Virgo Sagittarius Relationships

Dec. 19, 2024, 10:38 a.m.

Okay, so I think that Virgo Sagittarius relationship can be fun. They can also be a lot! Two mutable signs coming together just generates a lot of energy. I’ve heard it from both ends. I’ve heard my Virgo friends dissect their dynamics with Sagittariuses and I’ve seen my Sagittarius move through relationships with Virgos.

Both Virgo and Sagittarius like to run their mouths. Okay! I said it. But it’s true. Virgo likes to speak all kinds of uncomfortable truths out loud. They like to destroy illusions using their words. And Virgos are careful listeners. If you have ever spoken with a Virgo at length, you’ll find that they can take an idea and walk in a thousand different directions.

Sagittarius also likes to say things that are true but just happen to rub people the wrong way for some reason. Sagittarius likes to say preposterous things. I’m talking about Margaret Cho. I’m talking about Arif Dirlik. These are people who say crazy things because they are trying to shock you into looking at the world around you differently.

Virgo and Sagittarius dynamics are very exaggerated. They can be argumentative, full of bickering. Sagittarius says something ridiculous and then Virgo tries to get them to back their statements up. Sagittarius doesn’t. They just keep making shocking statements. Virgo tries to deconstruct. Meanwhile, Sagittarius has already moved on.

Conversationally, Virgo and Sagittarius are chaotic. They can talk about anything. They will either go somewhere very strange in their conversation or they won’t get anywhere at all.

Virgo is the best student there is. This is the sign that Mercury exalts. Virgo is the sharpest thinker in the book. Meanwhile, Sagittarius is the best teacher there is. All Sagittarius cares about is hope. They don’t care about your skill level today. They care about the potential you have in you to create tomorrow.

I think that, with some Virgo and Sagittarius partnerships, there can be a tendency for Sagittarius to try and make Virgo the student. You actually see this happen with Beyonce and Jay Z. Beyonce is a Virgo and Jay Z is a Sagittarius. There’s a huge age difference between the two of them which adds to it.

In her HBO special, Beyonce says to Jay Z, “You've taught me so many things. You taught me how to be a woman. You taught me how to love. You taught me how to be a friend.” In lyrics, Jay Z has talked about how he met Beyonce when she was very young and about how he “formed” her mind.

Not all Virgo and Sagittarius dynamics are like this one. Again, I’ve seen a lot of Virgo and Sagittarius dynamics play out with people who are the same age, mostly queer, and I don’t really see this teacher-student dynamic very much at all. I did want to mention it, however, because I think that the two signs can sometimes bring out these extremes in each other. Sagittarius likes to be a teacher. They feel really confident (a bit cocky) when they are allowed to teach. Virgo likes to be a student. They like that other person who is always trying to push them to perfection.

But this doesn’t mean that Sagittarius is always Virgo’s teacher and that Virgo is always Sagittarius’s student. It just doesn’t add up.

I have actually seen a lot of Virgos get very angry at certain Sagittariuses because Virgo likes to peel back layers. They like to cut through the bullshit. And Sagittarius? Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is a giant planet made up of hot air. Sagittarius likes to talk a lot of hot air.

So, that’s friction. Sagittarius makes a lot of shocking statements. Virgo asks questions. Do you really mean what you say? What are you actually talking about? Now, Sagittarius is going to feel intellectually challenged. Either Sagittarius will feel excited by that challenge or they will wander off.

Why does Sagittarius sometimes wander away when you hit them with hard to answer questions? It’s not because they don’t want to think hard. They do. Sagittarius loves a good mind puzzle. The reason why Sagittarius will sometimes just leave if you ask too many critical questions is because they will feel like you are trying to take their joy away from them. Sagittarius loves joy but joy is a fragile emotion. Joy is an uplift of spirit that deflates when it has to encounter too many questions.

Sagittarius is always trying to make something very big. It likes big ideas. It likes big brain thoughts. Virgo is always trying to make things smaller. What is the precise thing that you are trying to say? What words are you choosing to use and what does that say about you?

The dynamic goes both ways. Virgo is mentally demanding but emotionally more cautious than Sagittarius. Sagittarius tends to sprint from one emotional phase to another. Virgo gets overwhelmed by this and can actually feel spiritually put off. It’s just a lot of movement! A lot, a lot of movement and all of that movement requires one to be very open both socially and emotionally. That’s a challenge for most people. Sagittarius does this very well.

When a Virgo gets emotionally overwhelmed by a Sagittarius’s big movements, Virgo will try to gently guide Sagittarius back into a place that makes sense. They will make suggestions. They give comments and feedback. They ask helpful questions. They give resources.

However? Sagittarius is not always trying to be pulled back to the ground. Sagittarius is made up of hot air. They want to float around in the really weird and abstract parts of our world and just be a philosopher. Virgo isn’t. Virgo believes in the magic of the everyday and doesn’t necessarily feel the need to value the extraordinary.

Both Virgo and Sagittarius have the ability to actually intimidate the other. Virgo can read as intimidating to Sagittarius especially when Sagittarius is in a place where they are protective over their own joy. Sagittarius can read as emotionally intimidating to Virgo especially when Virgo is in a place where they are feeling more closed. What happens when you find something intimidating? You might judge them. That’s why you hear so many Virgos call Sagittarius people unrealistic or inconsiderate and why you feel so many Sagittarius call Virgos either negative or controlling.

But there’s also some really fantastic synastry between the two signs. Again, this is a Mercurial and a Jupiter that we are working with. They get along. They appear to be very similar. They both love to learn and they both love to teach. They are extremely attracted to each other because of their differences and because of their shared intelligence.

I think that the thing that eases Virgo and Sagittarius tension is just knowing that both signs are extremely weird but in very different ways. Virgo and Sagittarius have a lot of fun when neither of their perspectives, either big or small, are allowed to act as objectivity. These are both just really unique people and they both have their wacky ways of seeing and moving.

Sagittarius says something preposterous. Virgo cuts through the bullshit. Neither are right. Sagittarius has a good laugh and points out that Virgo’s making some strict assumptions. Neither assumes the role of student or teacher. Neither assumes the role of corrector.

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