The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Libra

July 22, 2024, 9:40 a.m.

Jupiter in Libra is the world’s most powerful person. Libra is one of Jupiter’s most favorite signs. Jupiter in Libra people tend to be extremely powerful people who are very good at mobilizing towards some end and succeeding in their initiative. They tend to be successful. Do you know why? Because Jupiter loves having friends.

Jupiter is like a hot air balloon and loves the air signs. A hot air balloon is a balloon. It may need a little fire to get off the ground but the thing it needs the most is air. Libra is cardinal air. Libra is the winds of change that give life direction. Libra is the sign of relationships and Jupiter is the planet that loves friendship. Jupiter in Libra is the uncomplicatedly friendly Jupiter placement, even more so than Jupiter in the other air signs (Jupiter is in detriment when it Gemini and twelve places from one of its homes when in Aquarius).

Do you know why Jupiter in Libra people, including everyone from Madonna to Carl Jung to Ryan Gosling to Bill Clinton and George W Bush, tend to succeed in their goals? They tend to succeed in being able to do what they want to do. If Jupiter in Libra wants to do something, they tend to find a way. They won’t be overly pushy about it. You may not even notice how they end up in positions of power. You’ll notice them when they want you to and only when they want you to.

Jupiter in Libra knows how to choose good friends. They know how to build alliances.

They know how to keep their friends too or, rather, they know what friends to keep.

Carl Jung first came up because of his association with Freud, who was already famous. They would write these long letters to each other which were eventually published. I find Ryan Gosling’s popularity enigmatic but I admit that he’s incredibly powerful. He kept in touch with all of the Disney stars that he came up with and his charm in acting seems to be how he makes the female lead and his audience feel. He has chemistry with his costars. We all know the story of George W Bush. He had his dad’s friends.

When Jupiter in Libra wants something, they don’t plan on getting there alone. They never do. Jupiter in Libra isn’t usually in it for individual glory. Even if they are, they will always share that glory. Jupiter in Libra knows that they don’t need to outshine anyone. They don’t need to dominate the conversation and they don’t need to present their own gifts like an elementary school student giving a slideshow.

Libra is the sign of the fall, when the Sun goes all subtle and gray. Jupiter, when in Libra, also becomes subtle. Jupiter in Libra is very socially diplomatic. They don’t step on people’s toes. They don’t need to. They have other ways to get where they want to go.

Jupiter in Libra knows that, if you want to get something done, the best way isn’t to do it yourself. The absolute best way to get something done is to find someone who can do the thing that you want to do and to invite that person to the table.

People like to be invited. They like to be asked to do things. I like it too. I like to be useful and I feel seen when someone finds a skill that I happen to possess to be useful. Jupiter in Libra is extremely good at becoming exceptionally powerful because they celebrate their friends and then they ask their friends to do things for or with them.

Let’s say that Jupiter in Libra wants to throw a party. They’re trying to wine and dine a large group of people. Will Jupiter in Libra spend all day in the kitchen cooking meal after meal? Will they handcraft every single invitation and decorate a venue? Will they even know many of the people who end up showing up? No. No, no, no.

Jupiter in Libra will find someone who loves to cook and they will ask them if they can celebrate their good taste together with a nice feast. Jupiter in Libra will look for a beautiful venue that wants to host and invite that venue to their party. Jupiter in Libra will invite their friends to invite their friends. And viola—a beautiful party is created. Jupiter in Libra doesn’t need to do anything except invite people to show their talents.

This is the placement that is most capable of mobilizing collective power. Jupiter in Libra understands what people want when they enter a movement. No one is ever looking for the person who makes the best speeches or for the best slogans. People will stick with a movement despite victory or loss if they have one thing—a sense of togetherness. Jupiter in Libra knows that, when people look for movements, they are looking for political companionship. This is precisely why Jupiter in Libra can so easily become powerful even when they are not looking for power intentionally.

People want to be invited into political life, into political movements. They want to be asked to do things. “Do you want to run this mutual aid project? You’re so good at making people feel cared for,” Jupiter in Libra tells someone. If you invite someone into something with appreciation, that person will blow all of your expectations out of the water.

“Can you design this flyer? You have such a great eye for design.”
“What do you think our reading group should focus on? You’re a great critical thinker and I trust your judgment.”
“I want to build something with you because you have the biggest heart out of everyone I know.”

These are all Jupiter in Libra type statements. Viola—a flyer is made. A reading group syllabus is done. A new movement has started. Jupiter in Libra has to do very little to get a big result. Why? Because they know how to invite people to move with them. Jupiter in Libra doesn’t need to do everything. They will do things but they will never join an organization where they have to be the one who does everything. They know that an organization that rests on the labor of one person is one that is set up to fail.

Jupiter in Libra knows how to galvanize the people around them. They understand that people are shy to participate until they are invited.

I think that Jupiter in Libra’s tendency towards success can also teach the rest of us something important about Jupiter as a planet. Jupiter is thought of as the planet of success and power. Zeus was the king of the gods. But why was Zeus king? Why did Zeus become king when all of the titans before him struggled to hold power?

Zeus had friends. Zeus was never alone. He always had brothers, sisters, and lovers of every gender.

What is power? Power is mutual influence. It’s intimacy and it’s collective pursuit. Power is like love. You only understand your own power when you acknowledge that you have an impact on other people and some responsibility due to that impact.

Jupiter in Libra understands that those who seek power don’t really seek power over anyone. Those who seek power seek collective victory—none of us really desire personal power. We desire inclusion. Belonging. We want to feel like we are a part of something. Power is mutual influence. We want to feel like we matter to other people and we want to be able to tell our loved ones that they matter to us. That’s power. It’s the strength of connection.

“I invite you to become powerful with me.” That statement is Jupiter in Libra in a nutshell.

I think that people are often surprised by their Jupiter in Libra friends. Jupiter in Libra just seems so chill and so affable. They’re not powerful seeking individuals or don’t seem to be. They just like to be in good company. That’s it. But they often unintentionally come into great success. They, without even planning, become these people who impact the world in a big way.

All of this is due to Jupiter in Libra understanding the true power of collectivity. A hundred people going somewhere together is always stronger than one person. When Jupiter in Libra wants to go somewhere, they invite more people. That’s why they get so lucky and why they tend to succeed so gracefully.

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