Bts Natal Chart Analysis

Jan. 23, 2020, 9:21 p.m.

BTS natal chart analysis

Almost everyone in BTS has Mars in either Cancer (RM, Suga, Jin) or Scorpio (Jimin, Jungkook). Mars is in fall in Cancer and in its rulership in Scorpio. This means that everyone in BTS either has a Mars that keep pushing itself to the extreme or a Mars that tries its best to resist its own impulses. Only V and J-hope don’t have Mars in these essential dignities and both of them have a Mars that’s ruled by Saturn. In a similar way, a Saturn ruled Mars can be a person who feels that they have to struggle really hard to get anywhere.

The other notable pattern in the charts of the group, as a whole, is that everyone except for RM has a hard aspect between their sun or moon and their nodes. This means that nodal issues (issues of security and growth) are experienced through the ego and through performance. This is a group with very big sun (illumination, ego, ambition) energy.

There’s also a lot of mutable energy in this group, with the exception of J-Hope who is fixed sign heavy and V who is cardinal sign heavy. Having so much mutable stuff means that they’re always ready to try new things but might need a hand in containing all of their ideas into one project. J-Hope can help with solidifying goals while V can help with initiative. Everyone else is basically around to explore, get wild, and bring in unexpected elements to their projects.

RM/NAMJOON: the paranoid protector

RM Namjoon natal chart analysis

RM is the anomaly in BTS, since he is the only member whose north node doesn’t make an aspect to his sun or moon. What’s interesting about his chart is that, after looking at all of his essential dignities, everything in his chart deposits into the mutual reception between his moon in Sagittarius, Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter in Scorpio. Since Jupiter conjuncts his north node, it appears to be a pretty important planet for him. Having Jupiter, Mars, and the moon as depositor means that everything comes back to intuition, protecting intuition, and developing power for him.

Having a Virgo sun and Sagittarius moon means that RM was born on the last quarter moon phase, meaning that he is learning himself through experiencing collective crisis. This is a moon phase that always tries to criticize and talk about social issues. It’s also a moon phase that tries to deal with the self by dealing with external social issues or drama. The combination of Virgo, which is scrutinizing, and Sagittarius, which is didactic, means that RM is split between wanting to go the distance and wanting to make sure that everything is perfect while he does it.

Venus is debilitated in RM’s chart while Mars is in fall. That, coupled with his north node in Scorpio and his moon phase, can mean that his primary challenge is learning how to relate to other people without sacrificing the self. It can mean that he’s trying to figure out how to love others while still loving himself. Both RM’s Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer can make it hard for him to trust anyone outside of a group of confidants. He might constantly feel like others are attacking him or like he is fighting against a bad and tough world. Furthermore, his nodes can make him frustrated as people who he already trusts disappoints him before he’s ready to go out and meet people he doesn’t know yet. This is someone who is hurt easily, someone who may not speak out about why or how they feel hurt.

With RM’s Jupiter in Scorpio, education is what helps RM make his controlled environments bigger so that he does not trap himself by perceiving threats that are actually issues which can be dealt with easily. Since RM is the leader of the group, it is up to him to protect the group without closing them off completely to the world, making them feel like they’re lone fighters against a world that can offer them no support.

SUGA/YOONGI: the silent revolutionary authoritarian

Suga Yoongi natal chart analysis

Suga’s chart is really interesting. It’s very similar to J-hope’s because both of them have Mercuries that are 1) retrograde, 2) debilitated, and 3) cazimi. In other words, they both have Mercuries that actively seem to prohibit them from expressing themselves clearly. Moreover, Suga and J-hope also share the unique trait of having a sun that squares their nodal axis. A person with this aspect feels pushed to grow by their own ego needs.

Anyway, Suga’s final depositor is Saturn. People who deposit Saturn tend to be a bit intimidating to other people, restraining, and authoritative. With his Mercury in the condition that it’s in, Suga also seems to be a bit closed off to the rest of the world and quiet most of the time. Like RM, Suga has a debilitated Venus and Mars in its fall. This means that Suga might have a lot of problems with social stuff. When Venus and Mars are in poor condition, people often have the feeling that no one really gets them on a fundamental level. Both RM and Suga do seem to have a mentality of being lone wolves against the tide of the world.

