Gemini Venus, ____ Mars

March 23, 2020, 2:25 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Gemini. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Gemini Venus, Aries Mars: Alien

Gemini Venus Aries Mars

The last thing you want to be is bored. You’d rather be in trouble than bored. You’re almost never satisfied with seeing the same things over and over again and, thus, require a lot of visual, auditory, and sensory stimulation from places where you have never lived. You might identify strongly with people who seem at first to be completely alien to yourself primarily because you seek to escape yourself through the emulation of foreign role models. Take care to ensure that your interest in difference does not lead you toward either exoticism or making opinions of cultures that you have never inhabited. Often, you find it easier to emulate the aesthetic or quality of a culture before you understand it fully. Your talent comes from the ways in which you fill your emulations with an originality that comes from yourself and not from any of your sources.

Gemini Venus, Taurus Mars: Likable

Gemini Venus Taurus Mars

Your likability is both your strength and your weakness. On one hand, there is hardly a person in the world who does not feel good in your presence. You make other people comfortable because you’re quite happy sitting back and giving them the space they need to be themselves. Others find your quiet presence to be encouraging. On the other hand, you might feel a sense of frustration from being typecast into certain roles that you feel to betray your true sense of self. Since you seem to absorb the complexes of other people, they might hold unrealistic expectations around how they want to see your life play out since they seek some sort of catharsis from supporting your own initiatives rather than your own. Since you seem more accepting than what you actually need, others don’t see how their projections influence you. This can lead to apathy or even resentment within your relations with supporters in the long run.

Gemini Venus, Gemini Mars: Dangerously Charming

Gemini Venus Gemini Mars

If you wanted to, you could bring the world to its knees just by using your charm. You have almost no need to prove yourself in other ways because you’re able to turn even the more disturbing elements of your life story into a gimmick or a funny anecdote. You also know how to push your cutting sense of humor just far enough so that it does not alienate acquaintances away from you. However, when you truly despise someone, you understand exactly how to cut them down with a cruel joke and make even their friends laugh in a way that may hurt the person. This works well until you want the people in your life to take something that weighs on you a bit more seriously. So many have certain expectations when they come into your presence—they expect you to be funny, to make their day brighter, and to say a few cutting words about a mutual enemy—that you might feel quite alone in your most vulnerable moments.

Gemini Venus, Cancer Mars: Renovator

Gemini Venus Cancer Mars

You have the uncanny ability to take something that is very old and make it more interesting, whether that thing is a physical object, an ideology, a tradition, or a personality archetype. Even if you play a pseudo-traditional role in your life, you do not do so in a direct way but by adding your own personal flair into the role. Your innovations on traditions do not deprecate the quality of the thing but add to it so that it remains alive even when well rooted in history. You simply seek to define your own position and role within your living history without leaving the present—in other words, you recreate a sense of history so that it becomes contemporary and, sometimes, revolutionary. Your cultural remixing creates a sense of belonging for those who are able to relate to you but, sometimes, you may do so by creating a sense of alienation from broader society.

Gemini Venus, Leo Mars: Iconoclast

Gemini Venus Leo Mars

You seek to create beauty by following the same form over and over again. If your sense of aesthetic shows strongly in your wardrobe, then you might wear the same type of clothing over and over again so that those who think about you have some kind of image of you in their minds. In terms of artistry, you might be interested in creating the same form over and over again as if isolating a section of the world away from the whole will help you peer more deeply into reality. You do something over and over again until you know it well, whether this refers to your practiced expertise in terms of doing the same eyeliner shape again and again or if it refers to your affinity for dating the same type of person again and again. What you are seeking is deepness in terms of self knowledge and repetitive motions push you to examine gradual changes to your perspective gradually.

Gemini Venus, Virgo Mars: Butcher

Gemini Venus Virgo Mars

You are a perfectionist. The ways in which you might seek to improve yourself can almost seem self punishing to an outside observer. You are often critical of your own style, your own artistry, and of people you see yourself in. This makes you an incredible but also brutal teacher. People who admire you can feel afraid to engage with you in direct conversation lest you see right through their insecurities and read them in a way that they’re not mentally or emotionally prepared for. Those who are able to take your criticisms and allow you to shape them in some ways become stronger than they ever thought possible. You should take care to ensure that your efforts to improve something do not focus too much on another person in your life as you might feel more compelled to let yourself go when you give another person your everything. Because your version of love can also hurt, it can be difficult to receive the acceptance that you so desire.

