See You Again Synastry Analysis

Jan. 17, 2025, 10:37 a.m.

Everyone in China is currently watching the reality TV show See You Again or 再见爱人. Even if you are not trying to look at 再见爱人 content, you’ll notice references and memes about the show everywhere. My mom is watching. Many friends are watching. Even when I started to watch 2025 Snake year horoscopes, I found that many astrologers were making references to the show.

My best friend describes See You Again this way: “It’s a show where c-list celebrities who are no longer famous exploit their marital relationships for online clout.” I find this description to be very spot on. Season 4 stars three different couples: Huang Shenyi (of Kung Fu Hustle) and her billionaire husband Yang Zi, an internet troll named Liu Shuang who used to be famous in the early 2000s and his wife Ge Xi who does everything for him, and an indie city pop musician called Li Hangliang with his stay at home wife Mai Lin who manages his career and emotional life from behind the scenes.

As the show progresses, the three couples have to go through financial challenges and play sick games about their inner dynamics. They have to participate in shooting “divorce photos” where they perform the lowest point of their relationships and explain what happened to the audience. They have to describe their partners to these old men painters trained in the Soviet social realism style who try to depict them through their partner’s gaze (none of them look good in the portraits and tears and crying ensue). They have to be interviewed by an investigative journalist and vote for who is the most domineering person in the group.

The show takes us through many highs and lows. Mai Lin is too stingy with money but Li Hangliang is stingy with emotional availability. Liu Shuang does nothing at home except act contrarian and belittle his wife but Ge Xi enables his behavior by being extremely capable. Yang Zi seems to have tricked the naive and simple minded Huang Shenyi into a marriage but, because she has never woken up, he has to keep tricking her.

After each challenge, a group of panelists composed of two hosts, a sociologist, a naive young man, a professional debater, and Papi Jiang gossip about them and analyze their behaviors. This part is a bit like Terrace House.

The very first episode of the show interviews the couples and grills them on basic information about each other. The first question that the interviewers ask is if they know their partner’s birthday (only half of them do). Since we also know what year everyone is born, except for Liu Shuang, based on age we are able to look up their basic astrological placements. Liu Shuang’s fans do guess that he was born in 1988 so I decided to use August 23 1988 as his birthday.

The results of looking up all of their astrological charts was very revealing. Let me show you what I have found.

All three men have Mars in Aries

First, all three men in the show have Mars in Aries. Surprised? Yang Zi, being bossy and commanding, does seem like a domicile Mars. He always gets his way and he acts out when he doesn’t. He treats everyone around him like an employee and makes threats when he’s unhappy. Liu Shuang is similar. His main issue is that he doesn’t have his own plan in life. Instead, he only rebels against anything that anyone else is doing. He attacks people who he sees as below him just for fun. Active Mars people! People find it hard to dislike Liu Shuang in the beginning because there’s something playful about Mars style aggression.

However, you might be surprised to learn that Li Hangliang also has Mars in Aries. Throughout the show, Li Hangliang proves that he is someone who simply does not fight. “When kids stole things from me when I was younger, I would just give up immediately,” he tells the camera. When Yang Zi and Liu Shuang team up to bully Mai Lin, Li Hangliang’s wife, he also does nothing. He lets her get bullied right in front of him. He also accepts bullying from Mai Lin.

But watch how he acts when Mai Lin starts to cry. Mai Lin obviously wants Li Hangliang to come and comfort her. However, Li Hangliang does not approach her. Why? The panelists all say that Li Hangliang must be too scared to do anything. I’m not so sure. I think that the reason why Li Hangliang refused to comfort Mai Lin is simply because Mai Lin wanted him to.

Mai Lin is emotionally demanding because Li Hangliang, after losing both of his parents who fought with each other, doesn’t give a lot emotionally. He gives a lot materially and he makes huge romantic gestures but he’s not that vulnerable. Whenever Mai Lin makes emotional demands, Li Hangliang actually rebels. I don’t think that he’s actually that scared of her. Watch what he says when he does come to talk to her. He tells her the truth. He says that she isn’t his ideal partner and that he thinks he has a mental illness.