Both Suga was a full moon birth, with a Virgo moon and Pisces sun. People with this placement have a huge amount of self awareness and ambition. The strong Saturn can make Suga a bit of a workaholic. Having such as strong Saturn can actually feel a bit threatening for the sun, meaning that Suga might feel a strong urge to prove himself through hard effort rather than choosing things that come easily to him. He might choose to commit to things that feel difficult rather than things that feel easy. With a critical moon in Virgo, this can end up in a lot of self criticism.

Suga seems to take on his communication issues (Mercury in poor condition) through his work (strong Saturn), literally making his career about talking. People with strong Saturn try to commit to things that feel hard for them naturally and to not get complacent when it feels like they’ve achieved something.

Like RM, Suga’s combination of Venus in detriment and Mars in fall can mean that he closes himself off to the world. However, Venus in Aries is far more antagonistic than Venus in Scorpio. While RM might refrain from trusting others, the question of trust doesn’t necessarily come up for Venus in Aries, who just see themselves as fundamentally different than other people. They often like to sit in their own world, not caring about a soul, and not knowing how to interact well with other people.

V/TAEHYUNG: the weird and dry one

V Taehyung natal chart analysis

The most notable thing about V’s chart is that almost all of his planets are ruled by malefics. When this is the case, which happens if someone has a lot of placements in Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, or Scorpio, the person can feel like they’re constantly working against themselves. This can mean that they self sabotage without knowing when or why or that they’re never quite satisfied with having conventional answers for anything. Having a lot of malefic ruled placements can also make a person feel dry and awkward rather than fluid and friendly.

V’s moon in Aries is exactly on his south node, to the degree. This means that he, like RM and Suga, appear to be learning and growing through social experiences. An Aries south node and moon person knows themselves very well and isn’t afraid to be different than others. V really doesn’t care how others perceive him and can act strangely because of it. What they have to learn is how to work with others. Like RM and Suga, V’s Aries stuff can mean that falling into the trap of thinking that he is too different than anyone else to find any solidarity in this world can trap him.

Like RM, V was born on a last quarter moon phase. Again, V is learning about himself through the group that he is in and translating social issues into issues of self.

V’s depositor, Jupiter, is at home in Sagittarius making his strongest planet. Jupiter in Sagittarius people are always ready to try something completely different than what they’re used to. V, being an idol, is experiencing a completely different lifestyle to the farmer’s lifestyle that he inherited. As a proper Jupiter person, he’s taking big strides to explore and remake his world.

JIMIN: a lone wolf looking for validation

Jimin natal chart analysis

Jimin is another person in BTS whose chart seems to be about moving from a position of knowing the self really well and trying to figure out what others are about. The difference is that Jimin has a Venus in its domicile, a Jupiter in its domicile, and both sun and moon in the air signs to help him.

The hardest thing for Gemini moons to struggle through is the lingering suspicion that other people don’t trust them as much as they trust other people. This makes it hard for them to trust themselves. This, along with a Scorpio Venus that’s constantly sussing out everyone around them, means that to reach his Libra north node goal is cooperating with those in solidarity, he has to decide on what inspires trust, what inspires self trust, how much he wants other people to prove themselves to him, and how much he wants to prove himself to other people.

Jimin’s depositor is his Mars in Scorpio, which is a strong Mars in its own rulership. His other depositor is Jupiter, which only deposits itself and Saturn. Jupiter and Mars together is all about personal power. However, Jimin’s Sun is also in Libra, which is the sign of its fall. Libra suns often feel more comfortable passing off power and less comfortable trying to achieve it directly. The crucial tension in Jimin’s chart is between needing to have time alone to develop his own power and needing other people to inform him about the affects. Jimin’s sun in Libra is also conjunct his north node, meaning that he is learning to grow into himself as a socially motivated being. Even if he, like the others, might feel like he’s a lone person against a crowd as a youth, he will learn to embrace being a part of society as he matures and fulfills his sun mission.

