May 2019 Horoscopes

May 2, 2019, 1:06 p.m.

Have you walked outside and seen all the flowers? Taurus season is life. There’s big flowers, toppling over on trees, and little flowers, looking like they popped up in the middle of all the leaves on a bush.

I’ve always been impressed with Taurus folks, because it often looks like nothing is happening and nothing is happening…and then you look again and there’s life going on and Taurus has created something beautiful and valuable and real just by nature of existing. No sweat on their brow.

It’s hard to say whether Taurus season will be 顺 (going smoothly) this time around. We have so many retrogrades! We have so much to reconsider! We have made so many enjoyable mistakes that have made us into who we are today!

Outside the little bubble we’ve created for our lives under the sea, the whole structure is collapsing. People whose job titles hold a weighty punch are behaving childishly. They’re making fun of us. How does it feel when someone in power makes fun of you?

Mars in Gemini gives us a taste for deception before the Sun and Mercury get there too this month. Mid-month, on the 16th, Mars leaves Gemini for Cancer. Shortly after on the 21st, the Sun picks Gemini up where Mars left it.

It’s nice to get a breath of fresh air. These past two years, we have been mentally constipated. With no slower moving planets in air, we often get the sensation that there just isn’t anything to talk about when you find more than one person in a room or have your pen poised above a piece of paper.

Enjoy this breeze in the month of May. Enjoy the flowers, the fresh oxygen in the air, and open your windows at night. June and Cancer season will be intense, with Mars and personal planets forming an opposition with all the retrograde shit going on in Capricorn, right at eclipse season. We’ll talk more about it when the time comes.

For now: TAKE IT E A S Y. Hum. Go swimming. Orgasm. Eat sweet things and vitamin E. Don’t pursue happiness relentlessly.

Moon phases: Sleep a lot this weekend for the new moon in Taurus. Next week, get moving and exercise. Give yourself and your friends a feast the third week of this month for the full moon in Scorpio. Let yourself get some time away from your phone the last month with a waning crescent.


You may know how to get the prize of your eye but you don't know much about nurturing it, at least, not yet. You know how to run towards a challenge but do you know about contentment? You know how to crave something but what do you even know about satisfaction? Maybe you know how to fight for your rights but how do you even celebrate a victory?

You’re the warrior returning home this month of May, Aries. For your own sake, just pretend that you've already won so that you can give yourself and people around you some shut eye. You’re the promised prince delivering the final blow so for god’s sake, just take your bow and go to your room where you keep all of your favorite things. It’s up to you to finally enjoy those favorite things before they rot like all lively things eventually do.


Happy birthday Taurus! You’re the apple of someone’s eye. It’s hard for you to get moving when there is no unstoppable force heading your way. You’re a rock standing still but now you’ve got all these pretty flowers growing around your head. The rain feels nice doesn’t it?

Your mission for this month: get something for free and give away something for free. Sometimes that will feel like a trade but sometimes there’s just enough gap between the two givings and it can feel like freedom. The point of this exercise is to do something that you would do even if you didn’t need to get paid for it. It’s the kind of thing that gives you life.


No one knows where you are right now and your phone is finally off. Doesn't it feel great to be an anonymous face? What would other people feel like to you if you didn’t already know their names as well as fifteen secrets about them? What is the raw youness that you bring into a relationship without the other person saying a word?

You will help yourself when you know your own secrets as well as everyone else’s. Sometimes, dreams are parts of your subconscious gossiping away about other parts. Tune in and make yourself sweat feverishly with whatever juicy scoop you have for yourself.


What’s the point of having friends if you don’t even see them? It’s time to delete your finsta and strive for some face to face contact. Hold hands with your best friend as you walk down the street. Feel the joy of waiting for someone because you came together and you’ll leave together. There’s something about that feeling of being in partnership that makes you feel, finally, like you belong in this world.

Stop prioritizing friendship only when you’re single. Stop calling yourself single when you have platonic love scenes every week. Stop calling yourself partnered up when you have different relationships with all the people in your life. Start telling people you love them and meaning it in different ways.