Avoidance is its own form of rebellion and rejection. Was Li Hangliang right to rebel against his controlling wife’s demands? I think that many people can relate to him and would have wanted to rebel after experiencing so many guilt trips and coercion. I simply want to point out that Li Hangliang is not defenseless. His silence is actually his main weapon in most of his relationships. When he does decide to take action, he is clear and decisive. Li Hangliang, just like the two other men, is also an Aries Mars.

Both Yang Zi and Mai Lin are Gemini Sun with Libra Moon

There is surprising synastry between Yang Zi, a billionaire who runs several companies along with his brothers, and Mai Lin, a housewife who runs her husband’s indie label and her household. Both are Geminis Suns. Both are Libra Moons.

When the three couples meet for the first time, what you’ll notice is that the men start to provoke each other. Immediately after hazing each other for a bit, they start to form an alliance. Liu Shuang tells Yang Zi that Huang Shenyi is a goddess and that he hasn’t done shit but then they become best friends. However, Li Hangliang is actually not part of that male alliance. Instead, whenever we see the men smoking and talking together, Mai Lin is present.

Yang Zi’s judgments have a huge impact on Mai Lin’s mentality. He tells her that she needs to behave herself or else Li Hangliang will find someone who is younger and prettier. She takes that in and accepts the judgment. In the first episode, Mai Lin actually says that she sees herself in Yang Zi. Both are commanding. Both are friendly in a socially dominant way. Both refuse to enter into their partner’s spiritual worlds.

I don’t think that Mai Lin is as toxic as Yang Zi. When we see the three couples separate for the first time, Li Hangliang actually realizes that he wants to be more emotionally expressive and tells Mai Lin about the trauma that he suffered when his mother died. When he tells Mai Lin, Mai Lin is willing to accept that vulnerability and comfort him. I can’t imagine Yang Zi doing the same for Huang Shenyi. When they are apart from the group, Yang Zi’s charisma goes away and he becomes very angry. Yang Zi is frequently thinking about whether he will be cancelled online and how other people see him.

Only when the three couples get together again does Mai Lin start to absorb Yang Zi’s negative energy again. Li Hangliang keeps saying over and over again that Mai Lin isn’t like this normally and that she is changed by the show. Libra Moon likes to bluetooth to their surroundings. Between Yang Zi and Mai Lin, there is some kind of bluetooth link. Yang Zi is tuned into netizen opinions and tries to perform. Mai Lin actually seems to want some kind of approval from Yang Zi.

Ge Xi and Huang Shenyi are both Pisces Mars

Out of all of the people on the show, I think that viewers will agree that Ge Xi and Huang Shenyi have both suffered the most. Ge Xi met Liu Shuang when he was famous. She was just a music teacher and she pursued him by flying from Xiamen to Shenzhen every weekend. When she got pregnant, she was talked into an abortion by Liu Shuang but then she talked him into marriage. During their ten years of marriage, she mostly played the role of a perfect wife. She washes his underwear, she does all of the cooking and cleaning, and she has even become the breadwinner after Liu Shuang’s Weibo got banned.

In return, Liu Shuang basically does nothing for Ge Xi. He makes fun of her. He steals her depression meds and posts about them online, pretending that he is depressed for online sympathy. He blames her for everything that goes wrong and he even lost her mother’s money. When she broke her foot and when she got sick, he avoided her and only posted about what happened online for sympathy.

Huang Shenyi also suffers when Yang Zi. She has had two of his kids but he is simply absent. The two of them are not living together and have barely seen each other for years. When Huang Shenyi visits home, her parents pity her because she is basically living the life of a single mother. On top of that, all of her income that she makes as an actor goes into their joint account which he manages by buying a lot of antique art. That’s his hobby. Huang Shenyi is like Yang Zi’s show horse who he controls completely and also milks for cash.

Both Ge Xi and Huang Shenyi are Pisces Mars—the martyr’s Mars.

This is also something that the two have in common—they are easily duped. When Yang Zi halfassedly filled out their marriage contract, saying flippantly that Huang Shenyi is perfect and that he is the wrong one, Huang Shenyi is actually moved to tears. She doesn’t see that Yang Zi is just bullshitting her even though it’s so obvious. She actually feels like there is something wrong with her because she wants him to parents their kids with her. Huang Shenyi has a Venus in Pisces in addition to Mars in Pisces. She is just too nice. When Huang Shenyi cries, Yang Zi also has to act like he was being sincere. She disarmed at an unexpected moment.

