Scorpio Sagittarius Relationships

Nov. 15, 2024, 10:50 a.m.

I find Scorpio and Sagittarius relationships completely preposterous. These two signs are like bros. They have something that is really important in common—both Scorpios and Sagittarius care a lot about what they call the truth. However, the way they go about finding or speaking the truth is entirely different.

Scorpios like to dig for explanations. They like to root things out. They like to look for the core of the issue and they strive to explain things with simplicity and brevity.

Not Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the most long winded sign in the entire zodiac. If you let a Sagittarius talk, they will just talk. They don’t just talk either. They leap from idea to idea, from ideology to ideology. They mix different philosophies together, even contradictory ones. Sagittarius likes to leap in their logic. They go from talking about how left handed people suffer in a right handed world to talking about how our brains are split between visual and lineage logic in the same breath.

Scorpio are not like this. Scorpios fixate on one topic for, like, a year. They focus on one topic with all of their strength and attention until that topic has become a deep hole.

I think that conversations between Scorpios and Sagittariuses are hilarious to watch. I’ve witnessed some beautiful friendships between Scorpio and Sagittarius. They’ll sit together and just spin out. They have this bro-like quality in their friendship. The Sagittarius is spinning all these theories and the Scorpio is just testing them out one by one.

These two signs like to think together. They’re both truth tellers but of a completely different sort. That means that Scorpio and Sagittarius have a lot of intellectual rapport.

All zodiac signs which are adjacent will have tensions with their closest signs. Scorpio and Sagittarius, being right next to each other in the zodiac wheel, are not exempt from this rule. Scorpio is a water sign and ruled by Mars. It exiles the Moon and Venus. Sagittarius is a fire sign and ruled by Jupiter. It exiles Mercury.

Sagittarius is interested in the truth not just for the sake of truth telling but because they think that the way towards the truth is funny. Ultimately, Sagittarius is a seeker. The sign is about taking a trip—a journey. Sagittarius goes for the truth but they like all of their detours. They believe that the friends they make along the way and the things that they find on the side are more interesting than their end goal.

That’s why Sagittarius likes to go on tangents. That’s why Sagittarius is so long winded.

Scorpio is different. Scorpio is actually mostly concerned with self protection. When Scorpio thinks that it knows the truth, it can actually become more withholding. When Scorpio is in doubt, it tends to ask a lot of questions. Scorpio wants to know what you really think because it’s interested in how much distance it needs with you.

That’s why I think that Sagittarius can really disorient a Scorpio. Sagittarius is like an arrow moving across the sky. That’s disorienting for a critter that likes to burrow into the ground.

What’s interesting to me is that, in most Scorpio Sagittarius dynamics, the Sagittarius tends to initiate. Sagittarius sometimes gets into the mindset where they make people they like into their mission. A Sagittarius’s most favorite activity is to talk someone out of a more narrow view of the world. “Have you ever considered this thing from this other perspective?” Sagittarius likes to ask. “I think the argument that you’re making is kind of a strawman argument. Let me tell you why. [Cue twenty minute long ramble].”

Yes, Scorpio gets annoyed! But not that annoyed. After all, these are not personal attacks. Scorpios can tell the difference. This is the random rambling of someone who wants to open your mind. Sagittarius usually means well. Instead of getting annoyed, Scorpios get tickled.

And that feeling of being tickled open—that’s very attractive for Scorpios.

But here is where things get tricky. Sagittarius doesn’t know when to stop. They can’t stop, not when they are on a mission. Sagittarius has the tendency to transform all of their erotic desires into intellectual sparring. With Scorpio, they’ve found someone who is willing to challenge them. Not all signs have the mental energy to go at it with Sagittarius all the time. So, meeting another intellectual, Sagittarius gets very excited and then keeps opening up the conversation.

That’s when Scorpios can get a little irritated. Scorpio attention is built differently. Scorpios are not loose ramblers. They actually focus intensely. When you focus intensely, you tend to lose your energy faster. That’s why Scorpios actually need a lot of breaks from other people. They need time and space to just be with their own thoughts because they study every single interaction they have with another person with a fine toothed comb. That’s just a lot of focus.

Again, Sagittarius is not like this. They are just sharing their random thoughts of the day. That takes very little energy. Sagittarius often do not notice when Scorpios get worn down.

This is why Scorpios often ask, “Why is this Sagittarius so fucking obsessed with me?” They feel chased down. They can’t get a moment alone. The Sagittarius is too overwhelming. Scorpio needs to time to recalibrate.

Well, Sagittarius is not obsessed with you. Sagittarius just likes you. That’s how they show their appreciation. They get excited. This is not obsession. It’s excitement. They’re trying to provoke you because they want you to get excited about them back.

What’s the difference between obsession and excitement? The difference is very thin. The difference is that, once Sagittarius runs out of energy, they actually let go.

The pace of flirtation between Scorpios and Sagittariuses are not the same. Scorpios like to take it slow and then root deeper and deeper. Sagittarius likes to give a lot of love at once, hammering it in, and then disperse like fireworks. I think that the difference between Scorpio and Sagittarius pace of intimacy can cause a lot of misunderstandings. Scorpio is self protective. Sagittarius is self disruptive. Scorpio judges things by the long game. Sagittarius thinks that everything has an end date.

But, if the two signs can understand their differences, they do have a lot in common. Rather, their difference is what they have in common. They are both truth seekers but they go at it so differently. That’s why they arouse and provoke each other. That’s why they have such interesting conversations (or arguments). That’s why they can sustain such long friendships—neither signs will bullshit the other even if they see things from completely different perspectives.

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