Money, money, money. It's a little difficult, isn’t it? You need a rainy day fund, Leo, because you need time where you don’t have to focus on the nitty gritty to be free. This is your month to save something up for the future you deserve. Write a number on a piece of paper for how much you feel to put into the bank this month and ways to make that number will come to you. If you haven’t already, start your Roth IRA.

Most of all, your outer beauty matters to you this month because you feel your inner kind coming through. Not all attention is welcome or enjoyable. Set hard boundaries for when you move through the street because people are hitting on you. Keep your warmth for the people you prioritize.


This is a good time for writing and, if you don't write, speaking. You can be super productive this month but productivity sort of isn't the point. The point is to resurrect your appetite for life as curiosity uninhibited. When you go to sleep at night, start thinking of all the cool clothes you’ll wear tomorrow as well as all the yummy food that you’ll eat. When you wake up, jump out of bed and start gulping those things down right away.

Make yourself easily eager. Your job isn’t to make things difficult for yourself right now. Your only job is to go to the library and realize that you’re curious about all the things you don’t already know about, to talk out of your ass until someone corrects you and gives you new information for free, and to pretend you’re stupid some days so you can trick your brain into craving new books.


It’s like you’re emerging this month and you’re not the same. You want new relationships that don’t depend on you being the same old you. You don’t want relationships that keep hitting the same emotional registers, that keep your empathy lazy anymore. You want to work for people that make you enjoy yourself in new ways.

Your favorite thing is doing the things that you didn’t know you were good at well. Your least favorite thing is doing the things you already know you’re good at well. When you play it safe, everyone and everything starts to feel like labor. Live dangerously and live it well.


It's time to get married to something that isn’t another person. You’ve been here giving so much away to everyone but yourself. Everyone around you wants to know what they can give you and you keep that information a locked secret. I know that it's hard to trust someone else to do something for you that you can very well do for yourself. No one does it in exactly the way that you are used to and expecting. Sometimes that is a good thing.

So, get turned on this month. If beauty doesn’t really do it for you anymore, figure out the right kind of ugliness that works your fancy. Beauty is just what is already celebrated and you’re here to enjoy the taboo. It’s spring and you're not only ready, you're willing. That's big.


So you’ve been locked away in privacy enjoying yourself feverishly, haven't you? Do you feel very guilty about this, Sagittarius? That you’re not giving yourself out to others for free? Are there many people in your orbit who just wish that you’d commit yourself to something once and for all? Do they have your best interests at heart? Do you have your best interests at heart or are you in love with romantic self sabotage?

Just take care of your body first. Don’t eat too many eggs a day. Eat raw foods right now when they're fresh. Eat something with flavor and eat many colors and flavors. Sleep well and readjust your body’s hormonal cycle. Don’t picture health—live it instead.


The hardest thing of all is to turn a passion project into a routine affair. Routine kills the imagination, which I’m sure you know. Your routine is killing your imagination, which I’m sure you know. The trouble is that you have a responsibility to get all that you’ve said you would get done finished.

Your job this month: leave a couple days off each week where you have no idea what you will be doing. Actually finish things imperfectly so that you get them done with enough time to spare for wistful thinking. Prioritize your most useless moments. Binge watch a television series that has you brainstorming a novel idea. Turn what’s brainless into something activated.


Are you even seeing these flowers outside of your window, Aquarius? Are you smelling the air outside? Did you even notice what time of the year it is? Are you for real? It’s time for growing with absolutely no, and that means zero, effort! It’s time for you to wander around outside like some white dude who calls himself a flaneur and feels full safety on the streets.

This is the sweetest time of the year. It’s the time where all you have to do to stand in shock of your inner abundance is to simply stand there. Stretch your legs and go outdoors. Go to the market and pick the heaviest fruits. Then, you’ll start thinking without needing anyone to push you in the unique way only you can think in.


You’re going from a reading time of the year to a resting kind. The difference between the two is that resting means your stories are all made up by you and you only. Your best ideas hit you when you sleep in and let yourself lay in bed without your phone for hours. When was the last time you had that time to yourself?

Let go of the idea of your own perceptiveness and perceive nothing. Let your mind drift. You don’t need to watch any TV for you to entertain yourself. Your mind is just that full already. Practice the diligent art of making something up without any reference material at your disposal. This takes attention and absolutely no labor.

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