You see Huang Shenyi’s Mars in Pisces when they play Spy as well. When Huang Shenyi is the Spy, she always wins because she, herself, does not know that she is the spy. Mars in Pisces is a Mars that defends itself with disarmament and with self delusion.

Ge Xi is not as naive as Huang Shenyi because Ge Xi has Venus in Scorpio instead of Pisces. However, Ge Xi is also very easily fooled into giving her all again and again. When Liu Shuang buys her a cup of coffee, Ge Xi starts to have second thoughts about divorce right away. All for a cup of coffee—that’s it. When he requests that she acts like she did when they first started dating, she starts to call him “Liu Lao Gong” and cater to his every wish, waking him up with poetry and washing his underwear without being asked. When she complains about Liu Shuang’s lack of responsibility, you get the sense that she is more upset about his lack of competent leadership rather than wanting to take leadership for herself.

Mars in Pisces is gentle, a little too gentle. As Papi Jiang says of Huang Shenyi, Pisces Mars can PUA themselves. This is a romantic Mars, one that wants to be completely devoted. There’s a submissive streak there, one that can be masochistic.

Ge Xi and Liu Shuang might have Sun-Moon synastry

Ge Xi is a Capricorn Sun and a Virgo Moon. According to the birth year that Liu Shuang’s fans think he is, Liu Shuang is either a Leo Sun or a Virgo Sun and is either a Sagittarius Moon or a Capricorn Moon. If he was born anytime except for the morning, then he and Ge Xi would have Sun-Moon synastry.

The two of them really get each other. When they play the game about guessing the same type of fruit or household object or whatever, the two of them prove that they are able to think completely alike. They also ace their basic knowledge about their spouse test. Ge Xi and Liu Shuang know and understand each other very well. They also know exactly what will set the other one off. That’s why Liu Shuang can toy with Ge Xi so easily and why she can read most of his emotional games.

I think that it’s very possible that Liu Shuang is a Virgo Sun with a Capricorn Moon for this reason. His Mercury is in Virgo regardless. That’s why his insight is so sharp, why his mind is so sharp, and why his words are so sharp.

But I think that Ge Xi and Liu Shuang is a good example of why compatibility isn’t everything. The two of them are extremely compatible. They have the same type of humor. They are both strivers. They also share the same value system to an extent because Ge Xi used to be Liu Shuang’s fan. However, their marriage is on the rocks due to other reasons besides their compatibility.

In Liu Shuang’s bazi chart, he is actually a Metal Dog. Metal Dog is a Kui Gang pillar. Kui Gang is someone who can scold the hell god and get away with it. It’s someone who doesn’t have loyalty because they are determined to root out corruption at all costs. They literally can’t form alliances because they need to always be able to break those alliances and speak the hard truth that no one wants to hear. That’s Liu Shuang’s main personality. He always tells the truth even when he is talking about his own meanness and incompetence. His insight isn’t the issue.

Kui Gang has a lot of issues being married because they are the scolding type. Liu Shuang is actually someone who is not supposed to be married. He seems to know this about himself because he didn’t want to marry and only did so because of trying to take responsibility after Ge Xi’s abortion. However, even being married, Liu Shuang is unable to fulfill those marital responsibilities because he is just not fated for marriage. This is something that has not changed despite him and Ge Xi’s compatibility.

Li Hangliang’s daughter shares his birthday

The thing that breaks Li Hangliang in the car, reducing him to tears, is Mai Lin’s threats of divorce. Being an Aries Mars, he actually comes up with a plan right away. He will take a fourth of their savings and leave her with three fourths. However, he will fight for his kids. His son, he doesn’t mention. He only wants their daughter.

Mai Lin objects. She wants both of their kids. When she threatens to take their daughter, Li Hangliang starts to sob. “My daughter is my shadow,” he cries. “I have no family left but my daughter is my shadow.”

Li Hangliang was born on March 20 1983. His daughter was actually born on his birthday, also on March 20, in 2015. Their Suns are conjunct. Their Mercuries are conjunct. Their Venuses are conjunct. Li Hangliang is a Taurus Moon but his daughter is a Pisces Moon. Li Hangliang says that his daughter has his same personality, that Mai Lin does not understand either of them and keeps trying to force them to do things that she thinks is correct.

