September 2019 Horoscopes

Sept. 1, 2019, 11:25 a.m.

The symbolism of 13º of any cardinal sign, because of the fixed star Sirius, is that of the stranger. The stranger is such a racial symbol because the Latin word for stranger was also the word for the foreigner. The stranger is someone who is pulled from, willingly or not, from their context or community to confront a place that is not theirs.

This month, we have Saturn stationing at 13º Capricorn, opposite a north node at 13º Cancer. That means Saturn conjuncts south node when it stations.

Look at where the last set of solar and lunar eclipses happened for you, in terms of house, because those same eclipse issues will affect you until January. This month, because it culminates all of that eclipse stuff, is all about making a lasting decision about some things that you’ve been ruminating on since Cancer season in June/July.

This can mean committing to work in a different way than before this summer. It can mean settling in your relationships in a new way. It can mean acceptance that the ways you understand yourself will never be the ways that the world understands you but that it is your job to figure out how to navigate these gaps in understanding in a way that gives you joy. It can be a reminder of something familiar, that you’ve forgotten once or twice.

You see, the stranger is actually a scarecrow. It’s empty and full of the things that people tend to fear. The reason why our ancestors are called ghosts and monsters are because they’re full of the things that people have learned to fear.

As all of this goes all, labor issues matter deeply to everything that goes on this month as Ceres travels out of bounds during the harvest season. Your ability to get things done, to unionize, to do the work that you mean to do can only be done when there is a chance of understanding your place in the world.

The job that you must do this month in understanding the place of your work in the world can only be done when you consider issues of indigenousness, of gentrification, of class struggle, and of family dynamics which live in your workplace.

Questions to considering this month:

What work are you really committed to?
What dynamics does this work perpetuate?
What misunderstandings are the results of
How can you remind yourself of your authenticity despite feeling strange or foreign to the world around you?


There’s a scarecrow embedded somewhere in your relationship with money. This scarecrow has done a good job of making you feel like you cannot speak safely about certain topics with certain people in your life. It has done a good job of making you feel like your financial struggle is an isolated case and that you must never show what you’re going through to anyone.

Your friends care more than you know. You will also not be able to solve your current problems on your own, without requesting the support you need to transgress your own fixed mindset. This isn’t a case of asking your friends to help you in the ways that you already know how to help yourself. It’s a case of hearing experiences which are not yours so that you can let go of what you need to let go of.


A lot of the time, the things that we think will make us successful are actually all about ancestral trauma. This means that a constant pursuit of the things that we feel our families expect from us is exactly what it takes to violate their trust in us. Your job in this world is much grander than a simply fulfillment of anyone’s expectations. Your job is simply to understand this role.

You might feel that you play the role of the stranger all the time in exactly the places where you’re supposed to feel understood. You might feel anger because it can sometimes feel like all your family wants from you is to chase you away until you resemble something that chased them away. This isn’t a bad thing but an uncomfortable thing. And you have a multitude of decisions available to you whenever you feel discomfort.


It can be easy to make your politics the center of your paranoia because it makes you feel safer (and smarter, and better, and sorrier). And there have been so many people who have betrayed your trust. When it seems like the whole world is hellbent on taking your words out of their context, what’s the point in speaking up anymore?

There’s a lot of hidden monsters in your closet. It can be scary to take them out one by one. These monsters are also wearing the faces of long lost relatives who know what you go through from inside your skin because they went through it too. These monsters only lash out when you do not accept their empathy.


There are ways in which you do not feel supported in your relationships and it feels almost impossible to find any way of finding support because the support you do receive makes you feel ostracized. All that means is that you’re on a longer project which is all about defining care. And you’re not alone in feeling alone.

There’s so much joyous work that you have to do about your worthiness. Please don’t feel like you must accomplish anything when you do this work. This work, as a labor of love, is really about getting started in finding ways that remind you of the ways that you love yourself. All that matters, more than what it is or what it means, is that you begin.


What all of your stress, what all of your goals that you feel you must hit, all the things that you think you must do in order to keep the respect of people around you, will not take care of is that hidden feeling that you’re not working in the way you’re supposed to. You only job this month is to talk back to that voice and figure out what the hell it wants.

You see, there is a role for you to play in your relationships. There is a place in this world for you. Spending all of your time doing what will never feel like is enough is not the way to find and fill that role. Listening to, disagreeing with, and understanding what is uncomfortable about your relationships is.


You were never meant to have all the time that you ever wanted. That’s why, as a biologically living being, your time is finite. This is also liberating because you were never meant to consider infinity. You were always meant to look at what you are able to do within the course of a sunrise and sundown and act accordingly.

Because you are such a big dreamer, you must choose to transcend what you can with the time that you have. Living beyond your means was never an option, which means that all you have to do is consider the basics when you consider work: shelter, food, and water. Living minimally and work minimally. Do not choose work that deprives you of your basic needs but holds you hostage in other ways.


What you need to prioritize, more than anything, is healing from what love has meant to you in the past over how it collides with power in the present. If it feels familiar to take on the role of the stranger in love and love is something that makes you feel alien to yourself, you might be far too comfortable accepting a love that only proves to you that you do not truly belong to yourself.


There are deep borders with your own family that, without consistent and persistent questioning, will be perpetuated by accepting the status quo. This is more common than uncommon. The idea that family is something that should never cross a border is a pursuit of nationalism and reeks of colonial comfort.You have borders, which means that you have discomfort. This is okay.

It also means that you have some deep digging to do in terms of understanding the role that you play within a family that has borders within its language structure, emotional alliances, and dreams of the future. And you play such a huge role in your family. Understand before you strive.


It’s time to do some weeding. The tendency is to simply pick those people or places that have upset you in the recent past and spend some time apart from them without having so much as a conversation. However, this will not treat your mindset which will make you look for more people and places that bring up the same issues over and over again.

Weed your thoughts by figuring out, in the ideas and assumptions that you make about the world, what needs to go. Nitpick with yourself a bit and ask whether you can find kinder words for yourself than the ones you’re currently used to using.


Not all of the things that you have come to love do align with what is momentously important in your life. Sometimes, trolling is fun when you don’t have a point to make. You have a decision to make around what you want to continually grow and this decision is less about a conflict with freedom and more about prioritizing joy that has substance.

Stop filling your life with escapades. Start building a practice of joy that isn’t just filler. It is important for you to feel important and that means taking the things you feel to be important very seriously. If it scares you to get serious, then that’s just more evidence of your power.


Stop hanging out with anyone who makes you feel like you were always meant to be left out. You may feel comfortable being left alone but you were never meant to be comfortable all of your life. It can be easy to assume that you’re just too different to fall in with the crowd but finding the community where you are seen has never been easy. Don’t forget that you have the strength to do the hard things.

You need to start prioritizing the people who actively and loudly choose you, the people who invite you into places, and greet you with your name when they see you. Only with those people are you able to figure out what on earth you’re supposed to do. Prioritizing people who only see your strangeness makes you ungrounded and lost.


The thing that mania always tries to hide is the times where you have no idea what to do or who to turn to. Make your strength conditional. Not everyone deserves to see it, because it takes so fucking much out of you. Not everyone deserves to see your authenticity, because it takes so much work to show it. It’s okay if there are people who see you and only see what they fear in themselves in you.

Your only job this month is to relax your commitments so that you have the time you need to process what you need to process with who you need to process it with. Not everyone deserves your honesty and you’re not much of a liar, so save your talking for who matters to you.

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