The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Sagittarius

Sept. 17, 2024, 8:50 a.m.

Yes, Sagittarius is Jupiter’s own home which means that Jupiter in Sagittarius loves to do what Jupiter does best—traveling, teaching, and learning. Sagittarius, however, isn’t just Jupiter’s home. Sagittarius is also a fire sign.

Jupiter is a big and gas filled planet. It loves to praise and cheerlead people. What happens when Jupiter enters the sign of fire moving in all directions at once? Sagittarius is like a wildfire, dancing and twisting towards heaven. Jupiter is a hot air balloon. When Jupiter finds itself in a fire sign, it has triplicity. This means that Jupiter in Sagittarius has both domicile and triplicity rulership.

Boom! The blimp makes a big spectacle. Fireworks erupt in the sky. A fireworks show is the energy of Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Sagittarius can be a great teacher, yes. It loves to travel, yes. Jupiter in Pisces and Cancer also shares these loves. What makes Jupiter in Sagittarius unique? It’s a party animal.

God, does Jupiter in Sagittarius have charisma. They have this way of saying something completely hilarious that they are also dead serious about. They know how to make you playful about an idea but without losing intellectual rigor. They love to debate but they don't challenge you per se. That’s not their energy exactly. Their desire isn’t to say the last word but to ask the right questions. They want to inspire you.

When Jupiter in Sagittarius gets intellectually specific, they’re doing so because they want to find that big feeling of elation we sometimes call inspiration. They run their mouth a lot of the time because they’re trying to find the biggest and best idea. They spiral. They run. They get carried away.

Jupiter in Sagittarius starts with the idea that aliens probably exist because of statistical probability. Then, they wonder about why we haven’t seen aliens if they do indeed exist. Before you know it, Jupiter in Sagittarius is constructing a whole school of thought based on alien to alien relations and asking if you think that Earth is actually a galactic penal colony.

Sagittarius is a horse running fast and free through a meadow. Jupiter is a hot air balloon running with the speed of one of the world’s fastest animals. Their mind moves fast. You have to keep that in mind. When you run with a Jupiter in Sagittarius, their mind (and emotions and body) are moving very fast.

And Jupiter in Sagittarius is moving their body. They’re traveling all the time. They hop into a vehicle whenever they feel like it. When they call you, if they do, it’s always randomly out of the blue and in the middle of travel. If you want to see them, you have to catch them.

So, Jupiter in Sagittarius has a philosophy. Their philosophy is as follows: more is merrier.

Basically, Jupiter in Sagittarius wants philosophies that take them somewhere. They’re not satisfied with a single idea. They want that idea to take them to a new idea, for ideas to grow exponentially. If they start a project, then they’re always more interested in that project’s growth than the first step. Because Jupiter has triplicity in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius people are also able to grow their projects exponentially because they’re able to call more and more people into the mix.

If Jupiter in Sagittarius does anything, they’ll do it collectively. The more, the merrier. Ten people is better than two. A hundred people is better than ten.

Everything is always growing exponentially in a Jupiter in Sagittarius’s world. Their friend group is growing exponentially. They meet one person and then five new people through that one person. They read one book and they find five more books in the list of citations. They travel on one road and that one road splinters off and becomes five different roads, all of which Jupiter in Sagittarius wants to explore.

If an idea doesn’t open up into many more ideas, then Jupiter in Sagittarius isn’t interested. It doesn’t matter if that one idea feels like the truth. Jupiter in Sagittarius isn’t interested in truths that shut down good questions. They’re interested in questions that become even better questions about the world, existence, and what collective life together could be like. They’re interested in questions that feel like invitations into a grand vision that we’re all building together.

Why is Jupiter in Sagittarius so interested in more? One reason why is because Jupiter sees the potential in people. Jupiter in Sagittarius loves to talk with a lot of viewpoints because they actually just like people they find interesting. For the other reason why Jupiter in Sagittarius loves mass movement, we have to analyze the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is about freedom and education and travel. It’s also Zeus. Zeus is the king of the gods. Jupiter is actually very interested in power when it is in Sagittarius.

The masses hold immense power. Jupiter in Sagittarius knows this. It wants all of us to realize this potential together. That’s why it doesn’t see itself as an individual but a part of something greater. That’s why Jupiter in Sagittarius is so interested in zeitgeist changing ideas. When a large group of people get together, their physical strength actually grows far larger than the strength that any one individual can hold. Groups of people can build big structures like bridges and cities and towers. The people together can change the world.

That’s the type of power Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter in its home and triplicity, understands best. That’s why it wants more. It wants more for all of us. Jupiter in Sagittarius loves to share.

There’s more for everyone. The more, the better. Jupiter in Sagittarius realizes this using their own personality. They give their time, attention, and even money to everyone. They love to wine and dine their friends. They love to spend all of their resources on the people they love. This spirit of generosity actually makes Jupiter in Sagittarius feel more in control—giving makes them feel more alive.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is all accepting. If you laugh with them, they laugh with you. If you argue with them, they argue with you. If you are quiet around them, they let you do your thing. These people don’t really have any expectations about other people behaving a certain way. They actually just want people to come together and be really eccentrically themselves all at once. That’s the only way to build a big team.

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