The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Pisces

Oct. 25, 2024, 10:35 a.m.

Jupiter in Pisces is a famous Jupiter placement. Jupiter rules Pisces but, unlike Jupiter in Sagittarius, it receives no triplicity. Rulership is about comfort in expression but triplicity is about social support. Jupiter in Pisces is just as much of a dreamer just like Jupiter in Sagittarius but, instead of using its visions to gather people and throw parties, it drifts off in its own direction.

The word dream has two meanings. We use it to talk about someone with big ideas who is always galvanizing people into action. We also use the word dream to talk about those visions that come to us when we fall unconscious.

Jupiter in Pisces is the second type of dreamer. Jupiter is a dreamer but Pisces, a water sign, comes alive at night. It’s not galvanizing. It’s hallucinating. Jupiter in Pisces is less trying to write a manifesto and more blinking away surreal images as the sleep fades from their eyes. It is less trying to achieve your dreams and more trying to interpret your fantasies and nightmares.

Is there anyone stranger than a Jupiter, a dreamer, stranded at sea?

Pisces is the deep ocean. It’s the creator of mirages, the great abyss where we project all of our hopes and fears. Monsters live out at sea. The dragon king commands its waters. We never see ocean beings but we know that they live. If you want independence away from a society, the best thing to do isn’t to start a fire but to cross the water. When you cross water, you throw people off of your scent. You get to get lost. You get to go to a place where no one can find you.

Yes, Jupiter in Pisces can be lonelier than Jupiter in Sagittarius. But does it care? Jupiter in Pisces isn’t focused on fitting in. It’s focused on leaving the banal behind.

My mother has Jupiter in Pisces. Whenever I call her, she tells me almost nothing about what has been happening in her life. Instead, she tells me every single detail of her unexpressed fantasies and the dreams that she hallucinates at night. For her, these dreams are much more important than the happenings and comings of the day. She tells me about a dream of a miniature hotel, of a presence chasing her, and of one of me crying in a corner. She tells me about the questions that her mentor asked her about her dreams and about the interpretations that they find together.

Where she will be come the holidays? No word. Whether she will be in town and what any of our relatives are doing? Nothing. I know almost nothing factual about my family in part because my mom, a Jupiter in Pisces, speaks to me only in dreams. I hear about my mom’s sister coming from my dad, about my cousin’s activities through him. From her, I only hear about visions and hallucinations. All of my text messages to her are ignored except for the ones where I share my nighttime dreams. In response, my mom sends me diagrams about the 12 stages of alchemical transformation and instructions on how to use active imagination. Nothing about her plans for retirement or concrete events.

I have observed Jupiter in Pisces through my mother for many years. I think that, for some people, she can feel too intense in polite company. She often does this thing where she looks into my eyes when strangers are present to tell me that, according to Carl Jung, nothing can break the spiritual bond between a child and their mother. I’m used to this type of thing from her but I have noticed that it can make other people uncomfortable. I think that this is Jupiter in domicile sans triplicity—Jupiter in Pisces is spiritually dominating and it doesn’t always invite you in. Jupiter in Pisces is mystical but socially inappropriate.

Pisces is known to be a sign that tries, against all odds, to make other people comfortable. Pisces is water that flows around a person. It tries to make room for everything and everyone. But why does Pisces want to make you comfortable? So that it can have a private moment with you. Pisces, just like most water signs, loves intimacy. It loves to create intimate moments.

What happens when Jupiter, the big and sprawling planet, finds itself in Pisces? First of all, it can go as big as it likes. There’s literally nothing that stops you from dreaming. Your dreams can be about anything, even things that are physically impossible. Second of all, it starts to create intimacy in very, very socially inappropriate places.

I remember once, when I was giving readings in a coffee shop, a woman sat down across from me. We didn’t know each other. She just started talking. She started telling me about her work with bees. Somehow, through intuitive and precise observation, she has found a way to communicate with the bees. I’m not talking about communication in a superficial way either. This woman found a way to actually speak the language of bees and have conversations with them. When I asked to look at her chart? Jupiter in Pisces at a prominent angle and with supportive aspects.

This is a work of fucking magic! This woman learned how to communicate with bees! She just does it! For no reason! Where else is she going to talk about this feat of pure magic besides a random astrologer sitting at a coffee shop?

The reason why Jupiter in Pisces does literal fucking sorcery in the most random and socially inappropriate places is because there really isn’t a socially acceptable way to practice magic. There isn’t a place for half of Jupiter’s magic. Jupiter in Sagittarius is the charismatic ruler who inspires political and spiritual visions. That’s just half of Jupiter’s magic. Jupiter in Pisces is the hidden half. It’s the half that has nowhere else to go. That’s the half that comes to us at night when we are sleeping.

Jupiter in Pisces is in charge of displaying feats of magic that will be inappropriate to disclose in almost any normal social situation. That’s why it has no triplicity. It has no need for social support. Someone who has learned to talk with the bees can only do so if they are willing to spend long periods of time away from other people because normal society believes that humans cannot speak with bees. You have to walk away from society to believe the unbelievable.

There’s people in this world who have learned how to control fire using their minds. There are people who have learned how to float through meditation. There are people who can smell illness on another person before symptoms start. None of these are skills that you can pull out at a party without alienating everyone. There’s just no socially appropriate place for actual magic.

I think that the difference between Jupiter in Cancer is that Jupiter in Cancer believes in real magic but Jupiter in Pisces actually just pulls it off. Jupiter in Pisces doesn’t actually believe in magic all the time. My mom is one of the more skeptical minds I know. However, they stumble into their magical powers by accident. They scribble with a pencil and then just happen to notice that a nearby bumblebee starts to imitate the pencil’s dance. The idea that people can speak to bees doesn’t cross their minds until the moment of life making the impossible possible. An exalted Jupiter believes in magic but a domicile Jupiter just finds it happening in actuality and outside of their control.

For Jupiter in Pisces, life is a dream. You can dream about anything. Life is the same. You never know what will happen next. Most of life’s mysteries are unproven and unexplored. Jupiter in Pisces goes there. It needs a lot of solitude. It can’t take everyone with it when it journeys because it has to accidentally make magic while walking somewhere very strange.

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