Taurus Venus, ____ Mars

Nov. 13, 2019, 4:36 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Taurus. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Taurus Venus, Aries Mars: Hungry

Taurus Venus Aries Mars

You’re one of those people who always seem to know exactly what they look like from the outside. Your friends might think that you always look really good but may not necessarily go to you for style tips because they sense that your tastes are only suited to compliment your own unique features and not anyone else’s. When you want someone, you feel desire almost as if it were hunger. You make people feel calm in your presence because you tend to have a relaxed and natural charm. However, you will never be tempted to pretend to get along with someone who you don’t actually like. What you will never forgive, in any romantic partner, are those who make you feel less important or unique than you know you deserve to feel.

Taurus Venus, Taurus Mars: Worship me, Own me

Taurus Venus Taurus Mars

You’re the golden calf—that forbidden object of desire which others worship only in their most debauched moments. Often, you enjoy playing the role of someone who is desired despite resisting conventional standards of what is good or beautiful. Because you do not mind being idolized, you can also feel turned on when consensually objectified. In relationships, you desire powerful partners who make you feel valuable. Sometimes, you do not mind being used in another person’s plan as long as you trust that plan has your best interests in mind. Despite your individuality, or perhaps because of it, you might find that you chase after the same type of partner over and over again, replicating your own past relationship patterns.

Taurus Venus, Gemini Mars: Cartesian

Taurus Venus Gemini Mars

You’re not one of those people who make matters of love into a more idealized and fragile thing. To you, love should be substantial and this means that any partner to you must prove that they are appreciative and supportive of you in both emotional and material ways. It is not that you are transactional but that you bring your good common sense into matters of the heart in order to protect yourself from anyone who may be willing to take advantage of you. Your greatest strength is that you allow your loved ones to be who they naturally are and never attempt to interfere with the development of their personality. However, your appraising eye will never allow yourself to attach to anyone who seems to lack good values, though you have no trouble staying friends with those who you used to be romantically involved with.

Taurus Venus, Cancer Mars: I want you to want me

Taurus Venus Cancer Mars

You know that you’re a catch and this is why you prefer to let other people do the talking. In fact, the thing you love most about falling in love may be that feeling you get when another person looks at you and you know that they’re thinking about how beautiful you are. While you may have extremely specific requirements about what relationship with you takes, your tendency to keep these desires unvoiced can mean that the people who you do choose seem to perpetually disappoint you. Because you do not like to change partners too often, you often put up with more than you should from a romantic partner. While you want commitment, you feel much more secure when the other person initiates a commitment.

Taurus Venus, Leo Mars: Touchy feely

Taurus Venus Leo Mars

While you’re always down to play and show others a good time, you’re also extremely modest about yourself. You only seek to stand out when it’s within a group of trusted compatriots. Otherwise, you’re quite happy to stay in the back of the room and let others do the talking. When you do feel love, however, and genuine love at that, for someone, you’re demonstrative in your affections, taking the time to let them know about just how much you care. You are willing to hold another person for hours and don’t mind being the big spoon, as long as you’re skin to skin. When you like someone, you’re always ready for a hug or other forms of touchy feely contact. Sometimes, love doesn’t feel quite real unless it feels substantial in a physical or material way and you like to show your affection with tokens, tributes, and gifts. A long distance relationship is hard for you to maintain and you hold face to face contact in high esteem.

Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars: Fuck you cuz I like you

Taurus Venus Virgo Mars

While you’re quite comfortable being someone else’s object of affection, receiving admiration and praise for the positive qualities that you know yourself to possess, you often don’t know how to show the same confidence when it is you who is smitten with another person. You’re the master of flirting by playing at being mean. However, the only thing is that the person you like may not be able to understand the difference between actual negativity and the style of your attempted courtship. Because you closely observe the person you are interested in, your remarks may hit too close to home and at the places where they are most tender. Only when they understand enough to show you affection does your innate graciousness manifest itself and you can begin to develop a self assured attitude in matters of romance.

