Libra Sagittarius Relationships

Nov. 27, 2024, 2:49 p.m.

Libra is the relaxed guy who likes to egg everyone else on. Sagittarius is the party animal. Together, they make one of the zodiac’s most easy going and chaotic relationship dynamics.

Sagittarius likes to be on the move. They like to go vroom vroom. They don’t like to feel trapped and they hate doing the same thing each and every day. On the other hand, Libra likes stability. Libra likes to appear conventional even when they are not on the inside. Sagittarius is an experience maximalist who will try almost anything at once. Libra is a minimalist who likes to do things the easy way.

Why do they get along so well? Why is it that Libra and Sagittarius are just so attracted to each other?

Sagittarius loves to teach. Libra likes to learn, to observe and to listen. Sagittarius likes to put on a show. Libra likes to play along. Sagittarius likes to give and Libra likes to receive. Can you imagine a better dynamic?

I like to think of Sagittarius as the sign that likes to go about everything in the hardest way possible for the sheer thrill of it. If Sagittarius is going from one location to another, they are not likely to move in a straight line. They will want to visit at least two friends on the way. They will want to go to a remote town in case they have a chance encounter with their soulmate. If Sagittarius want to cook dinner, then they’re going to try and use the most niche ingredients possible or make as much food for as many people as possible.

Sagittarius likes to do things the hard way. I mean this as a compliment. They will go the extra distance. They will try. They will go out of their way just so that they can learn. Sagittarius has the ability to make difficult things easier in their heads somehow.

Libra is the complete opposite actually! You’ll never guess this when you talk to most Libras because they don’t always say everything that they are thinking (That’s another difference from Sagittarius, by the way, because Sagittarius will tell you everything that they are thinking at great length). When a Libra approaches any task, they have thought it through a few times and analyzed the situation so that they can find the easiest possible way to get the thing that they have to do done. Once they have finished, they can relax. Libras love to have a little relax.

Once, an art teacher told me that she is most efficient at the things that she feels the most laziness around. Similarly, Libras are efficient. Libra exalts the planet Saturn which is the planet of discipline and stillness. Libras are very efficient when they do anything.

In Libra and Sagittarius, the ultimate minimalist meets the ultimate maximalist. Libra will find the easiest way to move through a problem. Sagittarius wants every problem to be a teaching moment and, in order to milk their lesson, they make it more and more complicated. So, I ask you again. Why do Libras and Sagittarius get along so well?

Because they make each other laugh. Libra and Sagittarius make each other crack up. They understand all of their differences. They point them out to each other. And then, they have a good chuckle.

Both Libra and Sagittarius are clownish people. Libra love to mimic and satirize. Sagittarius loves to exaggerate. Libras have the most dry sense of humor and Sagittarius is just completely absurd. Libras pretend to be more serious than they are around Sagittarius. Sagittarius, sensing a straight man, lets themselves go a bit haywire and spills all of their loose fantasies to the Libra. They relax together. They relax in good fun and spirit.

These two signs like to be funny. They like to play, to have fun. Libra is ruled by Venus which is the planet of pleasure. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is the planet of friendship and fantasy.

Now, Sagittarius is the sign that is the trickiest to date. I mean this in the best way possible. If you try to get Sagittarius to commit in a relationship, Jupiter will trick you. Sagittarius will shapeshift, becoming another type of being. But Libra? Libra is the only sign that can capture a wild Sagittarius with finesse.

You see, Libras love to be in relationships but they don’t push for them the way Leos or Cancers might. Libras do something that is so remarkable, I don’t understand why more people don’t do what they do. Libras ask. If they want affection from you, they simply ask. And then they wait.

“Can you take a look at my ass? I want to know if it looks good in these pants.” “Will you make me dinner? People who cook well are so sexy.” “My ears are ticklish. What if you played with them?” These are all things that Libras like to say. They say them with a little grin and a wink.

Sagittarius hates to be controlled. If you try and make them fit a pattern, they will just explode on you. But if you ask? If you tempt or tease or provoke? Sagittarius suddenly becomes putty in your hands. People forget that Sagittarius is a sign that loves to serve on their hands and knees for the right cause. They’re passionate in that way. They’re extremely spiritually devoted people.

Libra has that little something that can make a Sagittarius fall to their knees. I don’t really understand it but I’ve seen it happen.

In fact, in a relationship between a Libra and a Sagittarius, the Sagittarius is the one who has to wait on the Libra. Sagittarius makes almost every single sign wait. They say, “I’ll call you back because I’m traveling” as they head halfway around the world or just around the corner and they make you wait. But with Libra? Sagittarius is waiting.

Why? Because Libras already wait to make their decisions. They don’t rush. They’ll never rush. In fact, they get anxious when they have to so they don’t. Remember, Libra exalts the planet Saturn. Libra will take their time.

Sometimes, Libras take years upon years to make a decision. What does Sagittarius do? Sagittarius will move on. They will keep living life. When Libra sees that, they will come swaying back. Libra is the sign that is most susceptible to reverse psychology because they desire what they can’t have and they like to try to get away with what is prohibited.

Neither Libra or Sagittarius care about perfection. If either of them transgress the rules of their relationship, both of them will recuperate and figure out a path towards repair. They might find a lesson in the transgression. Once they have found a lesson together, they can move on. Sometimes, life is like that. When things hurt, you move on after you learn something. Sometimes, people with strong Jupiter influence will try to experiment on the boundaries of relationships. Neither Libra or Sagittarius care about perfect loyalty or about making the other person fit some kind of mold. Both of them let their lovers make mistakes.

If you have the mindset of learning from life, then you tend to be more resilient. If you have the attitude of laughing at yourself when appropriate, then your self image becomes stronger. That’s Libra and Sagittarius when they come together. They come together to learn from each other and to laugh at themselves. They complement each other. They don’t expect perfection. They let each other get away with a lot and, if there is push and pull, they know how to come back together.

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