Leo Sagittarius Relationships

Jan. 8, 2025, 10:30 a.m.

In a relationship between a Leo and a Sagittarius, Leo leads. Usually. Of course, Leo’s leadership is purely for fun. Leo and Sagittarius is the duo that is all about play and games.

Out of the three fire signs, which includes Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, I think that Leo and Sagittarius get along the most fluidly. Aries and Leo will sometimes butt heads about whose idea they are following. Aries and Sagittarius are often moving in two different directions. Aries is the only fire sign that is ruled by a nocturnal planet so it’s a bit weird in terms of the three fire signs. However, Leo and Sagittarius? Leo and Sagittarius are able to spend a lot of time together and on the same page.

What page is that? Usually, it’s one that Leo dictates. Why does Leo dictate? It’s not for the reasons people usually think.

Leo is a childlike sign. It’s like a little kid! Leo invites people to play. They get upset if they are ever rejected for any reason and they’ll show it too. Leos demand that you have fun. They tease you like a puppy. Leo is a very youthful sign.

Sagittarius is not youthful. Sagittarius is found in the later section of the zodiac wheel which means that it has the personality of an elderly person. It’s not too elderly because it’s not that late in the zodiac but it’s still up there. Sagittarius likes older people because they think that elderly people have a lot of character. They’re like those eccentric old people who are set in their ways.

Now, imagine a little kid and an elderly person playing together. Who is leading any game that the two might play together? Who gets to dictate the dynamic?

Unless something is very wrong, it’s going to be the little kid. The little kid is going to be the one pulling the elderly person along. The youth will be the one who suggests that they try new things and invent new games. Kids have more energy than old people. Old people have more humility.

Leo likes to ask things of other people. Sagittarius likes to give. Leo likes to invite a bunch of cool people out. Sagittarius likes to play host but doesn’t necessarily like to make invitations. Leo likes to be in control. They like to be the decision maker. Sagittarius doesn’t usually care. They are happy giving up control because they don’t see why they need it in the first place.

There’s something about Leos and Sagittariuses that just make them gravitate to each other. I think that Sagittarius really enjoys following Leos on their plans. I also think that Leos just love how entertaining Sagittariuses are. A Sagittarius never challenges a Leo’s authority and this renders Leo looser and sillier. A Leo never tries to take a Sagittarius’s joy and this makes Sagittarius feel lighter and freer.

Together, Leo and Sagittarius create a lot of joy. They both love to play. Fire signs don’t usually like to sink into heavy topics too much. Leo and Sagittarius like to keep things light. They like to have fun. They make having fun a big priority.

Leo is more socially demanding than Sagittarius. Leos want your attention. They want you to acknowledge them. They want you to smile back if they smile at you. Just like a toddler, they want your enthusiasm.

Usually, Sagittarius is the one who will disappear for long stretches of time altogether. Sagittariuses actually need a lot of freedom and can experience some social stress around expectations with Leos just like the rest of us. However, Sagittarius has one thing going for them that makes them perfect for Leos. Sagittarius has a huge capacity.

Sagittarius doesn’t need to give their all to give a lot. When a Sagittarius delivers subdued charm, they already dazzle. If they do a performance, they often don’t need to practice in order to impress. Sagittarius is like a big world full of momentous energy. They have such a crazy imagination that they really don’t need to put in too much effort to give Leo the fun and inspirational energy that Leo is seeking.

Leo just wants someone who will put in the effort to play with them. As long as you put in a little effort, Leo provides all of the momentum, direction, and plan. Sagittarius is like a series of fireworks shooting off in all directions.

If you’re looking for someone who can change a Leo’s mind, then look for a Sagittarius. Sagittarius is probably the only sign that can change a Leo’s path once that Leo has made up their mind about where they want to go.

How does this happen? It’s hard to see directly because Leo is over there trying to call the shots and get a party started while Sagittarius is off in a corner doing its own thing. However, Leo is watching Sagittarius. Leo usually watches everyone because they want to see some kind of reaction reflected by everyone in their vicinity. When Leo notices whatever it is that Sagittarius is doing, whether that thing be writing music or making shoes or knitting, Leo tries to reflect that energy back. Very rarely will Leo try to reflect someone else’s energy back. Leo usually likes to initiate things because they are seeking authenticity from within.

Basically, Leos will sometimes emulate or copy Sagittarius. Leo doesn’t do that to anyone else but they will try to sometimes copy a Sagittarius.

Why? Because Sagittarius is Jupiter. Jupiter is the only planet in our solar system that is big enough to affect the Sun’s movements. Sagittarius is the zodiac sign that is in charge of big ideas. Leo is impressed by Sagittarius. Leo isn’t easily impressed but is impressed with Sagittarius enough to try to emulate them.

A lot of different community spaces are held together by Leos and Sagittarius. If you have a Leo and a Sagittarius in partnership, then both of these people’s friends will probably do some orbiting around them. Sagittarius likes to think in big ideas and Leo likes to chart a direction, likes to make a plan. Together, they make big ideas come true.

There’s a lot of little things that both signs like that they find in each other. Leos love receiving energy—enthusiasm, creative joy, and inspiring ideas. Sagittarius is full of these things and giving them away feels like no effort at all. Sagittarius loves direction. They are literally represented by the arrow. Leo, as the Sun, always moves in a set direction. That’s why Sagittarius will allow Leo to dictate the direction of the relationship as long as Sagittarius has enough space to sometimes wander away and back again.

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