really weird. They’re like the goth kids of Hollywood.

Virgo and Scorpio have a special connection. They support Venus but they also complicate the planet. Venus is the planet of love and like—Virgo and Scorpio both look for intimacy more than popularity. Virgo likes to think and Scorpio likes to wait. They both like to research. When they come together, they become surprisingly silly.

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