Gemini Venus, Libra Mars: Listener

Gemini Venus Libra Mars

Even when you know exactly what to say, you also know how to hold your tongue. Your innate sense of diplomacy comes from your instincts around when to give and what to give. This skill gives you the ability to bring folks with completely antagonistic ideologies together into one space to work on the same project. Your challenge is that, by letting yourself serve as a perpetual mediator between spaces, you lose a sense of your own purpose. You let so many people whisper in your ear that you can no longer tell the devils from the angels. Since others see a sense of goodness in you, you can become a tool that a larger institution uses in order to gain trust. You can ensure that your integrity is not sacrificed to the mantle of your personality when you pick a side and stick to it even when you play devil’s advocate in order to develop and challenge the position.

Gemini Venus, Scorpio Mars: Mixed Signals

Gemini Venus Scorpio Mars

The way in which you seek to hold others to you contrasts abruptly with the lighthearted charm in which you attract people into your vicinity. People might refuse to see you in a sexual way and prefer that you remain for them typecast into distant roles. This is why people might feel surprised when they discover that you have a deep hunger for intimacy. Due to this difference in terms of how you read and what you want, you should take care to intentionally introduce dialogue around your needs and wants since others might not read your vulnerabilities right away. Often, the people you date or hook up with genuinely don’t know what you might want from them or how much commitment you’re ready for since you can give mixed signals. Start by seeing sex and other forms of intimacy as something that you craft into your life rather than something that simply seems to happen to you.

Gemini Venus, Sagittarius Mars: One Liner

Gemini Venus Sagittarius Mars

A mixture of sarcasm and irony make you very funny and your humor tends to focus itself upon one or two topics which you exploit over and over again. You like to generate loud laughs and big reactions—thus, you choose topics that appeal to most people. In terms of your interests, you may prefer to speculate on big topics such as geopolitical relations rather than discussing anything that is personal to yourself with sensitivity. As a result, people gravitate towards you before you expand their mind. However, they might doubt your sincerity since they’re not always aware of how your personal journey has brought you towards the perspective that you inhabit. When you debate others, you argue with reason and rhetoric rather than accounting for the emotional flows of the dialogue. Thus, you can win without winning someone over to your side of things.

Gemini Venus, Capricorn Mars: Strategic

Gemini Venus Capricorn Mars

You understand what other people want from you thoroughly and see relationship building as a series of decisions around whether you’re willing to play a role or indulge others. You’re quite willing to play along in a relationship when you care about someone and your capacity to do so expends a huge amount of energy. You’re okay with being someone else’s arm candy for a night. What you desire in return is to be intellectually stimulated so that it is obvious to anyone who sees you with a partner that the roles you play with one another are much more interesting than what initially meets the eye. When someone is able to take you within the social circles that you desire, whether those circles refer to an anarchist camp or a gated community, you stick by their side and prove yourself to be a diligent and loyal partner.

Gemini Venus, Aquarius Mars: Avant Garde

Gemini Venus Aquarius Mars

Your number one priority is to liberate yourself from all that society tells you to be. You might see yourself as quite distinct from the rest of the world and only are able to define your identity through feelings of alienation. You are an individualist and you want to inspire other people to break away from labels that may trap them. When anyone tries to engage you in confrontation, your tendency is the rise above the matter and appeal to higher reason. You do not like to admit when you are personally worked up about an issue and prefer to see yourself as a being who has developed past the need for personal feelings. This is why feelings can often surprise you in terms of their intensity. Understand that people feel your passion around the things that you care about before they sense your intellectual spirit. Since you cannot hide these feelings but do not like to ruminate in them, they can take forms that make your emotions seem to be out of your control.

Gemini Venus, Pisces Mars: Shapeshifter

Gemini Venus Pisces Mars

With just one change in expression or accent, you seem to have the ability to become a completely different person. You’re good at flirting. You know how to use your words to turn other people on, even when what they’re into doesn’t line up with what you’re into. In terms of your own desires, you seek to accept the world in its entirety. This broad acceptance includes corrupted as well as whole forms. It does not bother you as much as it should when someone treats you badly, even if the way you spin the narratives makes it seem as if you’re in resistance to bad behavior. Do not tease someone who aims to break you, thinking that you can charm your way out of intentional abuse. Do not blame yourself when you survive limiting circumstances by forcing irony and by deprecating your own sense of self.

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