Taurus Venus, Libra Mars: Charm, personified

Taurus Venus Libra Mars

You’re pure charm, personified. You know exactly how to please others without seeming unnatural. No one in the world can look at you when you decide to act cute and not feel at least a little curiosity. Because your energy is focused on how to give the people around you the impression that you desire to make, you spend a lot of time perfecting certain skill sets which can be displayed in public. Even though you do know what is going on with other people, you tend to dislike butting into other people’s situations and like to stay in your own lane. You prioritize becoming unobtrusive above all else. This means that you can find it impolite to put your own desires in the forefront of matters and justify your decisions by saying that you’re doing it for another person. However, in times of urgency, you also avoid being placed in positions where too many people expect something from you and prefer to keep things lighthearted.

Taurus Venus, Scorpio Mars: Mafioso

Taurus Venus Scorpio Mars

You’re one of the most loyal people you know and that can be a difficult position to be in as your expectations for what it takes to build and keep trust are usually higher than everyone else’s. Basically, you expect that the people who say will be there for you are, when the time calls for it, there for you. It can take a lot for another person to earn your friendship since you will never cheapen it for anyone who seems frivolous. You want all of your friends to stay yours, accounted for, and loyal to you. You don’t mind keeping a close eye on those close to you and you believe that information is power. When you know something about someone that no one else does, you don’t tend to give that information away freely but you do enjoy the feeling of holding onto another person’s secret for them, even if they’re not aware that you are doing so.

Taurus Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Cavern

Taurus Venus Sagittarius Mars

It’s funny because, even though you understand the sheer weight that money holds, you keep a distance from it by making sarcastic jokes about it. You can have this same temperament when faced with other things that may nerve you, such as commitment or intimacy. You want to fall in love all of the time but with a variety of people. This may make your behavior seem more frivolous than you actually feel because you feel such a deep and overwhelming love for anyone that you come to care for. If you had it your way, you would be free to express the depth and breadth of your love to whoever you please and jealous would be something left in the stone age. However, even if not all of your partners are accepting of the amount of appetite you have for love and affection, no one is quite able to tell you what to do.

Taurus Venus, Capricorn Mars: Work hard, Play hard

Taurus Venus Capricorn Mars

You temper your hedonistic appetite with a sense of restraint that only makes what you want taste better once you get it. Despite not being the most showy person, you definitely know how to get someone’s attention when you want them. Often, it’s the flattery of being held in your attention that makes the other person respond to you, because you seem so selective about who you engage with. Once you choose someone, you know exactly how to indulge them and yourself with rich displays of affection. You believe in spending half of your savings when you go on vacation with a loved one and you relish the feeling of having earned an enjoyment of life that pass surpasses ordinary living. While you live for treating yourself and others with richness, you actually may not feel like you’re allowed to make time for it unless you have someone to enjoy it with you. Thus, you yearn for a partner who is able to show you the nice things in life.

Taurus Venus, Aquarius Mars: Unrelentless

Taurus Venus Aquarius Mars

You’re not as obsessed with aesthetic as you let on. Mostly, you’re an inventor. Because you’re able to see the beauty of every type of face and of every type of body, other people might feel that you live an unaesthetic and undesigned life. However, this is not the case. You have a deep, humanistic appreciation for every type of form but privilege those that seem to take you into the future. While you are accepting of people, you prioritize the relationships that challenge you to be more tomorrow than you were yesterday. You’re not one for dating a lot of people at once, especially since you don’t understand exactly how it is that others share their energy with even just one person in the first place. You dislike flirtatious behavior, feeling that it is inauthentic, and want to be able to confess your love in a brutal way. When you like someone, you’re unrelenting and prefer to receive a good reason for anyone refusing your advances before you’re able to give up.

Taurus Venus, Pisces Mars: Martyr

Taurus Venus Pisces Mars

You’re completely ready to sacrifice your life and blood for those ideals that you hold dear. The only thing that stops you is the feeling that no one will care even if you give up everything you have to your ideals. You’re not just a person who no one can order around—you’re a person who is simply incapable of doing anything when you feel even the slightly hint that someone expects it from you. Somehow, your subconscious causes you to resist doing anything that may earn you any praise. You hate money but feel that your reality is defined by money and so you can try to solve problems by spending a lot of money. Sometimes, the impulse to give everything away to someone that you care about is more of a reflex aimed at self sabotage than anything that will earn you any respect with the other person. When you understand your own independence, you will likewise understand what makes you the most attractive in life.

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