Throughout the show, Li Hangliang appears to be very lonely. He doesn’t form an alliance with the men. He is misunderstood by his wife. When he and Mai Lin fight, everyone tries to get him to apologize first and to go and console her. However, in his normal life, Li Hangliang is not that lonely because he has a daughter. He has a shadow who shares his same personality.

Why does Li Hangliang want to remain married so much? Why is he willing to give so much to make his marriage with Mai Lin work out? Because he is fighting for his daughter the whole time. Li Hangliang isn’t someone who just gives in at every opportunity. He is a Mars in Aries—he simply has a reason why he wants to keep his marriage together at all costs.

Cancer Mars is bullied by Mars in Aries

I have to say something to defend Mai Lin a little bit. The internet has come alive due to everyone collectively hating on Mai Lin. She is demanding, controlling, and materialistic. She reminds people of their mothers, of their exes, and of themselves.

I think that negative criticism of Mai Lin is very fair. Mai Lin is very childish because she has devoted her life to her husband and her kids. By choosing to become a traditional wife, she has also chosen to halt her own self development. That’s why she only knows how to express her needs through demands and ultimatums and silent treatments. However, I think that there is something deeper going on between her and Li Hangliang that isn’t just about Mai Lin having a bad personality.

The reason why Mai Lin becomes so demanding is because, when he’s not making a big romantic gesture, Li Hangliang is like a piece of cotton. He’s completely numb. He doesn’t get mad. He doesn’t get upset. He doesn’t express any desire towards his wife for her to be any other way. This lack of desire is actually a form of rejection. Try being with someone who doesn’t seem to want anything from you. It will drive you up a wall. Refusing to express anything to a partner makes you seem like the cool and rational one but it’s actually a form of opting out of the partnership entirely. The more Li Hangliang avoids and rejects, the more Mai Lin demands. The more she demands, the more he avoids. The two are stuck in a cycle.

If you were depressed, would you prefer a partner who is upset about it or a partner who has no reaction? People suffer when their loved ones suffer. We don’t always react in the most perfect way.

Why is Mai Lin so scapegoated? Because she is a woman who expresses personal desire. Her desires are also part of her relationship. She wants her husband romantically, erotically, and materially. She wants him to provide for her. She wants him to take her hand without asking. She wants something intangible from him that she refuses to describe. On top of all of that, she is a housewife which means that she is completely dependent on him.

Mai Lin is someone who is very easy to bully because she expresses her desires from a place of dependency. She fights from a position of dependency. The first thing that Liu Shuang and Yang Zi do after they finish with hazing each other? They start to bully Mai Lin. They refuse to pack up the leftovers (which is not a crazy request when they are trying to live on a budget). They buy a bunch of fireworks and cigarettes using the group’s money. They make a bet about whether Mai Lin will cry if Yang Zi provokes her. Instead of working on their own marriages, they go out of their way to make Mai Lin upset so that she will appear like a bad housewife who is also a crybaby on TV.

And it works. Easily. Mai Lin is almost helpless to the bullying that she receives because she is in a position of always wanting. She expresses her desires through dependence. Yes, it’s guilt trippy but her desire is also real. She’s not trying to simply use Li Hangliang. She senses that he is emotionally unavailable, even though she does not know that he is like that because of his mother’s death, and she reacts not in the best way but in a sincere way.

Meanwhile, Liu Shuang and Yang Zi’s bullying is insincere. They don’t actually hate Mai Lin. They just want to use her as a scapegoat to avoid talking with their wives. Both Liu Shuang and Yang Zi also hold all of the cards in their respective marriages.

Mars in Cancer is seen as a weaker Mars because Mars fulfilled a socially marginalized role. Mars is in a position of dependence when in Cancer. Mars in Cancer expresses aggression through dependence. At the end of the day, Mai Lin doesn’t actually want to fight. She wants to be understood but she doesn’t know how to communicate without guilt. The entire internet hates her because it’s easier to imagine things running smoothly if she were gone but much harder to brainstorm while including dependent people. Hating Mai Mai is socially efficient.

Here are the three couples’s synastry charts with my guesses for birth time:

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