Taurus Scorpio Relationships

Sept. 23, 2024, 9:25 a.m.

Is there a more compelling couple in the zodiac than Taurus and Scorpio? Yes, Taurus and Scorpio are opposites and some astrologers will say that oppositions are tense aspects. Maybe. But the tension between Taurus and Scorpio is exciting and sensual all at once. Oppositions happen between signs that are in compatible elements.

Taurus is fixed earth and is like the springtime soil—lush, moist, and nutrient dense. Taurus is ready to feed and to eat. They want to eat life—all of it. Tauruses aren’t always materialistic in the sense of liking to shop or whatever. Taurus simply wants the best quality of all there is—when it comes to ideas, Taurus wants the best ideas. They want to read only the best books. They want the best music and to use the richest pigments when they paint.

Scorpio is fixed water and lurks below the surface like ground water inside a deep cave. Scorpio season is the time of fermentation when leaves nourish the soil back by rotting. Have you ever walked around during the fall? It’s pungent! The fall is full of really weird scents. Scorpio is like the scent of fall—deep, unique, and unforgettable. Just like fallen leaves, Scorpios like to sit on their emotions and allow them to get deeper and deeper, more and more pungent.

You’ll notice that both Taurus and Scorpio have really unique taste. I’m talking about the literal taste of mid spring and mid fall but I’m also talking about the flavor of personality found in these two signs. Taurus is lush and Scorpio is pungent. Both of them have unique style—both will be picky about what they like because they just have such a strong sense of how they want to walk, feel, and look.

Sometimes, the fixed signs get pegged with being image conscious. I don’t think that’s true for Taurus and Scorpio—I think that Taurus and Scorpio are scent conscious. They sniff you out too. They are curatorial about how they want to feel and the energy they want to give off, not about the way they look or appear on the surface.

That’s why, when Taurus and Scorpio come together, they produce one of the pickiest couples. My parents are a Taurus and Scorpio couple. Both my parents are really specific people taste wise. My mom only likes white rice and my dad only likes legumes. Extremely picky.

These people are selective. Their own personalities are strong so they make their preferences very, very clear! They’re not fast to make a judgment. They are incredibly slow. Most of the time, they are sniffing you out. Scorpio can see through people and Taurus can smell people out.

Both Taurus and Scorpio want real relationships with real people. They won’t settle for anything less. If there is any element of falsity at play, they will call it out immediately.

It’s actually not very easy to get a Taurus or a Scorpio’s attention. They understand that their attention and time is limited so they don’t give it out freely. If you want a Taurus or a Scorpio’s attention, you have to say things that really interest them. Once you have their attention, then they are exceedingly patient with you. Too much small talk, however, throws these people off.

Neither Taurus or Scorpio feel like they have to remain in constant communication especially when they know and trust you. In a Taurus and Scorpio partnership, the initial flirting phase can be a bit rocky because neither of these signs like to wait on someone else. They both like to make other people do the waiting. However, once they have trust established, their communication style is very relaxed. Both are patient. Both are oddly specific about their interests. Neither like to waste time.

You might be thinking—hey, Taurus and Scorpio are opposition in the zodiac wheel. Doesn’t that mean that they are opposed to each other? Sure. Opposed signs have any degree of tension but they’re fundamentally interested in the same things. Taurus and Scorpio are interested in the same thing. They are interested in describing the nature of reality so carefully that no detail gets lost. Do they fight? YES. Taurus and Scorpio fight about the same thing for years and years. They fight so long about the same thing, their disagreements become understandings.

All fixed signs, no matter if they are square or opposed, all have some sympathy. This is unique to fixed signs and doesn’t apply to cardinal signs or mutable signs. Taurus is fixed earth and Scorpio is fixed water. Taurus will never break a promise and Scorpio always gives a return. If you treat a fixed sign well, they will remember. They tend to give back what is due.

Both Taurus and Scorpio are obsessives—they are obsessed with what is real and with trust.

Taurus tends to study trust using common sense. A lot of people ignore common sense because we take what is most obvious for granted. Not Taurus. You can’t hide your actions using your words with Taurus. They are busy breaking down systems and studying things for what they are. My dad is a Taurus. I remember the first time I showed him Kpop. He was able to break down exactly how much money he thinks an idol group is making just by watching a video and seeing the number of views. I don’t understand why he engages with pop culture this way but I’m not a Taurus. Same with small businesses—he walks into the takeout place on the corner not just to enjoy the food but to calculate how much the business must be making.

You can’t get anything past a Taurus.

Scorpio tends to study trust by looking for information. Scorpios like to know things but they’re not systems analyzers like Tauruses are. They like to ask you questions just to see how you will respond. They are less interested in how much the takeout place is making and more interested in what people’s intentions are. My mom has a Scorpio Moon. She’s always studying people’s upbringings to know more about the motivations behind their behaviors.

You can sometimes fool a Scorpio but you can never fool a Taurus. I know that this seems contrary to stereotypes because Scorpio is seen as such a suspicious sign while Taurus’s flavor of skepticism is often glossed over. Trust me. I was a teenaged kid raised by a Taurus Sun and a Scorpio Moon.

Scorpios are interested in origin stories and in motivations. Taurus is interested in consequences. Your motivations are always changing. They’re not static—that’s why Scorpio is a water sign. Even when water is fixed, it must flow. You can change your motivations but you can’t change the consequences of your actions.

In a partnership between Taurus and Scorpio, I think that the Scorpio relies on the Taurus quite a bit. My mom likes to sit in a corner and brood on the drama at church and fixate over what everyone’s intentions must be. My dad doesn’t care—he knows that there will be no consequences that arise out of continuous church drama that has been happening for years. I think that Taurus can really help Scorpios eliminate what is worth caring about. Why care about someone’s intentions if what they are thinking doesn’t affect you? What does my dad care about? Housework. He does all of the housework because there are consequences to not washing the dishes or doing the laundry. My mom doesn’t do this shit—she’s more interested in why things need to be done.

But Scorpios can help Taurus too. Taurus can get fixed in their behavioral patterns precisely because they do not like to study their own motivations. Scorpios do. They can give Taurus a deep perspective on their inner lives. Now, Taurus isn’t always interested in their own inner lives but they are also one of the only signs that will never get destabilized from Scorpio’s investigations. Taurus holds up Scorpio’s waves because they are so fixed.

My mom tells my dad that he has abandonment issues because his mom was orphaned at an early age. My dad asks, “So? Why does that matter?” That’s Taurus and Scorpio in a nutshell. They continue eating their white rice and legumes in peace.

Scorpio is always trying to change every single thing about themselves because they are trying to reveal the core of who they are. Taurus doesn’t do this. Taurus stays the same. In my family system, that means that my mom is always trying new things with her life. If it weren’t for my dad, my mom’s life would be a lot more volatile than it is. She lives in a house managed by a Taurus man. He does all the housework and he’s done it in precisely the same way for several decades over and over again. Domestically, Scorpio brings a lot of investigation and that constant need to eliminate obligations in order to become more true thrives when it meets Taurus’s everlasting stability.

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