Pisces Sun, ____ Moon

April 3, 2019, 3:57 p.m.

The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continuing this Sun-Moon combo series with PISCES :)

If you’re an Pisces, look up your Moon sign in your natal chart and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.

Pisces Sun, Aries Moon: Edgy

Pisces Sun Aries Moon

No matter how high the stakes or risks, you hang onto your not yet realized version of the future and refuse to budge. This is because you are a cutting observer of the trends of society and can always create the thing that shocks the world into realizing that they’ve needed what you have to offer for a long while now. You are always able to create the next best thing. You can be violent when you do not get your way and derive enjoyment from tearing yourself down before anyone else can do it to you. While you often sit and paint yourself in unflattering colors, you despise anyone who in turn gives you criticism because your masochism is your line of defense. You can lead others into action because you intuit what others heart fully seek but must work at keeping the group together, because it is less easy for you to handle discord.

Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon: Esoteric

Pisces Sun Taurus Moon

You are far more interested in supreme dedication towards your rather occult interests than a vain and glorified life with varied pursuits. If your work gains any attention, it is because another person has noticed you and the social power your obsession can create in the hands of the right people. In return, you are quite happy to be used by an institution or person as long as it ensures your right to private work without having to worry about the necessities of funding and other practicalities. You are simply uninterested in sharing what you do with those who do not share your values. In fact, you leave the converting to others and take your place deepening your research behind the scenes.

Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon: Variety Show

Pisces Sun Gemini Moon

There is no way that you are only good at only one thing. Whatever you do, you remix several different inspirational sources into a single project. However, whatever is it you do, you may become known within your circle of friends for a few lines that you have said over anything else. You’re actually far more interested in technique than at first glance, since the mixture of several types of production involves a severity of practice hidden by a wild experimentation. It is hard for you to stick to something if it does not offer you the chance to be a game changer in some way. Always in doubt, you abhor the possibility of those who hold you accountable to the things that you say because your specialty is that of changing your mind.

Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon: Injured

Pisces Sun Cancer Moon

The more successful you become, the more you may be tempted to avoid responsibility by emphasizing and reinforcing your own capacity for pain. Sometimes, it can feel like it is your special duty to be the one who hurts for the group. Those who resent this role will blame you for taking away the possibility for pain from others. However, the reason you embody this role so well is because you may have special talent for representing the sufferings of a collective body in a personal and moving way. Because of this, it is also easy for others to project their own anxieties onto you and take away the autonomy of your expression. If this happens, you are talented at hiding from view for long stints of time.

Pisces Sun, Leo Moon: Flamboyant

Pisces Sun Leo Moon

You are the definition of a glamor that is impossible to pin down. You love being in the limelight because its lights are of a magical quality—they have the capacity to make your face change from one moment to the next. One second, you can seem tender and, another, ferocious. In fact, by doing the same action you are able to convey conflicting and simultaneous notions to separate groups of people who see you. In this way, you are truly a master of meaning. Despite all this, every performance you give reads as fully authentic to all who see it. Others see you as someone who means exactly what they say even if what you say can mean so many different things in so many different contexts.

Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon: Flow

Pisces Sun Virgo Moon

You prefer to stay out of the way and rely on skill to get to where you are rather than force of persona. It is better for you to focus on learning one thing you know you want to do, dedicating your life to it and perfecting it than taking on a variety of pursuits. There is, however, a whimsical side to you and, while you are working, it can appear to others that you are simply meandering about in life without an aim in mind. Actually, all this means is that you give yourself completely to the process of doing a thing, cultivating an often held flow state in which you lose track of urgent pursuits and time, and are capable of dedicating your life to a thing in this way.

Pisces Sun, Libra Moon: Casual

Pisces Sun Libra Moon

You often give the appearance of not taking things too seriously, because you intuitively feel the need to create a lighter mood around serious topics in order to give other people their comfort and space. It is easy for you to get involved in relationships and you may acquire the reputation of being a serial monogamist, dedicating yourself completely to each successive relationship. You believe in true love and feel genuinely distraught when others break a good relationship. It is your reluctance to instigate conflict that keeps relationships too casual for emotional comfort. In fact, you may repress things in order to keep the peace, only letting everything come out all at once when things are finally over.

Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon: Underground

Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon

It doesn’t matter to you what your external appearance is because the places where you work are always contained under the surface of things. You always seem to be able to tap into people whose opinions matter, despite their presences not being overly visible, and resources that are ill advertised. You are great at creating teams which are on your side because you’re capable of taking advantage of people’s selfish natures and aiming it for mutual benefit. Though you are a dreamer, you are capable of managing the money side of things. All this said, you may suffer from a chronic feeling that no one in the world truly understands who you are or where you are coming from because of a tendency to hide your motives.

Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Poet

Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon

No matter what it is you do, even if you are the most dry minded of scientists, the work that you do in this world is pure poetry. You are capable of creating paradigm shifts on a large scale, both in your own thinking and for collectives. You often shock yourself in your own research, coming up with concepts that you had no idea about at the onset of the formulation of your project. What you are, primarily, is a storyteller. With a single narrative arc or formula, you can bring up and have impact on several aspects of the world. Your ideas are vague and loose enough for almost anyone to read something from their own story into it. Thus, without being explicit or heavy handed, you are very good at telling the stories of the world in it.

Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon: Cloudy

Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon

Though you are very cynical, those who interact with you do not find you depressing but are often inspired by your presence. You may not understand why because you see both the world and yourself in such dreary terms. It is this cynicism that has the effect of making others trust you, both because they see that you are a foolhardy individual and because they feel that you lack the personal motivation to gather personal power irresponsibly. It is important for you to take care of your needs because neglecting them may lead to a victim mentality that allows you to forfeit responsibility over what others trust you to do. Avoid painting the world in such negative colors that you feel you are the only one who suffers.

Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon: Motley Crew

Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon

You are interested in the downtrodden, the marginalized, and the freakish masses. Those who take popular culture and do something unexpected with it are infinitely more interesting to you than anyone who hides behind an institutional elitism. However, your concern should not be over your ideas becoming too strange, as you prioritize accessibility, but over your thoughts becoming incomprehensible. Sometimes, it is far more important to you to enjoy the formulations of your own brain rather than communicating them to any person. Thus, you may continually feel misunderstood and even isolate yourself from those you do desire validation from. Taking the time to communicate your ideas will save them from becoming self serving.

Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon: Blurry

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon

You may be one of the only people able to create genuine kindness free of any and all ideology. Though your ideals may sometimes seem broad, your dedication towards envisioning them gives you enough for others to trust in your authenticity. When you are cynical, it can be easy for you to simply go along with what others seem to desire from you, to embody their hopes and fears completely. In this way, you may end up taking on projects that belie your own hopes. However, your innocent persona often gets you off the hook even when others around you go down for similar crimes. At times, it can feel as though, no matter what happens, you never let go of certain preschool lessons that guide your moral compass through your days. This gives you a blurry presence, one that seems full of good will but without the specifics that truly inspire action.

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