August 2019 Horoscopes

July 30, 2019, 5:49 p.m.

Okay, so, do you remember when you were a kid and you never really had to have a reason for wanting to know the things that you wanted to know but just had to? Remember in the first Harry Potter book when Hermione is like “Oh, I read all of the books we were supposed to read this year during the summer because I was just so excited”?

It’s time for you to embody your inner Hermione. This is Leo going into Virgo season. You don’t know it all or even think that you do. What people don't understand about you is that, in order to engulf yourself with knowledge the way you do and still remain perpetually curious about anything and everything, you have to truly and completely believe that you know absolutely nothing.

With Jupiter going direct, Mercury going direct, and father time giving us just one more new moon than necessary this month, in Virgo, we’re nudged to become know-nothings. We’re nudged to know nothing and learn something. With Jupiter lunging into the nothingness like Leslie Cheung’s character in Days of Being Wild and Mercury striding faithfully into the library like Hermione getting away from the hero complexes of her friends, let’s take the challenge to learn something with absolutely no motive in mind at all.

It can feel dangerous to learn something new. You might feel your awkward in a newfound gawkiness, trying something out before you're good at it. It can feel stupid, because there's the possibility that you’ll see things that you’ve become locked into one mindset about in a whole new way and you don't want to give yourself the chance to betray your own version of a truth.

It’s time to prioritize the future of your knowledge. That means leaving big enough gaps and holes where you can fit a hand that doesn't know what to reach for through. What is in the past is already done. Stop thinking about what you know and start thinking about what you’ll never understand.


If you feel weak in love, then there’s a chance that you’re doing it right, or wrong. You will never know for sure because that’s not something for you to know. There’s no such thing as true love right now because love is a state of not knowing. Can you fall deep enough to stop caring about truth and dogmatics?

If you can find the audacity to love just because, then you can stop worrying about betraying your own integrity. Read A Lover's Discourse by Roland Barthes and cry. Are you in love? Yes, you are the one who waits. The other one never waits. You try to play the part of someone who is not waiting, burying yourself in business, but the the lover's fatal identity is precisely this: the one who waits.


To hide your own strength is an endurance activity. It is an awkward, cumbersome activity with no grace in it. When you hide your own strength you’re always screaming, just silently and indirectly, obfuscating it behind the certainty of complaints.

And I'm not saying that there’s no strength in complaining. There is. But complaining is just one language and your vocabulary is several. You also have the means to jump over walls, to kick things over, and to root yourself so firmly to what you know you need that no one can ever take it away from you. If you don’t know what you need, then try needing everything.


Yes, no one understands you. Why should they? You're on a learning curve at this very moment and the things that make no sense to you have no chance of making any sense to anyone else, not before you can explain it adequately. Give yourself some time to wonder before you can making deliberate statements. Learn to speak gibberish. Think in riddles. Display only nonsense.

Keep a dictionary close at hand so that you can figure out what you really mean when you speak. As long as looking up something starts a whole new trail of things that you have to also look up, you’re good. Never believe an expert’s opinion.


Is what you’re doing really investment, if you know exactly how the return will come back to you? Investments, of time and energy and love, are not done equally. They are diverse expressions of faith. If you know exactly what you want to do, then you might as well do it all yourself. Try something new for once and drop a bottle full of dollar bills into the ocean, knowing that something will come back to you.

Stop exchanging things for things and start putting your heart on the line so that you can see what you love grow. You will never get a return that is equal to what you give. It will always be better. This is the nature of time.


What if you have no idea who you are? Can you still act decisively without looking into a mirror once? Put your phone away because it truly warps who you think you are. Make things harder for yourself, not easier, so that hard things can come to feel fluid as you sink into them.

Repeat after me: you are too expensive to buy or rent. Anyone who thinks that they’re renting your skills and time has got a nasty surprise waiting for them. You’re here to meticulously and incredulously prove that your own reality is possible. Are you up to the task?


You don’t know what the hell you’re doing with your life. When has that ever not been okay? The thing is, the safe things in your life are all the many things that you can figure out and this has made you become someone who is okay to be figured out. You can’t figure things out now and, if you try, you’re not taking your full complexity into account.

Take a leap of faith. It's almost time to make a big decision about your life. If you are fully capable of doing anything if you believe that you’re able to do it, then what would you do with your time? No one is going to validate a dream for you before they see you put it into action.


What if you could marry your friends? What if there were legal structures of dependency and support for all the platonic forms of love in your life and commitment was not limited to a psychosexual reproductive relationship? Do you know who would sign their name on a contract declaring that they are your best friend and til death do you part?

Everyone deserves love but no one deserves love from a specific person. Friendship is a form of faith. You don't know who your friends are, so how do you make certain that they know the ways they inspire your everyday into being?


Are you still worrying about what other people think of you in this day and age? You know that no one ever thinks of anyone except themselves, right? So, you’re here this month to just show up. Showing up means actually coming into a room and saying hello to people. It means choosing some people to feel invested in, and making yourself into someone known in the community. Hiding yourself is inadequate responsibility and the last thing you must feel that you should do.

Part of this is just guesswork. Show up to everything because you never know when you’ll meet someone you might need, or someone who needs you, unless you don’t really feel like going out. It’s all optional, which is why connection is always a choice.


You may not know what you’ll use your time for in any foreseeable future but you should know that it needs to be something that makes you feel things. Not good things, not all the time because then you’ll have nothing to write home about. It just needs to make you feel something so that you don’t drift into apathy.

It a challenge is coming, take it. If it feels surreal, then pinch yourself. Remember that, in no way shape or form, can you possibly exist in an environment where you feel as though you wear a fake skin around your entire surface. Burst at every inch of your seams.


What were you actually just born to do? Is there anything in life that you have come to feel that you can’t live without that you also cannot bear to live with? What do you think would happen if you left the part of yourself that is codependent upon some temporary fixture in today, without taking it into tomorrow?

All of your days start to feel the same when you refuse to give birth to yourself. It’s up to you, pulling each inch of your body together like fibers, to make yourself feel new in your old glory. Part of the problem is that you feel as though you have to give something to another person for it to really exist. This! Is! False! You exist, even when you hold yourself holy.


It's time for you to come home. You’ve had your fun and played your games but there comes a time every evening when it’s time to take the sunglasses that change your face into someone else’s face off. Come home for a taste of familiarly spiced stews, of puffy bread, and warm, damp tea. Come sit and do what you do best—tell tall tales of your many adventures.

You can be anyone in a story but only a shapeshifter in real life. That’s your magic, so treasure it. So much of time month for you is about being no one and anyone, but feeling an urgent need for authenticity. Remember that you tell responsible lies when others, sitting around a fire, know to expect fiction. Lie authentically. Fabricate when you are committed to the consequences of your story.


A lot of this month is about paperwork, which can be filling out forms and supporting bureaucracy or about making doodles and writing down secrets. The thing that you don’t know and don’t need to know is the question of priority. You should not be thinking about whether you are able prioritize anything until you have actually experienced what it feels like from the inside.

Get! Busy! Get! Hungry! Go on intuition alone and just do the things that need to get done. Never, ever, ever, ever think that one thing is more important than another thing based on something that you assume about the world. This month is not about shortcuts like that. It’s about doing, sans judgments, until you’ve literally tried it all.

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