SEOKJIN/JIN: blessed face animal

Seokjin Jin natal chart analysis

Jin: According to the information available on astrotheme, Jin’s ascendant is conjunct the Aries Point. If you don’t know about the AP, planets or midpoints (points exactly between two objects) at a 0°, 180°, 90°, or 45° angle to the AP are expressed in a prominent way. Things conjunct the AP are big and fantastic and give the person a lot of confidence and ability to reach large publics. Since Jin’s ascendant or face is on the AP, he’s blessed with a striking face.

Like Jimin and Jungkook, Jin has his sun conjunct his north node. Jin is also learning to grow into himself. Jin’s sun is ruled or fed by a Jupiter in Libra. This means that Jin, like the rest of BTS, is also learning how to be more socially aware.

Like RM and Suga, Jin also has Mars in Cancer but Jin’s moon in Aries helps with this condition. Jin’s Mars and moon are in mutual reception, meaning his instincts and feelings reinforce one another. This combination of moon and Mars is a volatile one, one that seeks to express emotion always through action. It’s not a placement that allows a person to sit in their feelings and process. People with this placement want their feelings to lead them to decisions. They always trust their own instincts.

J-HOPE/HOSEOK: constipated striver

J-hope Hoseok natal chart analysis

J-hope’s primary issue is that his Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are all in cazimi condition, meaning that they are overpowered by his sun. This isn’t necessarily bad. It’s just means that these planets depend on his sun to develop and that awareness of relating, communicating, and authority can be hard. Out of all these planets, like Suga, J-hope’s Mercury in detriment and retrograde is the planet that struggles against itself the most.

J-hope’s moon phase is first quarter, meaning that he’s learning himself through individual crisis. First quarter moon people are supposed to focus on themselves and look within to do the hard growing.

The nodes, for Jimin, square his Sun in Aquarius and his south node falls on his natal moon in Taurus. Taurus south node and Scorpio north node people have issues with money, especially having issues around putting too much weight on what’s in a savings account and not being willing to invest in the self enough. People with this nodal axis can sometimes be too unwilling to step out of their comfort zone and cultivate talents they don’t already feel confident in, becoming trapped by the gifts they already have and are afraid to let go of. They especially hate it when people copy or emulate them, because they have a secret fear of not being able to develop new talents.

J-hope’s Aquarius sun, which is a sun in detriment, pushes him out of this mindset. Sun in Aquarius is focused on the needs of a group and feels like it has to work very hard to deserve visibility. By sensing what can better serve the people he’s working with, Jimin can push himself out of certain comfort zones and becomes forced to figure out how to embrace the unknown.

JUNGKOOK: social dreamer trying to be bad

Jungkook natal chart analysis

Last but not least, Jungkook is another Sun conjunct north node person who is learning to grow into himself. His north node is in Virgo, suggesting that he has issues around escapism and feeling like reality is somehow not worth living.

With a south node in the sign of Venus’ exaltation (Pisces) and a Venus and Mars in rulership, Jungkook has the ability to bring everyone else together. Having so many people with charts that frame themselves as people who are fighting the system in a lonely way can make for a lot of drama. Jungkook’s chart shows that this isn’t an issue he struggles with. His Venus and Mars placements, along with a moon in Leo that wants acceptance from others, seeks appreciation, validation, and to bring folks together. His exalted Mercury, also retrograde and cazimi, means that he works very hard to communicate and organize in a perfect and clear way. If anyone is able to play two games at once, it’s a person with such an emphasized and exalted Mercury.

Jungkook’s Saturn, however, is the planet that is in the worst condition in his chart. The issue with Saturn in Aries is that it tries to work against authority instead of with it. Again, this isn’t a bad placement by any means. It just means that Jungkook is anti authority. This isn’t bad but can come at the expense of understanding his own authority and ambition. Saturn in Aries can be a person but believes that systems are so corrupt by nature that they avoid their own responsibilities and what they can do and control. It’s a person who resists control by giving up control.

Jungkook, also as the youngest member, is someone who doesn’t want to dominate the group. This is basically the opposite as Suga, who has a strong sense of authority. Together, Jungkook might learn a lot about personal control from Suga or could develop some resentment towards Suga’s natural way of holding and maintaining expectations. This would help in his nodal journey towards learning to live in the real world with real commitments and responsibilities.

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